Why A Lot of “Experts” Go Broke And How To Reverse It


I am sure you have met so many good people in the world with a lot of expertise. Unfortunately, most of them aren’t making the money they want or have the freedom they deserve – and worse, they aren’t making the kind of impact they could.

I’m thinking of one of my friends in particular. Every time I talk to him it boggles my mind – He’s a world-class expert, he’s connected to celebrities, he is so amazing as a person, and yet, this guy can’t make money or influence people positively. He keeps himself broke.

The worst part about this is that I can’t even help him because despite my best efforts to give him books to read, ideas to implement, and even trying to send him business, he just can’t bring himself to love or appreciate the power of positive influence and persuasion.

I feel for him because he’s a really good guy and he is, in my opinion, one of the most knowledgeable people in the world when it comes to his topic — but he can’t get out of his way and become a thought-leader.

There’s nothing “wrong” with being an expert, but it’s super sad to watch experts fail. When you have expertise, you can make such a difference in the world and have a huge impact…but unless you are going to rely on luck, you have to appreciate, respect, and love the vehicle that makes that difference and impact possible – Getting Attention!

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times – There’s no relationship between being good and getting paid! It doesn’t matter how good your product, service, or expertise is until somebody has bought it. And let me ask you, what precedes something being bought?

Yes! Attention and trust! You have to get the attention of your prospect and build trust.

There are a TON of really good people running around with expertise who are broke and never get paid. The reason they never get paid has nothing to do with whether their expertise, product, or service is any good… just that they are not well-known.

Listen… If you’re “good” and you create value, you’ve got to position yourself, your product, your service, or your expertise in a way that attracts the right people and connect with them at deeper levels. If you don’t, not only will people never do business with you but you won’t be able to serve them either — and you will never have the kind of freedom you want.

Here are 3 simple questions to get you started so you can make more money and a positive impact with your expertise:

1. What is the ONE thing you appreciate or love about influence?

2. What’s your VISION for your expertise, product, or service?

3. What ONE strategy, technique or idea are you going to utilize to make that vision real, and by when?

Make a commitment NOW to start using the power of INFLUENCE to become well-known and make more money, have more freedom, and make the impact we all know you can make. Today really can be the last day of the way you used to be.

And one of the best ways to do that is to write your own book.

Yes… your own book and let me teach you how at www.raamanand.com… and choose your path to success.

Are You AFRAID of Writing a Bad Book?



Many people have some level of hesitation to write a book.

That’s okay because it’s a new environment that’s not familiar. Especially non-writers, like… people who are not professional writers, tend to have this kind of hesitation. This is very similar to public speaking, for example. If someone is terrified of public speaking, it doesn’t mean they don’t know how to speak. They just don’t know how to speak in front of an audience, that’s all. Hesitation to write a book is also similar.

If all experts believed and nurtured such hesitation, the knowledge in this world…. won’t propagate effectively, will it?

What if all experts in the world develop hesitation and stop communicating? That’s not going to happen, right?

Actually, the focus should not be on hesitation. It should be on insights or wisdom or perspective… that you have gained over time. Most people’s hesitation about writing their own book comes from fear. Fear of judgment, fear of the process, fear of failing. It’s not they have nothing to share. In fact, everybody on this planet has SOMETHING to share with the world. Every soul has a different perspective, unique insights, and their own experiences of life, that they have gained over their lifetime, so far, isn’t it?

Decades ago, when I was still trying to establish my presence… in the school of hard-knocks, you know… after failing many times, feeling frustrated, when I was ready to give-up, I learned an important lesson in sales.

Listen to this… it’s crucial… If you have a great product or a service or domain knowledge or even good experience…. that you know can help other people…. It would be a DIS-SERVICE to society if you don’t tell people about it. Let me say it again… if you don’t tell people about you, your product, service, or information that could potentially benefit other people….., then you are guilty of not serving the society. Period.

This lesson struck me like a lightning bolt because I always thought talking about me, myself, or my stories and writing a book about my expertise was bragging…. No. It’s not bragging… it’s called branding…. Personal branding. It’s a way to connect with people at more deeper levels. It’s a way to reach more people in a big way. It’s a way to being of service to the society because when you share your understanding, your insights, your perspectives in your book, you are bringing a lot of hope and help to other people.

