Live Limitless: Time, GTD Method, Finding Meaning, and the Netflix Story!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Time, GTD Method, Finding Meaning, and the Netflix Story!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   MAY 13, 2023 


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Time is NOT Your Most Valuable Asset

Worse yet, your Time actually has ZERO value. To anyone.

If it did, you could just show up and pass out.

No, you’re paid for your presence…

And how present you are is a matter of how focused you are.

Focus is your most valuable asset.

2. The Power of Finding Meaning

In “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl, the author, a Holocaust survivor, shares his experiences in Nazi concentration camps. Frankl observed that those who could find purpose or meaning in their suffering were more likely to survive. He himself found purpose in the thought of reuniting with his wife and in his work as a psychiatrist.

The story teaches us the power of finding meaning in the face of adversity. Even in the most brutal circumstances, having a sense of purpose can provide the strength to endure.

3. The GTD Method

In the nonfiction book “Getting Things Done” by David Allen, a practical framework for managing tasks effectively is introduced, known as the GTD method. The GTD method is composed of five steps:

Capture: Collect what has your attention. Write, record, or gather all tasks and ideas that come to mind in a trusted system.

Clarify: Process what it means. Decide whether each item is actionable and, if so, the next action required.

Organize: Put it where it belongs. Categorize each item (e.g., to-do, reference, trash) and set reminders for when actions need to be done.

Reflect: Review frequently. Look over your lists regularly to determine what to do next and to keep your system updated and functional.

Engage: Simply do. Use your system to take action with confidence.

This GTD method provides a clear and effective way to manage workload, reduce stress, and increase productivity.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. Albert Einstein

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

This quote highlights the importance of nurturing curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. Einstein encourages us to keep questioning, keep learning, and to never let our curiosity wane, as it is the driving force behind innovation and understanding.

2. The Netflix Story

In the early 2000s, Netflix was primarily a DVD-by-mail service and faced significant competition from Blockbuster, a giant in the movie rental industry. In 2000, Netflix’s co-founder Reed Hastings approached Blockbuster with a proposal to sell Netflix for $50 million, but Blockbuster declined.

Instead of giving up, Netflix decided to innovate. They shifted their business model from DVD rentals to streaming services, capitalizing on the growing broadband internet usage. By continually innovating and adapting to changing consumer behavior, Netflix managed to grow its user base exponentially.

Today, Netflix is a multi-billion dollar company with over 200 million subscribers worldwide, while Blockbuster filed for bankruptcy in 2010.

This case study illustrates the importance of innovation and adaptability in business. Even when faced with giants, a company can thrive if it is willing to innovate and adapt to changing market conditions.


Fostering innovation and adaptability within your own sphere of influence is an ongoing process. It’s time to ask yourself:

“How can I apply those principles to stay ahead of potential changes in my industry or field?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Live Limitless: Boiler Room, Power of Now, One Thing, Shoe Dog and Santiago’s Journey!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Promises, A-B-C, Mindset, 4-Minute Mile and The Tipping Point!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   MAY 6, 2023 


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

  1. Act As If

In the movie “Boiler Room” (2000), the character Jim Young, played by Ben Affleck, delivers a powerful speech to a group of stockbrokers, offering them valuable sales advice. One of the key tips from his speech is “Act as if.”

“Act as if” means behaving as though you already possess the confidence, success, or qualities you want to convey to your clients. By projecting an image of success and expertise, you can instill trust in your prospects and make them more likely to do business with you.

This sales tip underscores the importance of confidence and self-assurance in sales. When you act as if you’re already successful and knowledgeable, you can create a positive impression on potential clients and increase your chances of closing deals.

  1. The Power of Now

In the nonfiction book “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle, the author introduces the idea of living fully in the present moment as a key to inner peace and personal growth. Tolle emphasizes that most people spend their lives either dwelling on past events or worrying about the future, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and unhappiness.

Tolle suggests that by focusing on the present moment and practicing mindfulness, individuals can free themselves from the constraints of their own minds and experience a deeper sense of peace, fulfillment, and connection to the world around them.

The central idea of “The Power of Now” teaches us to cultivate mindfulness and live in the present moment, allowing us to let go of negative thoughts, fears, and attachments that may be holding us back from achieving inner peace and personal growth.

  1. The ONE Thing

In the nonfiction book “The One Thing” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, the authors introduce a key formula known as the Focusing Question. The Focusing Question helps individuals identify the single most important task they need to focus on to achieve their goals.

