Take this 5-minute FREE assessment to find out your “Author Score” and action steps based on the result.

Are you an Expert, Entrepreneur, Professional, Doctor, CxO, Specialist or a Thought Leader?

Have you considered what it takes to write and publish your own book? How to get started, especially for someone who is not a writer? How to have more clarity and access to various tools and resources?

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It’s Time Your Message to the World is Heard.

It's Time Your Message to the World is Heard


It’s time your message to the world is heard. Everything around us is changing at a rapid rate. There’s so much noise and clutter that makes it next to impossible for a genuine message to be heard, these days.

Everybody has a message to share with the world. Like others, you have your message too. It represents you, your philosophy, your insights, experience or expertise, that you want the world to know. You want the world to recognise you and what you stand for. You want to reach and attract the people who resonate with your message. You want to lead. You want to touch lives at a deeper level. You want to be the beacon of progress in your field.

So, what’s the problem? Why can’t you be heard? What’s stopping you from reaching the people you want to serve?

Well… the biggest contributor is information overload. People are getting tons of new information that’s being hurled at them every second they are awake. Their attention span has narrowed down to just a few seconds. They can’t differentiate between real and fake, natural and synthetic, useful and useless pieces of information. They are misled. They are swamped with too many things.

What if this overwhelm didn’t exist? What if everything was clear and easy to understand? What if you were able to get the undivided attention of the people you wanted to connect with or serve or lead? How much of a better world could we create if people could be inspired with your message and your leadership in your industry?

That’s what I stand for. It’s time you find your message to the world and amplify it in such a way that it’s heard by the people you want to reach. The traditional ways don’t work… we’ll have to do this by disrupting the old ways with new strategies, new ideas, and new messaging structure.

If that’s you.. then come over and join us at that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com and create your own book with your own, unique message to the world. It’s YOUR time… to lead.

Hiring a Ghost Writer is the WORST Way to Write Your Book



People think they can create a book easily by hiring a ghost-writer to write it FOR them…. But that might be the worst way to actually become an author. In the long run, it might also hurt irreparably.

But I get it… they see others who have done it this way… usually celebrities.. they narrate their story and hire a “ghost-writer” to write it. It’s like Julius Caesar hiring a bunch of “scribes” to write down his speeches. This may work if you are interested in publishing your biography or personal story.

But let me ask you… are you going to really write your biography? Who would want to read the story of your journey from the start? Maybe just your family and friends.

All other books are written differently. If every book is written by a ghost-writer, then there would be no real authors at all. The biggest problem with ghost writing is… the author won’t feel proud about the book because the author’s personality is missing in it. It won’t connect with the audience at deeper levels. Ghost-writing may get you published,….. but it’ll be like buying a degree to hang on the wall… you know what I mean, right?

So, what really works? Now, listen… this is the most important part…

Do you want to start learning professional writing skills… practice it for several years… master the art… and THEN write a book? It may take decades. That’s not the right option.

The best way is to work with a publishing coach… who will guide you through the entire process of creating and publishing a book that you will be proud to present to the world.

At Stardom Books, we work with first time authors and help them find their message to the world, fine tune it, figure out their audience, create an outline and THEN either create their manuscript on their own… using our step-by-step system OR hire one of our consultative writers to co-create it with them.

Yes, there’s definitely a lot of help and support available and anyone can become a published author without professional writing skills by working with a publishing advisor. If this is one of your ambitions, then head over to … that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com and choose the path to your creative expression.

You can do this. It’s Your time…. See you on the other side.

Having the “best” product, service, or offer doesn’t always win.



One of the most common beliefs that’s accepted widely in the business and professional world is… build a great product or service and people will buy.

People think… I will win because I have the “best” thing.

I get it. Because that’s what the “gurus” have been preaching all these years. Build a better mousetrap… people will buy. Solve a bigger problem… people will pay… Increase your value proposition… people will come.

It’s so easy to fall into this trap. And many people invest so much time, energy and effort in improving their product, service or offering.. that by the time they look up, they have become obsolete. Things have changed… the world has moved on. No customers, no clients, no sales. Nothing. This happens with thought leaders and specialists as well. They keep buying course after course, get certification after certification, training after training… it keeps going and one day they realize they are so far away from the very same people that they wanted to reach, in the first place.

Let me ask you… do you really think only the “best” things will win? Haven’t you bought anything that was NOT the best thing… but the ‘best known thing’ ever? Listen carefully… every successful person out there can testify this… it’s not the best mousetrap, but the best ‘known’ mousetrap that sells. It’s not the best solution, but the best ‘known’ solution that reached people. It’s not the highest value proposition, but the best ‘known’ or in this case, ‘best-perceived’ value proposition that wins.

Well.. if this is the case… then how do you BECOME well-known in your field or industry?……. How do you increase your perceived value with the people you want to reach?……. How do you get their attention and trust?……. What gives you more credibility, reputation, and most importantly… the INFLUENCE to make a positive difference in other peoples lives?
This is so important… yet so easily ignored by many experts, entrepreneurs, and professionals……. Something that keeps them at lower productivity levels, lower growth, and mediocre results. And, they start blaming themselves, their team, the economy, the government, the pandemic, or even their fate.

The one thing that can give wings to your dreams is… becoming well-known. And the number one way to make that happen is… writing and publishing your own book.. on what you stand for. Not a biography, not a fictional story… but a business book that helps you become well-known and famous in your industry. A book on your expertise… beliefs… or solutions. Once you are a published author, the world will trust you… because… you are the one who wrote that book! You are the obvious expert. You are the top leader of your industry.