And listen… writing a book is NOT about sharing just information. If people want information, they will google it. It’s easy. Google has done a phenomenal job at putting together all the information at the tip of your fingers. If people want perspectives, if they want wisdom, if they want real help…., they will have to go to EXPERTS and LEADERS, like you.

Now, you will agree that writing a book is not about blowing your own trumpet but helping people who need your support. So, the hesitation is no longer relevant because you are not being asked to write your biography… you are asked to teach what you already know. This is something you are already familiar with, right? If I ask you 10 questions about your topic or expertise, I am sure you will be able to answer most of them. A book is an extension of those answers. An extension of your training. An extension of your leadership. That’s all.

So, if you want to be a beacon of hope and help to other people.. if you’d like to lead others effectively… and at the same time, if you want to reap all the benefits of becoming a published author… join me and thousands of other first-time authors at www.raamanand.com. Together, let’s find your message to the world, fine tune it with our publishing advisors, and then let’s go ahead and create your own breakthrough book… all from scratch…. EVEN if you have never done it before. Let’s make you famous and well-known in your industry or even in your family, as the one who wrote that book. It’s an epic experience. You will love it.

Get over to raamanand.com. That’s your next step. R-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d.com and choose your path to success. I will be waiting for you over there.

Your Website, Brochure, or Proposal is the WORST Business Tool to Have



Your website, brochure or proposal is the WORST business tool for you. If you want more paying customers, you must become more influential with your prospects.

The business material that you may be using now, like business cards, websites and proposals, are very valuable to YOU.. and the business “gurus” have been preaching you to use them all these years.

But unfortunately, what you consider as sacred are worthless to your prospects until they know you, like you, and trust you. Look at the most successful and sought-after experts in your field. They don’t dole out their business cards to everyone they meet. Do they? That’s because the top leaders know that business cards, brochures and proposals, unless specifically asked for, land up in the garbage bin. That’s why they don’t give such things to everyone they come across.

So what do they do instead? They create influence. As an entrepreneur, you already know this. They find and send their message to the world in a way that reinforces their identity. The top movers and shakers in the industry ATTRACT their prospects, not chase them. They shift peoples perspective with their insights and share things that their prospects have never heard before. They take a stand. That’s why they stand apart from others so that they gain credibility, reputation, and trust from their prospects.

Think of Sir Richard Branson, entrepreneur and author of several books. Bill Gates, Arianna Huffington, Indra Nooyi, Narayana Murthy… all entrepreneurs as well as authors. There are hundreds of examples.

And, listen now… here comes the most critical part… You can continue to do what you are doing right now… like distributing your business cards, brochures, and proposals and even sending endless emails to unknown prospects… OR you can become a thought-leader in your space and start attracting the right people to your business, profession, or whatever you are doing right now.

How?…. By writing your own book. Yes.. it’s simple and one of the most effective ways to build personal branding, increase influence, and gain tons of reputation. You already have the expertise.. you also have your experience… you just need a way or a system to turn what you already know into a simple, effective, non-fiction business book. That’s all you need to do.

If becoming even more influential and connecting with people at more deeper levels is one of your goals… if you are in a leadership role… if you want to rise to that next level in your business or profession… I invite you to join us at raamanand.com that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com and let’s take it forward from there. See ya soon.

You DON’T Need a LOT of Time to Write Your Own Book



“I don’t have time to write a book”… is one of the most common excuses people give when they are asked why they haven’t written a book yet. Well… it takes time to write a book or make a sandwich, if you will… IF you don’t know how to do it, right?

It’s perfectly alright to think it takes a lot of time to write a book. Because that’s what most people have told you all these days.

What’s your favourite snack?…

Imagine you don’t know how to make it and you don’t have a recipe either. But you desperately want it…. So, how will you make it? Perhaps, you will start by guessing the ingredients, based on your earlier experiences, and try with a process that you think that MAY BE similar to the actual recipe. I mean… you can continue to use your power of imagination and see that this approach, most likely, becomes a mess.