The Focusing Question is: “What’s the ONE Thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

This question encourages individuals to prioritize their tasks and concentrate on the most critical action that can create a significant impact on their overall progress. By using this formula, individuals can eliminate distractions, improve productivity, and maintain a clear focus on what truly matters for their personal and professional success.

The Focusing Question from “The One Thing” teaches us the importance of prioritizing and concentrating on the most impactful tasks to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in our lives.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

  1. Shoe Dog

In the book “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight, the founder of Nike shares his journey of building the iconic company. Knight started by selling shoes out of the trunk of his car, facing numerous obstacles, including financial struggles and legal battles.

The story teaches us the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and believing in our vision, even when faced with challenges. Knight’s determination and passion for his dream eventually led to the creation of one of the world’s most successful and recognizable brands.

  1. Santiago’s Journey

In “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, the protagonist Santiago embarks on a journey to fulfill his personal legend, seeking a treasure near the Egyptian pyramids. Along the way, he learns important life lessons from a series of mentors, including an old king and an alchemist.

The story teaches us the importance of following our dreams, listening to our hearts, and embracing the opportunities life presents. Santiago’s journey illustrates that the real treasure lies not in material wealth, but in personal growth and self-discovery.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

Embrace life’s challenges, stay focused on your goals, and learn from experiences to cultivate perseverance, mindfulness, and self-discovery on your journey towards personal and professional success. So, it’s time to ask yourself:

“What steps can you take to overcome challenges and maintain focus in my own life journey?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Live Limitless: Promises, A-B-C, Mindset, 4-Minute Mile and The Tipping Point!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Promises, A-B-C, Mindset, 4-Minute Mile and The Tipping Point!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   APRIL 29, 2023 


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Don’t promise what you can’t deliver.

Avoid commitment debt. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Avoid expectation debt. Don’t set expectations you can’t fulfil.

Avoid skill debt. Don’t claim expertise you haven’t developed.

The disciplined achiever can be a trusted provider.

2. Always Be Closing

In the iconic movie “Glengarry Glen Ross” (1992), Alec Baldwin’s character, Blake, delivers a memorable speech to a group of struggling real estate salesmen. One of the key lessons from his speech is the sales tip “Always Be Closing” (ABC).

“Always Be Closing” emphasises the importance of focusing on the end goal of a sale during every interaction with a potential customer. It suggests that salespeople should consistently work towards closing deals by presenting persuasive arguments, addressing concerns, and ensuring the conversation remains on track to achieve the desired outcome.

This sales tip highlights the need for persistence, determination, and a clear focus on the ultimate goal in sales: closing deals and meeting targets.

3. Mindset

In Carol S. Dweck’s book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,” she introduces the concept of growth versus fixed mindsets. A fixed mindset believes abilities are static, while a growth mindset believes they can be developed through effort. Embracing a growth mindset leads to increased motivation, resilience, and personal growth.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. The 4-Minute Mile

In the 1950s, a young man named Roger was a talented middle-distance runner, but there was one barrier he couldn’t seem to break: the four-minute mile. At that time, it was widely believed that running a mile in under four minutes was physically impossible for a human. Despite the skepticism, Roger was determined to prove the doubters wrong.

Roger, a medical student at the time, applied his scientific knowledge to his training regimen. He developed a systematic approach, focusing on pacing, nutrition, and innovative training methods. He also enlisted the help of his coach and fellow runners, creating a team to support him in his quest to break the four-minute barrier.

On May 6, 1954, at the Iffley Road Track in Oxford, England, Roger Bannister made history by running a mile in 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds. His incredible achievement proved that the four-minute mile was not an insurmountable barrier, but rather a psychological one.

The most remarkable part of this story is what happened in the months and years following Bannister’s groundbreaking accomplishment. Once the four-minute barrier had been broken, other runners began to achieve the same feat, demonstrating the power of belief and the role of mindset in overcoming perceived limitations.

2. The Tipping Point

In the influential nonfiction book “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell, he shares the story of Hush Puppies, a shoe brand that became an iconic example of how trends can seemingly emerge out of nowhere and spread rapidly. Hush Puppies were originally introduced in the late 1950s and became popular in the 1960s. However, by the early 1990s, the brand was struggling, and sales were in decline.

