Your time has come. That’s what I stand for… to remind you that it’s YOUR time to take charge. It’s your time to rise up to the next level. It’s your time to disrupt your industry and lead all those people who are desperate looking for a leader to show up.
Nobody is actually “given” the position of a leader. No one needs a special “permission” to show up as their best self. You can be a leader if you are willing to stake your claim and convey your key message to the people.
The change from being a follower to leading a following is not easy. It’s not about your experience or expertise. It’s about your willingness to stand up for your message. It’s about finding and fine-tuning your connection to the people you want to reach. But the society is still set up to force people to follow myths like “do what you like to do”… “join an association and gradually grow”… or even “climb the ladder one step at a time..” — very limiting but strong beliefs that have been hammered down for generations. How much of a better world could we have if people only did what they loved… without doing things that were necessary, even if they were difficult?
It all boils down to 3 words — desire, courage, message. Do you have the desire to become a leader? Do you have the courage to take a stand? Can you find your message to the world? If you have 100% of the first one, which is desire… and a little bit of the second trait, courage… you can easily get the rest and the third trait, messaging. Desire is in the future. It’s associated with your identity. Desires are usually expressed like “I want to…” Followed by the actual desire. It’s usually associated with your future self. Courage is a feeling. It’s not a skill or something you can get. It’s an emotion. It comes from the feeling that even if you don’t have all things figured out, you still believe that everything works out well. Everything will turn out to be good and you will make it.
The final piece of the puzzle — is getting clear on your messaging. That’s what I want to help you find. When you decide to lead, when you muster up courage to stand out for something, that’s your time to write a book that has your message to the world. It’s like announcing who you are and what you stand for… in a big way. When you get your messaging right, you can not only write books, you can also give speeches, make videos or even create your own coaching programs or turn it into any other form of communication.
So, let me remind you once again.. it’s YOUR time… to lead. Join other leaders with desire, courage, and commitment who are finding their message to the world as part of their book creation strategy at that’s r-a-a-m-a-n-a-n-d dot com.
Who knows? Your book could be the next international bestseller and you can become a celebrity who wrote that book!
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