Now, imagine you get a recipe for your dish, neatly written down with all the ingredients, quantities, and quality. You also get a video with a full demonstration of the recipe by a renowned Chef. Plus… you get the opportunity to actually coordinate with the expert Chef who guides you, hand holds you, and supports you at every step of the process. Would the results be much better than before? You bet. I mean.. the notion of “I don’t have time” completely disappears because you can now enjoy the process as well as relish the results of your effort.

That’s exactly how writing your book feels. Until you have complete clarity and get full support from a publishing coach, your mind tricks you into believing that it takes a lot of time because you don’t have the recipe or the knowledge on how to accomplish this dream.

So, it looks for the easy shortcut, “I don’t have time” to bail you out of a decision making process.

If you are an aspiring thought leader, if you want to become even more influential, if you want to rise to that next level in your life and career, business or profession…. You already know that you must do things that 99% of the people in your industry do not do. That’s what gives you your value distinction.

Your unique edge. If this describes your character, I invite you to join me and thousands of other aspiring authors from around the world… to create your own book. It’s simple, effective, and the kind of attention and trust you get from becoming an author can be turned into almost anything you want… like authority, influence, sales, marketing, branding and many other benefits.

Go to www.raamanand.com that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com or click the link below this video or in the description and let’s do this adventure, together. See ya soon.

An Expert’s SECRET to Becoming a Bestselling Author.



In 2017, I was looking for a speaker to go to India with me. I was willing to pay the fees, first-class return air-tickets as well as take care of all the expenses during the tour in India. I was looking for a star-speaker.

I finally signed up Sharon Lechter, co-author of Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books.
It’s one of the most famous books in the world… and one of my all-time favourite books as well.

But you probably don’t know the real story of why it’s sold millions of copies – and more importantly, how you can use the exact same strategy to skyrocket your own career, business, or practice.

Everyone’s heard of it now, but back in 2000 that wasn’t the case. The author was just some obscure personal finance dude trying to stand out in a sea of other “gurus” in the market.

Then something amazing happened. He got featured on Oprah.. one of the largest audiences at that time. Oprah Winfrey interviewed Robert Kiyosaki for about 30 minutes and he sold 5 million dollars worth of book in the time it takes to snap your fingers.

How do I know?

Well.. he wrote about it several years later.

You may be saying… “Aw Raam.. that’s so good for him… to be interviewed by Oprah.”. I agree… but that’s not the point of this story.

Instead, I want you to think about WHY she got him on the show in the first place. Because the answer contains a massive influence creation shortcut for YOU.

Did Robert have a bigger audience than Oprah? No

Did her audience already know who he was? No

Was Robert famous as a bestselling author yet? No

Did he pay her to interview him? Definitely No.

So why in the world did she showcase him and his book to her huge audience, then?

Because……. He had the ONE thing she needed.. which is… expertise and insights in a topic her audience was interested in.

Millions of people who watch Oprah wanted to know how to manage their finances better. So she was looking for someone who could share some insights with them. And then, she found out that Robert and Sharon had written a brand new book on the topic of financial literacy. She got him on the show and his book sales exploded as a result.

Now, here’s your takeaway from this story:……….. You can become a thought leader and an influencer in your topic by sharing your ideas and insights in the form of a book. Very powerful.

Now, there might not be an “Oprah” with millions of fans in your industry. But the good news is you don’t need to be featured to an audience of millions to grow your business. Many of our first time authors get invited to speak on stages, get interviewed, and asked to lead communities after becoming an internationally published author.

You may not know HOW to write a book at this moment.. but don’t bother.. that’s MY JOB to teach you how. All you need is a WHY — a strong reason to write a book.

At Stardom Books, we work with experts, entrepreneurs, professionals and thought-leaders… and help them create their book as well as publish it at international levels… just like the Rich Dad Poor Dad books.

And all this happens in days and weeks… not months and years. No complicated systems, no learning new skills, no additional resources.

Just a simple, sustainable, scientific approach that allows you to create your own non-fiction book without professional writing skills.

The best part?….. We will be with you at every step of the way. We help you find and fine-tune your specific message to the world. We help you find the right audience. We help you choose the right topic for your book. We also provide professional quality editing, proofreading, and the entire publishing team… to see your book idea grow into an International publication.

This is the secret of hundreds of international bestselling, first-time authors who partnered with us to enhance their leadership. This process is proven, many times over. In fact, you’d have to put in more effort to try and fail than it would take to succeed with our guidance and support system.