Then, in 1994, something unexpected happened. A few fashionable individuals in New York City’s East Village started wearing Hush Puppies because they were unique and not in the mainstream. As more people caught on to the trend, it began to spread, and Hush Puppies suddenly became wildly popular. In just a short period, the brand went from near extinction to being a must-have fashion item.

Gladwell uses this story to illustrate the concept of the “tipping point,” the moment when a trend, behavior, or idea reaches a critical mass and spreads like wildfire. He identifies three key factors that contribute to the tipping point: the Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context.

The lesson from this story is that seemingly small actions can have a significant impact, and that understanding the factors that contribute to the tipping point can help us create change in our own lives and the world around us. By recognizing the power of influential individuals, the importance of memorable and engaging messages, and the role of context in shaping behavior, we can better understand and leverage the forces that drive social change.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

Roger Bannister’s story serves as a powerful reminder that we are often our own greatest obstacle. So, it’s time to ask yourself:

“How can I challenge my self-imposed limitations and believe in my ability to succeed so that I can unlock my true potential and achieve greatness?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Live Limitless: Changing, Negotiation Key, Beating Overwhelm, Mark Cuban and Transformative Power!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Changing, Negotiation Key, Beating Overwhelm, Mark Cuban and Transformative Power!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   APRIL 22, 2023 


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

  1. Is Change Really Hard?

The belief that change is difficult is nothing more than a myth. In reality, change is a natural and effortless process that occurs within us constantly. Our brains are programmed to adapt our behavior according to the environment we find ourselves in.

Rather than focusing on the difficulty of change, it’s far more productive to focus on creating an environment that supports the change you desire. When your surroundings and circumstances are designed to encourage your desired behavior, change will occur naturally and with ease.

So if you’re struggling to make a change in your life, stop beating yourself up about it. Instead, look at the environment around you and consider what changes you can make to support your goals. By doing so, you’ll find that change happens naturally, effortlessly, and with much greater success.

  1. Negotiation – The Key!

When it comes to negotiation, having leverage is key. And leverage can come in many forms.

For starters, the person who can create more value in the negotiation has the upper hand. This might be through their unique skills or resources, or their ability to provide a valuable solution to a problem.

Additionally, the person who has the ability to walk away from the negotiation has significant leverage. When you’re not desperate for the deal, you’re in a much better position to negotiate favorable terms.

Being irreplaceable is also a source of leverage in negotiation. If the other party knows they can’t easily replace you, they’ll be more motivated to give you what you want.

Another important factor is having a second option. When you have a viable alternative to the deal on the table, you have more power to negotiate from a position of strength.

But perhaps the most powerful form of leverage is simply being someone that people like and want to work with. When you have a positive relationship with the other party, they’ll be more likely to give you what you want.

  1. Beating Information Overload

In a world where information is constantly at our fingertips, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and lost in the sea of data. The true advantage lies not in having access to information, but in knowing how to sift through it all and find the valuable insights.

With so much information available, it’s important to develop a discerning eye for what truly matters. This means understanding your goals and priorities, and focusing your attention on the data that can help you achieve them.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

  1. Mark Cuban

“Always look for the fool in the deal. If you don’t find one, it’s you.”

This quote from Mark Cuban, may seem a bit cynical at first glance, but there’s actually some valuable wisdom to be gleaned from it.

Essentially, what Cuban is saying is that in any business deal or negotiation, there’s always someone who’s going to come out on top and someone who’s going to come out on the bottom. If you can’t identify who the “fool” in the deal is, then it’s likely that you’re the one who’s going to end up getting taken advantage of.

Now, this doesn’t mean that every business deal is a zero-sum game where there has to be a winner and a loser. But it does mean that it’s important to approach negotiations with a healthy dose of skepticism and a willingness to ask tough questions. By doing so, you can avoid getting taken for a ride and ensure that you’re making the best possible decisions for your business.

So the next time you’re entering into a business deal or negotiation, take a moment to consider where the potential pitfalls might lie. Look for the “fool” in the deal, and if you can’t find one, make sure that it’s not you.

  1. Transformative Power

In the classic nonfiction book “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor E. Frankl, the author shares his harrowing experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II. Frankl, a psychiatrist and neurologist, endured unimaginable suffering and loss, including the death of his wife, parents, and brother.

Despite the horrific conditions and constant threat of death, Frankl observed that some prisoners were able to maintain a sense of hope and purpose. He discovered that those who found meaning in their suffering, even in the face of such adversity, were more likely to survive. This realization led Frankl to develop the concept of logotherapy, a form of psychotherapy centered on the belief that the search for meaning is the primary motivation in human life.