Now, let me ask you… do you want to keep believing in the false notion of “I will win because I am the best”… or do you want to become well-known and famous among your tribe and lead them more effectively with your products, profession, services, or offers? If you’d like the high-performance way, then don’t walk…. RUN and head over to That’s my website. and choose your path to success. I will be waiting for you over there.

Meanwhile, don’t just keep this information to yourself. Do me a favour. Share this video on your social networks, to your WhatsApp friends and other contacts. Also, subscribe to my channel so that you won’t miss other ‘breakthrough’ videos like this in the future.

Thank you.

Why You Should NEVER Self Publish Your Book



Self-publishing or using some of those “platforms” or “courses” that teach self-publishing isn’t the best strategy if you want to become a thought-leader or an influencer in your space.

It’s easy to get lured into such arguments. Many people have taken to this method and tell you that it has worked for them.

But look at the most successful authors in the world. 99% of them are not self published. They are all backed by a rock solid publishing house because they need help, support, and a vast distribution network. Those in favour of self-publishing aren’t looking for readers. They are just happy to add the word “author” to their profile, even if no one ever reads their book ever.

Now, let me explain…. there are three ways to get your work published.

  • Number one – Self-Publish (where you do everything on your own)
  • Number two – Find a traditional publisher, easier said than done.
  • Number three – Work with a hybrid publisher… Best of both worlds!

Publishing through proper channels might save you a lot of grief now and many troubles in the future.

If you are a professional writer… which means, writing is your daily work, and you have the dedication it takes to make your writing the best it can be, THEN you have a higher likelihood of surviving the world of self-publishing. Most aspiring writers do not.
If you are an aspiring writer looking into self-publishing, here are some reasons why you may not want to.

1. Your work might not be ready yet – Each time you feel tempted to click the “publish” button on a work you completed, ask yourself: is your work really ready to be read by the world? Are you ready for the critique you are going to receive from reviewers? If the answer to these questions is ‘no’ then you and your work probably aren’t ready to step out into the word.

You want your work to be of a high quality and outstanding from the majority of self-published work. You want your work to be the best it can be. Clicking that “publish” button as soon as the work is completed without proper revisions or the proper effort shows that you aren’t ready to take on the responsibility that comes with a published author, that your work isn’t ready to be put out there for everyone to see, and most importantly, that you aren’t serious enough to work with publishers.

2. There is a chance your work will never be picked up by a publisher – Self-publishing doesn’t have the best reputation in the world of books, and neither do the self-published authors nowadays because everyone and their pets have started self-publishing today.
Some avid readers tend to not take self-published authors as seriously as they would a traditionally published author.

Why? Because traditional published authors usually have the proper amount of marketing for their book(s), they have been established by an agent and a publishing company and they have a higher likelihood to make it onto any of the best-seller lists. Self-publishers don’t have those advantages and their fan base isn’t as wide.

If your hopes are for all of your books to be picked up by a publisher, self-publishing will not be for you. When you self-publish, the book already has an established copyright that is strictly associated with you and wherever you self-published through, which essentially means that other publishing companies can’t publish that book. If they want to publish that book along with all of your future work, they would have to go through a lengthy process to get the rights to your self-published book, taking the book off of all media platforms and then having you change or add aspects to your book to make it better. This is something that no publisher wants to waste time doing.

3. It’s expensive – From having to provide your own cover design, long hours of editing and possibly buying copyright to your book, self-publishing can be costly to your bank account. There are professionals available online but the only problem is that using their services can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

So if this is your first time self-publishing, designing a cover and having your book edited, and you believe you will need those services, be prepared to pay a lot of money. Buying copyrights isn’t cheap, either. If you’re not ready to spend a lot of money with the chance you might not make that amount back, self-publishing isn’t for you.

So, do you want to self-publish your book and put in a lot of work with little or no results, or do you want to stand out taller, change lives deeper, and increase your influence by working with a coach and an international publishing house to create your book from scratch and drive it into a bestseller?

Well.. you can get access to all the resources your need, help you want, and the support that is required. All you need to do is.. show up… at that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com and choose your path… to lead.

Will Trademark or IP Registration Protect My Interests?



Registering your trademark or intellectual property DOES NOT guarantee success. It will only entitle you to take a legal recourse if someone copies your idea without your permission.

Look, it may sound contrary to what many people are saying, but let me ask you…

Does every patent, trademark or IP registration become successful or even profitable? Obviously, not. Isn’t it? It is like applying for your drivers license and believing that you will get it without a test.

It’s not just the registration… it’s the process that’s behind the registration. It’s your leadership, your vision and your personal magic that drives your success, right?

If you are a growing leader, the captain of your business or profession, it’s easy to get entangled in the web of such important but non-productive activities. So, leave the legal stuff to your legal advisor, and focus on creating a BOOK around your expertise, experience, or knowledge, which is considered to be the #1 strategy today to build personal branding and increase your influence.

Well, your own book also doubles up as a protection tool because as soon as it is published by a publisher, you get automatic copyrights on everything you share in your book. How cool is that?

It’s like protection on steroids — when you publish a book you get your copyrights automatically registered and it also becomes a powerful branding and persuasion tool for you as well.

Your book can replace your business card and brochure… and you can give your book to everyone you come across or ask them to buy. Can you do this with your trademark registration?

You can continue to struggle with copyrights, patents, and IPRs or outsource that to someone else and shift your energies on writing your own book. It’s fast and simple. You can do it even if you have never written anything before. Let me teach you how at

Join me and thousands of other experts, entrepreneurs, and professionals at Stardom Publishing and win at work, life, and career.