Why Writing Your Own Book Should be Your #1 Priority Right now!



For many people, writing a book is NOT the number one priority in their life. It’s a big dream but not something that needs to be done right now. Oooh… that’s a big mismatch in alignment.

But that’s okay… because they have many other things going on already. They have bills to pay, things to do, grow their business or profession, advance their careers…. So many things are on their plate… it’s full… no place or time for anything else. I get it.

Now, think about it…. Underlying all things that are going on in your life right now, there’s one thing that’s super important…….. INFLUENCE…or the power of getting the attention.
Without attention and trust, or the ability to influence others into thinking your way, you can’t possibly do anything with people. If you want to sell more, you need to influence people to buy from you. If you want to lead people, you must get their attention first and exert a positive influence over them. If you want to advance your career, you definitely need trust with your peers and supervisors. Well… even at home, you must have an environment of positive influence and trust to succeed, right? Yelling and forcing doesn’t work.

You can see so many people working really hard and making all the right moves, still struggling to get to that next level. During the initial stages, it seems things are moving alright but sooner or later, it plateaus. Growth flatlines, energy flatlines, development flatlines. You can only be in one of the two states…. You are either growing or declining. There’s no such thing as “going steady”. If you want to get to the top of the summit, you continue to ascend to get there. Walking in place or even jogging in the same place won’t get you anywhere…. It will only get you exhausted.

So, you know that you must continue to reach greater heights. You must strive to lead better. And to do all that, you must develop the ability to positively influence other people, and get their attention and trust. Get them to understand your ideas, your perspectives, your insights so that they know what you stand for and your message to the world. Attract the right people and lead them properly as a responsible leader. Become your best self.
That’s why your number one priority right now, should be to write your own book… which consists of your message to the world… so that people can rally behind it and give you their attention and trust. When you push this book-project to the top of your priority list, you will see that all other areas of your life getting a boost.

Your own book gets you tons of confidence, courage, self-esteem and energizes all other priorities — makes them easier to achieve. When you have the hammer… driving nails is easier. When you have the right tools, work becomes fun.

If you’d like to become more influential in your field, make “writing a book” your topmost priority today. How to actually write it?…. Well… that’s MY job to teach you. I have advised, trained and coached thousands of first-time authors all over the world, in my role as the chief editor and publisher at Stardom Books, United States and India.

Right now, you have a choice. You can continue working hard and struggle handling many things on your “to-do” lists…. OR make influence your top priority so that all your tasks become insanely easier to do. If that’s you, then join us at www.raamanand.com … that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com and choose your path to write your own book… It’s easy, it’s doable, and let me teach you how.

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