So, what should you do?

Meet me at www.raamanand.com and choose your path to success. See you on the inside, okay?

You DON’T Have to be a CELEBRITY to Write a Book



Most people believe they have to be a “celebrity” or a “well-known” person to write a book.
It’s okay to think like this because… that’s what people have told you… who are you to write a book..?… Are you a celebrity that people will buy and read your books?… Don’t blow your own trumpet… or even something like, you don’t have bragging rights, okay!? …very limiting beliefs.

Well… they are right in a way. There is one genre of books that requires the author to be well-known, famous, and even a celebrity — autobiographies. But today, who has the time to read thick, 500-page biographies?

Now listen… it’s important…. There are a whole range of books that YOU can create that can INSPIRE people, TEACH them something, and INFLUENCE them in a big way. These don’t need a celebrity status. In fact, it’s the other way round… you BECOME a celebrity as a result of writing such books.

J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter books is a celebrity AFTER she wrote those books.
Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter have built a huge empire around their expertise… which is financial literacy, by publishing their book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. These are the more known examples. There are plenty of experts in every industry, who are now the most sought-after by other people… because they published their own books. They took a stand.
As you can clearly see… being famous or well-known is NOT a pre-requisite or a requirement to write a book. That’s only an excuse people give when they DO NOT know how to do it.

Let’s make it clear… the best products don’t sell.. the best ‘known’ products sell. The best expert won’t get the recognition.. the best ‘known’ expert does, hands down. The best services don’t reach the people… the best ‘known’ services do.

Well… you can continue to lay low.. away from the limelight… away from all the attention, awards, and accolades that could come your way… or choose to get the recognition you deserve by stepping up to become a top influencer in your field or industry. You can continue to do the same work you are doing… or you can choose to find your message to the world and spread it across in a big way. You can continue to struggle… or you can choose to show up as your best self and get the support of people you want to reach, serve, or help. You have the power of choice, now, my friend.

Now, here’s what you need to do… If you chose the growth option, if you are in the aspiration trajectory, if you’d like to BECOME a celebrity in your industry, then look no further and write a book…. when? right now. Let me show you how and also give you a step-by-step plan to not only find your best message to share with the world but also a system to put it down in the form of book, using our “rapid-book creation” frameworks… and the best part.. get it internationally published. You could be the next bestselling author. You could become famous and well-known from your book. Through your book, you have the potential to reach all those people who are eagerly waiting for you.

If you are excited and serious about this, join us at raamanand.com that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com and choose the path to your creative expression. You can do this. It’s Your time…. See you on the other side.

Leaders: Meet this 10-letter Word, Your Biggest Enemy!



Let’s talk about the biggest enemy that leaders, in every industry, face. The enemy that makes you feel terrible. The enemy that doesn’t let you complete your work, the enemy that’s holding you back from reaching your full potential.

It’s a 10-letter word and you already know it. Before I reveal what it is… take a quick moment… pause the video and subscribe to my channel so that you won’t miss any future breakthrough videos and downloads like this.

Done that? Good. Let’s proceed.

The 10-letter word I told you about is… PERFECTION.

A thought-leader’s worst enemy. The number one trait that’s responsible for clipping the wings of the most beautiful and grand dreams of people. And the worst part is… you don’t even know you have this enemy in the vicinity. In fact, perfection comes along disguised as a great positive trait.

You keep waiting for the time to be PERFECT… you wait for the world to be PERFECT… you wait to gather more experience to be PERFECT.

The Bad news is… PERFECT doesn’t exist…….. The good news is.. you don’t have to be PERFECT and still make it to the top as a sought-after expert, entrepreneur, professional, or a thought-leader in your industry.

How? Just do it.. as Nike says. Use the “Microsoft Strategy”, if you want to. The company has become one of the top most valued businesses in the world and none of their products are perfect. Even when they launch new products, they are full of bugs and glitches. They launch, then they get the feedback, they improvise, and come up with updates… again and again. Each time, the product improves.