The lesson from this story is the transformative power of finding meaning and purpose in our lives, even during the darkest times. By focusing on what truly matters and understanding that we have the ability to choose our response to any given situation, we can cultivate resilience and develop a deeper sense of fulfillment.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

By embracing the challenges we face and finding purpose in our actions, we can not only overcome obstacles but also thrive in the face of adversity. So, it’s time to ask yourself:

“How can you find meaning and purpose in your own life, especially during challenging times, to cultivate resilience and a deeper sense of fulfilment?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Live Limitless: Listening, Yet Power, 3 Rules, and Genius ≠ Success!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Listening, Yet Power, 3 Rules, and Genius ≠ Success!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   APRIL 15, 2023 


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Active Listening

Embrace the art of active listening in every conversation. Give your full attention to the speaker, pause before responding, and ask thoughtful questions to ensure you understand their perspective. This practice builds stronger connections and fosters empathy.

2. Yet, yay!

Embrace the power of ‘yet’ in your mindset. Replace ‘I can’t’ with ‘I can’t… yet.’ This subtle shift cultivates resilience and growth.

3. Three Rules

Success in life is often a cumulative result of small, consistent actions. Building positive habits, cultivating meaningful relationships, and taking time for self-reflection can compound into a fulfilling life experience.

Invest in yourself and others, nurturing connections, and fostering personal growth. The rewards from these daily investments will ripple through your life, leading to opportunities and achievements you may have never thought possible.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. If you are struggling…

In the early 20th century, a young man named Richard was an aspiring cartoonist with a passion for drawing. He would spend hours practicing his craft and dreaming of making a name for himself in the world of art. Despite his dedication, Richard faced numerous rejections from publishers and even lost his job at a small newspaper.

One day, after yet another rejection, Richard decided to take a different approach. He began incorporating his love for animals and nature into his drawings. Inspired by the creatures he saw around him, Richard created a whimsical world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals with unique personalities.

Richard eventually showed his creations to a publisher who was captivated by the concept. The publisher decided to give the young cartoonist a chance, and Richard’s comic strip was launched in newspapers across the country. It became an instant hit, and Richard’s characters soon won the hearts of millions of readers.

The cartoonist’s name was Walt Disney, and his comic strip was the beginning of what would become the Disney empire. Walt Disney’s perseverance and willingness to adapt to a new approach taught him valuable lessons about creativity, innovation, and the importance of believing in oneself.

This story serves as a powerful reminder that sometimes, our greatest accomplishments arise from the ashes of our failures. When faced with rejection or obstacles, remember to stay persistent, learn from the experience, and always be open to new ideas and approaches. Who knows – your breakthrough could be just around the corner.

2. Genius ≠ Success.

In the bestselling nonfiction book “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell, he tells the story of Chris Langan, a man with an exceptionally high IQ. Chris was born into a low-income family and faced numerous challenges throughout his life, including an unstable home environment and a lack of financial resources for education.

Despite his incredible intellect, Chris struggled to find success in life. He worked various manual labor jobs, such as a bouncer at a bar, while attempting to pursue higher education. However, he was never able to complete his degree due to a series of unfortunate events and administrative issues.

Gladwell contrasts Chris’s story with that of Robert Oppenheimer, a brilliant physicist who played a significant role in the development of the atomic bomb. Despite having a similar level of intelligence to Chris, Oppenheimer was born into a wealthy family and had access to resources and opportunities that allowed him to excel.

The lesson from this story lies in the importance of not only innate talent and intelligence but also the influence of external factors and opportunities. Gladwell introduces the concept of the “10,000-Hour Rule,” which states that it takes approximately 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in a particular field. However, without the necessary resources, support, and opportunities, even the most talented individuals may struggle to reach their full potential.

This story teaches us to recognize the impact of our environment and circumstances on success and highlights the importance of providing equal opportunities and support for everyone, regardless of their background or innate abilities.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

There are always new ways of doing things. Here’s one question to ask yourself to find out:

“How can I incorporate the concept of ‘yet’ into my daily mindset to foster resilience and personal growth?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Live Limitless: Making Bed, Good Breaks, Done List, Serena & Nooyi Stories!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Making Bed, Good Breaks, Done List, Serena & Nooyi Stories!



