Live Limitless: Brain Myth, Leadership Tool, Intel Story and Lewis & Clark Expedition!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Brain Myth, Leadership Tool, Intel Story and Lewis & Clark Expedition!



3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Brain myth

One strongly held belief that is now considered a myth is the idea that we only use 10% of our brains. This belief has been popularized in popular culture and has been used as a way to explain exceptional abilities or as a way to motivate people to tap into their full potential. 

However, scientific research has shown that this belief is not true. The brain is active throughout our lives and all parts of it are used at different times, even during routine tasks. This myth likely originated from early researchers not understanding that not all parts of the brain are active at the same time and interpreting this as only a small portion of the brain being used.

2. Leadership tool

According to a study by the University of Cambridge, it was found that humor can be an effective tool for leaders to build relationships with their team, boost morale and improve communication. So, it’s okay… have fun!

3. Bias

One popular bias is the confirmation bias, which refers to the tendency for people to seek out and interpret information in a way that confirms their existing beliefs and attitudes, while disregarding or discounting information that contradicts them. This bias can lead people to be more entrenched in their views and less open to new ideas or perspectives. It can also lead to distorted thinking, where people give too much weight to evidence that supports their beliefs, and not enough weight to evidence that contradicts them. This bias is often observed in political, religious or other controversial topic discussions.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. Intel

Don’t feel discouraged if you are not progressing at speeds you had anticipated. In 1971, Intel released the world’s first microprocessor, the Intel 4004. 

The chip was only capable of performing basic mathematical operations, but it paved the way for the development of more advanced microprocessors and eventually led to the creation of the personal computer industry. 

The incident highlights the importance of innovation and taking calculated risks in the technology industry, as even small advancements can lead to major breakthroughs and shape the future of a field.

2. Lewis & Clark Expedition

In 1803, the Lewis and Clark Expedition set out on a journey to explore the western portion of the United States. Despite facing numerous challenges such as harsh weather, difficult terrain, and unfamiliar territory, the expedition was successful in reaching the Pacific coast and returning home safely. 

The expedition’s leader, Meriwether Lewis, kept detailed journals throughout the journey, providing valuable information about the plants, animals, and indigenous peoples they encountered. 

The expedition’s success is often attributed to the strong leadership and careful planning of Lewis and William Clark, as well as the camaraderie and teamwork among the members of the expedition. 

The moral of this story is the importance of strong leadership, careful planning, and teamwork in achieving ambitious goals.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

Certain activities, tasks or achievements can give us a lot of satisfaction and help raise our self esteem. Think about one such positive experience you had recently and ask yourself:

“What are the things that I am most proud of? How can I build on them to achieve greater success?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

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