You can do the same. I teach these kinds of stuff to my first-time authors, who are mostly experts, entrepreneurs and professionals. The mantra is simple…. Get started, get help, and achieve bigger results. Focus on starting now and refining tomorrow… because waiting for perfection is like feeding the enemy. Getting started kills it. How long will you keep letting perfectionism stop your breakthroughs? And more importantly, why?

The time you’re spending on being perfect, refining, improving, gathering expertise, could be spent SERVING the ones who need you. And the reality is, if you wait too long, yielding to perfectionism, you may become obsolete and irrelevant in this fast world.

So what SHOULD you be doing instead?

Join me and thousands of other leaders at www.raamanand.com. That’s where I teach advanced strategies on how to make it super simple for you to process your experience, knowledge, expertise, and insights, and turn them into a bestselling, non-fiction book that drives RESULTS for both you, and your audience.

Here’s a quick summary of how it works…

One… Choose your goal as an author.

Two… Find out who is going to read your book by figuring out your audience demographic and psychographic profiles.

Three… Discover topic ideas that align with your goals and your readers goals.

Four… Create an outline. This is like a blueprint for a building.

Five… Follow a system to create your book and get it published in a big way.

It’s time to elevate your influence, income and leadership. There is no greater gift than to be able to influence, support, and lead the most important people in your life. Your clients, customers, followers, team members, partners, family and your community.

This is your invitation to the greatest opportunity for becoming a thought-leader in your industry. I challenge you to explore the opportunity to find your message and spread it across the world in a big way, through books. The way you respond TODAY to this challenge will ripple through your life for decades. Now more than ever is the time to dig in, level-up, and invest in yourself.  THIS is when you need to make POWERFUL DECISIONS……so when the dust settles down and the world recovers…. You will be positioned for MASSIVE success.

NOW is the time to step forward …to be the beacon of light for others… and lead… by writing your own book. Let me teach you how at www.raamanand.com. See ya there, thank you!

Why Writing Your Own Book Should be Your #1 Priority Right now!



For many people, writing a book is NOT the number one priority in their life. It’s a big dream but not something that needs to be done right now. Oooh… that’s a big mismatch in alignment.

But that’s okay… because they have many other things going on already. They have bills to pay, things to do, grow their business or profession, advance their careers…. So many things are on their plate… it’s full… no place or time for anything else. I get it.

Now, think about it…. Underlying all things that are going on in your life right now, there’s one thing that’s super important…….. INFLUENCE…or the power of getting the attention.
Without attention and trust, or the ability to influence others into thinking your way, you can’t possibly do anything with people. If you want to sell more, you need to influence people to buy from you. If you want to lead people, you must get their attention first and exert a positive influence over them. If you want to advance your career, you definitely need trust with your peers and supervisors. Well… even at home, you must have an environment of positive influence and trust to succeed, right? Yelling and forcing doesn’t work.

You can see so many people working really hard and making all the right moves, still struggling to get to that next level. During the initial stages, it seems things are moving alright but sooner or later, it plateaus. Growth flatlines, energy flatlines, development flatlines. You can only be in one of the two states…. You are either growing or declining. There’s no such thing as “going steady”. If you want to get to the top of the summit, you continue to ascend to get there. Walking in place or even jogging in the same place won’t get you anywhere…. It will only get you exhausted.

So, you know that you must continue to reach greater heights. You must strive to lead better. And to do all that, you must develop the ability to positively influence other people, and get their attention and trust. Get them to understand your ideas, your perspectives, your insights so that they know what you stand for and your message to the world. Attract the right people and lead them properly as a responsible leader. Become your best self.
That’s why your number one priority right now, should be to write your own book… which consists of your message to the world… so that people can rally behind it and give you their attention and trust. When you push this book-project to the top of your priority list, you will see that all other areas of your life getting a boost.

Your own book gets you tons of confidence, courage, self-esteem and energizes all other priorities — makes them easier to achieve. When you have the hammer… driving nails is easier. When you have the right tools, work becomes fun.

If you’d like to become more influential in your field, make “writing a book” your topmost priority today. How to actually write it?…. Well… that’s MY job to teach you. I have advised, trained and coached thousands of first-time authors all over the world, in my role as the chief editor and publisher at Stardom Books, United States and India.