3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

  1. Making Bed.

“Make your bed every morning. It sets the tone for the rest of your day.” Research shows that making your bed can increase productivity and create a sense of accomplishment, which can positively impact your mood and motivation throughout the day.

  1. Good Breaks.

“Take a 10-minute break outside in nature. It can lower stress hormones, boost mood, and improve cognitive function.” Spending time in nature has been shown to have numerous mental and physical health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and boosting creativity.

  1. Done List.

“Create a ‘done list’ at the end of each day. Write down everything you accomplished, no matter how small.” Focusing on what you accomplished rather than what you didn’t can help shift your mindset towards a more positive and productive outlook. It can also serve as a reminder of your progress and accomplishments over time.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

  1. Serena Setbacks.

Serena Williams, the American tennis player is widely regarded as one of the greatest tennis players of all time, with 23 Grand Slam titles to her name. However, she has also faced setbacks and challenges along the way.

In the 2018 US Open final, Williams was penalized for code violations, leading to a heated exchange with the umpire and ultimately, her loss to Naomi Osaka. Despite the disappointment and controversy surrounding the match, Williams demonstrated remarkable sportsmanship by congratulating Osaka on her win and urging the crowd to stop booing.

Williams’ response to the situation highlights the importance of resilience, grace under pressure, and sportsmanship in the face of adversity. It also serves as a reminder that success is not just about winning, but also about character and integrity. The case study can be used to teach personal development by encouraging individuals to develop these qualities and to focus on personal growth and development, rather than just external achievements.

  1. Nooyi’s Leadership.

One real-life story related to leadership is that of Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo. During her tenure, Nooyi made a number of significant changes to the company, including shifting towards healthier products and emphasizing sustainability. She also prioritized diversity and inclusion, implementing a number of initiatives to promote gender and racial equity within the company.

One example of Nooyi’s leadership came in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. Rather than laying off employees or cutting benefits, Nooyi implemented a “Performance with Purpose” program aimed at reducing costs while maintaining the company’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. The program included measures such as reducing water usage and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as increasing investments in healthy product options.

Nooyi’s leadership style has been praised for its emphasis on social responsibility and long-term sustainability, as well as its commitment to diversity and inclusion. Her example highlights the importance of using leadership to drive positive change and to prioritize values and principles that align with broader societal goals.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

Embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning, and use them as fuel to come back stronger.

“What are some effective strategies I use to turn setbacks into opportunities for growth and learning in my personal or professional life?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Live Limitless: M.E.D., Identity Habits, Value Innovation, Virtual Weddings and Acceptance!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: M.E.D., Identity Habits, Value Innovation, Virtual Weddings and Acceptance!



3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Minimum Effective Dose

Tim Ferris, the author of “The 4-Hour Body” teaches that many people waste time and effort on workouts and exercises that don’t yield significant results. Instead, he recommends focusing on the minimum effective dose of exercise or dietary change required to see a noticeable difference. This means cutting out any unnecessary steps and simplifying your routine to focus on what works best for you. By doing this, you can maximize your time and effort while still achieving significant results in your fitness and health goals.

2. Identity Based Habits

From the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, a useful lesson is to focus on identity-based habits rather than outcome-based habits. Clear argues that we often fail to stick to our habits because we are too focused on the outcome rather than the identity we want to cultivate. For example, instead of setting a goal to lose 10 pounds, focus on becoming the type of person who prioritizes health and fitness. This shift in focus can make a big difference in the long run because we are more likely to stick to habits that align with our identity.

To implement this strategy, start by asking yourself who you want to become and what kind of identity you want to cultivate. Then, identify the habits that align with that identity and start small by implementing them into your daily routine. As you begin to embody this new identity, you’ll find that sticking to these habits becomes easier and more natural over time.

3. Value Innovation

One useful lesson from the book “Blue Ocean Strategy” is the concept of “value innovation,” which involves creating a product or service that is simultaneously differentiated from the competition and offers a compelling value proposition to customers. The authors argue that companies should focus on creating new demand in untapped markets rather than competing for existing demand in crowded markets. By doing so, businesses can avoid the cut-throat competition of red oceans and instead create blue oceans of uncontested market space. This lesson can be applied not only to businesses, but also to individuals looking to create their own unique personal brand or career path. By focusing on creating value and offering something truly unique, individuals can carve out their own niche and stand out from the crowd.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. Virtual Wedding!?

