Having the “best” product, service, or offer doesn’t always win.



One of the most common beliefs that’s accepted widely in the business and professional world is… build a great product or service and people will buy.

People think… I will win because I have the “best” thing.

I get it. Because that’s what the “gurus” have been preaching all these years. Build a better mousetrap… people will buy. Solve a bigger problem… people will pay… Increase your value proposition… people will come.

It’s so easy to fall into this trap. And many people invest so much time, energy and effort in improving their product, service or offering.. that by the time they look up, they have become obsolete. Things have changed… the world has moved on. No customers, no clients, no sales. Nothing. This happens with thought leaders and specialists as well. They keep buying course after course, get certification after certification, training after training… it keeps going and one day they realize they are so far away from the very same people that they wanted to reach, in the first place.

Let me ask you… do you really think only the “best” things will win? Haven’t you bought anything that was NOT the best thing… but the ‘best known thing’ ever? Listen carefully… every successful person out there can testify this… it’s not the best mousetrap, but the best ‘known’ mousetrap that sells. It’s not the best solution, but the best ‘known’ solution that reached people. It’s not the highest value proposition, but the best ‘known’ or in this case, ‘best-perceived’ value proposition that wins.

Well.. if this is the case… then how do you BECOME well-known in your field or industry?……. How do you increase your perceived value with the people you want to reach?……. How do you get their attention and trust?……. What gives you more credibility, reputation, and most importantly… the INFLUENCE to make a positive difference in other peoples lives?
This is so important… yet so easily ignored by many experts, entrepreneurs, and professionals……. Something that keeps them at lower productivity levels, lower growth, and mediocre results. And, they start blaming themselves, their team, the economy, the government, the pandemic, or even their fate.

The one thing that can give wings to your dreams is… becoming well-known. And the number one way to make that happen is… writing and publishing your own book.. on what you stand for. Not a biography, not a fictional story… but a business book that helps you become well-known and famous in your industry. A book on your expertise… beliefs… or solutions. Once you are a published author, the world will trust you… because… you are the one who wrote that book! You are the obvious expert. You are the top leader of your industry.

Now, let me ask you… do you want to keep believing in the false notion of “I will win because I am the best”… or do you want to become well-known and famous among your tribe and lead them more effectively with your products, profession, services, or offers? If you’d like the high-performance way, then don’t walk…. RUN and head over to www.raamanand.com. That’s my website. R-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d.com and choose your path to success. I will be waiting for you over there.

Meanwhile, don’t just keep this information to yourself. Do me a favour. Share this video on your social networks, to your WhatsApp friends and other contacts. Also, subscribe to my channel so that you won’t miss other ‘breakthrough’ videos like this in the future.

Thank you.

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