Right now, you have a choice. You can continue working hard and struggle handling many things on your “to-do” lists…. OR make influence your top priority so that all your tasks become insanely easier to do. If that’s you, then join us at www.raamanand.com … that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com and choose your path to write your own book… It’s easy, it’s doable, and let me teach you how.

Waiting to Get OLD to Write a Book is the WORST Belief to Have



Many experts believe they have to get old to write a book. It’s a very defeating belief to have.

Look, I know many people say that with age comes wisdom but let me ask you…
Is every aged, old, seasoned person, wise? Not really, isn’t it? In fact, you could find a lot more youngsters who are really smart and innovative these days. This belief of waiting to get old to write a book, is like an old law. Can be quickly changed if enough people vote for something more empowering.

You know what most people never realize is they are losing many great opportunities, just waiting to get older. What they don’t know is what is their worth. Of course, with age you will see more of life, gain more experience, and possibly become wiser. But what you may not know is.. today, it’s all about getting your message out there, in a big way. Ask any old person whether they’d like to exchange their wisdom with youthfulness.. and I guarantee that a majority of them will say YES! And one of the biggest reasons they give for choosing this option is… REGRET.

It’s a proven fact that when people get old, they regret for many things they didn’t do.. rather than rejoice for things they actually did. We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.

So, would you like to get old and regret that you didn’t write a book early on in your career and gather all that influence around you…or would you like to explore the opportunities that are in front of you today and take advantage of it?

When it comes to writing a book, the biggest thing that holds people back is the ‘fear of judgement’. What if I write a book and it fails? What if people don’t like my book? Who will even read my book? What will they say about my content? It goes on and on and on…. Until your mind has gathered enough excuses to choose procrastination over courage. Let me ask you a question… are you perfect 100% of the time? Is anyone perfect at all? Is this world perfect? Obviously, the answer is a resounding NO… isn’t it?

So… what if you write a book, and I will show you how, don’t worry.. and you get to reap all the benefits of becoming a published author? What if this exercise helps you become a better person than you are? What if working on writing your book, bring you a lot more clarity on your future life? You have a choice. You can continue being a perfectionist or waiting to become old to write a book… OR you can do that now and bring a lot of hope and help to other people.

If that’s you, then join me at www.raamanand.com that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com and let’s explore the possibilities together, shall we?

Join ‘Share-The-Knowledge’ Literary Mission



Knowledge Sharing.

That’s what I stand for. What if all experts shared their knowledge more effectively? This can bring a lot of hope and help to other people who are on the same journey. This encourages many people to write as well as read books… leading to change. And, as experts, entrepreneurs, or professionals, that’s we do. We change peoples lives with our message, we change the old ways of operating with our services, programs, products, or content.

Humankind has been passing on their wisdom, insights, knowledge and perspectives to the next generation for thousands of years now. The medium has changed but the objective remains rooted. Earlier, it was through voice. Today, it’s through words. Especially written words… in the form of books. Printed books are one of the best, easiest, and cheapest ways to transmit knowledge in this world for long term effectiveness. Audio, video, and images can get buried in the digital sea of information but a printed book clearly stands out.

So, what’s the problem? Can everyone write a book? Yes, of course. Does everyone believe they can do it? No, of course. The biggest reason is fear. The fear of getting judged by other people. The fear of getting the limelight. The fear of expression. What if I am wrong… what if I make a mistake in my book… what if it fails… it’s the fear that comes in the way and clips the wings of that dream of becoming a published author for so many people.

So, people stop sharing their knowledge. They stop sharing their insights and perspectives that are so valuable to others who follow. They may not know but everyone is way more knowledgeable and informed than they think. Everyone has wisdom. Everyone has a message to share with the world.

And that’s what I stand for. My mission is to you a way to find YOUR message to the world and amplify it in a big way using books. You can lead more effectively with your book. You can change more lives with your message. You are more capable than you think you are… because you have run the miles, you have survived the crises, you have overcome all those challenges in life… and you have progressed through all those.

Success is not a destination.. it’s a journey… people say. You are on this journey as well, right? Then, by association, you are already successful, aren’t you? You have the power to disrupt but you have to let go of the fear in order to do that.

If that’s you, then join us at the ‘Share-the-Knowledge’ Literary Mission at www.raamanand.com that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com and create the change you want to see in the world.