In 2021, a Japanese company named Watabe Wedding created a new service called “My Virtual Wedding,” which allowed couples to hold their wedding ceremony entirely in virtual reality. The package included customizable avatars, a virtual chapel, and even a virtual reception with guests who could attend from anywhere in the world. While this may seem like a gimmick or a novelty, it raises interesting questions about the future of technology and human connection.

2. Acceptance

In her 2013 interview with Access Hollywood, Oprah Winfrey talked about her experience with weight loss and body image. She shared that, for years, she had tried to lose weight by following fad diets and trying different exercise routines, but nothing seemed to work. Eventually, she realized that her weight was not just about what she ate or how much she exercised – it was also about how she felt about herself.

Oprah realized that she needed to work on her self-esteem and self-worth before she could make any lasting changes to her physical health. She started focusing on self-care and self-love, and eventually lost over 40 pounds in a healthy and sustainable way.

This experience taught Oprah the importance of loving and accepting yourself for who you are, and not just focusing on external appearances. It’s a lesson that has stayed with her and has had a profound impact on her life.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

When J.K. Rowling was going through a difficult time in her life, she used that experience to fuel her creativity and write the first Harry Potter book. This taught the lesson that sometimes our struggles can be used to create something beautiful and impactful.

“Have I ever turned a difficult experience into something positive? How did it impact my life?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Live Limitless: Strategy, LEGO Effect, Why Social Proof works and Sticking with Something!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Strategy, LEGO Effect, Why Social Proof works and Sticking with Something!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   MARCH 25, 2023 


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Strategy in One Line

Need, Mira and Canva’s strategy is “make stuff people search for”. It’s clever because it simultaneously validates demand (people are searching) and distribution (you reach them via organic search).

2. LEGO Effect

You start with a bunch of LEGO blocks. The package says “build anything with LEGO.” You then go ahead and build a car or a castle or tiny little toy for your kid. Now, you say “Look what I built with LEGO.” Now, it’s your creation. You own it. You are proud about it. You want to show it off. The lesson is, make something that other people can use and own the results.

3. Social Proof

Social proof adds instant credibility to the value you are promising. Take Privy for example. Any startup can write “How small brands sell more online”. But it’s their “18,000+ reviews that make you believe it.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. Identifying Opportunities

How do you know for sure… when to pounce and grab what’s in front of you with both hands, and pursue it with all your might, and when to pass?

Alas…I know from experience that you never really know for sure. So what do you do?

The best way I’ve found is to try it! 

2. Sticking With Something

There was a man named Harland who couldn’t really hold down a job. He went from a steam engine stoker to an insurance salesman to a filling station operator… and so on. Nothing could really get him going.

Until he started to sell fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in North Corbin, Kentucky. And today, you probably know this man by the name of Colonel Sanders. Sure, there were more trials and tribulations in between, but ultimately he succeeded… because he found something he wanted to stick with.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

Life is full of opportunities. You can find them everywhere, if you are open to looking for them. 

“What are some great opportunities I have right now that can propel me for the next 10 years?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Live Limitless: Habit Stacking, Growth Mindset, Simone Biles & The Grit Scale!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Habit Stacking, Growth Mindset, Simone Biles & The Grit Scale!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   MARCH 18, 2023 


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

  1. Habit Stacking

Habit stacking involves taking advantage of the habit loops that are already established in your brain and adding a new habit to an existing one, making it easier to form new habits. For example, if you always make a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, you can “stack” a new habit of doing a few minutes of stretching or exercise immediately after you pour your coffee. By linking the new habit to an existing one, you’re more likely to stick with it and make it a regular part of your routine.

Source: Atomic Habits, James Clear.

  1. Foot-in-the-Door

This technique is a persuasion strategy that involves getting someone to agree to a small request first, and then gradually building up to larger requests. This works on the principle of consistency, where people are more likely to comply with a bigger request if they have already agreed to a smaller one. For example, if you are trying to get someone to buy your product, you can start by asking them to sign up for a free trial or to subscribe to your newsletter. Once they have done this, you can gradually introduce them to more expensive products or services.

  1. Growth Mindset

Developing a growth mindset is a powerful personal development strategy. To do this, start by recognizing that your abilities, intelligence, and talents are not fixed traits. Instead, they can be developed and improved over time through hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn. Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Remember that failure is not a permanent setback, but rather a chance to learn and improve for next time. With a growth mindset, you can achieve your goals and reach your full potential.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

  1. Simone Biles

All eyes were on Simone Biles, the American gymnast, during the Tokyo Olympics in 2021. Despite being one of the most successful gymnasts of all time, Biles withdrew from several events citing mental health concerns and the “twisties,” a phenomenon where gymnasts experience a loss of air awareness during their routine. Biles’ decision sparked a conversation around the importance of mental health and self-care, especially in high-pressure situations. Her decision to prioritize her well-being over her performance also serves as a powerful reminder that success is not just about achieving goals, but also about taking care of oneself along the way. The case study can be used to teach personal development by highlighting the importance of self-awareness, self-care, and the courage to prioritize one’s well-being.

  1. Grit Scale

Angela Duckworth, a psychologist and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, created the “Grit Scale” to measure a person’s level of grit or perseverance. In one study, she found that students who scored high on the Grit Scale were more likely to graduate from high school and be successful in college than those who scored low. The study showed that talent alone was not enough to guarantee success, but that perseverance and resilience were essential qualities for achieving long-term goals.

Lesson: Developing grit and perseverance can be more important than natural talent in achieving success. Instead of focusing solely on innate abilities, it’s important to cultivate a growth mindset and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. With consistent effort and perseverance, one can develop the skills and resilience needed to achieve long-term goals.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

Adversity is a part of life. One way to handle it is by staying resilient and focusing on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

What are some effective strategies I can use to handle adversity in my personal or professional life?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Live Limitless: Storytelling, ChatGPT, Tiredness cure and Lead-gen from a book!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Storytelling, ChatGPT, Tiredness cure and Lead-gen from a book!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   MARCH 11, 2023 


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Storytelling

One effective strategy in storytelling is to create a strong emotional connection with your audience. To do this, try to evoke emotions that are universal and relatable, such as joy, fear, sadness, or hope. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture in your audience’s mind, and don’t be afraid to inject a bit of humor or personality into your story. Additionally, be authentic and vulnerable in your storytelling, sharing your own personal experiences and struggles. This will help your audience to connect with you on a deeper level and be more invested in your message.

2. Using ChatGPT

Here are three ways to use ChatGPT more effectively:-

  1. Ask specific and concise questions: ChatGPT works best when you ask specific and concise questions. Avoid asking broad or vague questions that can lead to irrelevant or unclear answers.
  2. Use keywords: To help ChatGPT better understand what you are looking for, use specific keywords related to your question or topic. This will help ChatGPT to provide more accurate and relevant answers.
  3. Follow up with clarifying questions: If you are unsure about the answer or want more details, don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions to clarify any confusion. This will help ChatGPT to provide a more accurate and helpful response.

3. Tiredness cure

These three things are found to be extremely effective against the feeling of tiredness:-

  1. A brief nap (15-30 mins.)
  2. A glass of cold water
  3. A 10-15 min. Brisk walk!


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. Skunkworks

A skunkworks is a term used to describe a group or team within an organization that is given a high degree of autonomy and freedom to work on a project or idea in secrecy, without the bureaucratic constraints of the larger organization. Skunkworks teams are often created to work on innovative or experimental projects that require a high degree of creativity, risk-taking, and flexibility.

The term “skunkworks” was first used by Lockheed Martin during World War II to describe a small group of engineers who were given the task of developing a new fighter jet in a short amount of time. The team worked in a small, isolated building in Burbank, California, and the smell of the manufacturing process led to the name “skunkworks.”

Today, the term skunkworks is used more broadly to describe any group or team within an organization that operates outside of the normal hierarchy or structure, often with a high level of autonomy and a focus on innovation and experimentation. Skunkworks teams are often used by companies to develop new products or technologies that may be too risky or disruptive to pursue within the main organization.

2. Lead-Gen from a Book! 

Using a book as an effective lead generation tool can be a powerful way to attract potential customers to your business. By offering a book on a topic related to your business, you can showcase your expertise and provide value to your target audience. You can use the book as a lead magnet, offering it as a free download in exchange for an email address or other contact information. 

Alternatively, you can offer a physical copy of the book in exchange for attending a webinar or scheduling a consultation with your business. By providing valuable content through the book, you can establish trust with your leads and increase the chances of converting them into paying customers. Additionally, you can use the book as a way to build your authority and reputation within your industry, leading to even more leads and opportunities in the future.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

Mistakes and failures are not bad. They happen all the time. They help us improve, refine, and think out of the box.

“What are my top 5 mistakes that I can learn from?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now