Live Limitless: Kamikatsu, Storytelling, Parkinson’s Law, Saving Polar Ice and Chandrayaan-3!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Kamikatsu, Storytelling, Parkinson’s Law, Saving Polar Ice and Chandrayaan-3!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   JULY 22, 2023 

In this insightful episode, we explore an array of compelling topics that range from scientific breakthroughs to fundamental life principles. Learn how India’s space program is demonstrating resilience and determination with its Chandrayaan-3 mission. Dive into an innovative environmental solution by Ice911 that could alter the course of global warming. We’ll also look at Parkinson’s Law, a powerful concept about time management that could revolutionize your productivity. Join us on this journey as we uncover stories of ingenuity, learn from failures, and gain a new perspective on time. Are you ready to transform your thinking? Read on…


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Kamikatsu

In recent news, a small town in Japan named Kamikatsu has caught the world’s attention for its unique approach to sustainability. The town has no garbage trucks, instead, residents compost their kitchen scraps at home and sort other waste into 45 different categories for recycling at the local waste center. Remarkably, Kamikatsu is on track to become zero-waste by 2025, serving as a blueprint for other cities around the globe. This strategy showcases how collective action and community engagement can be a powerful driving force towards environmental sustainability.

2. Storytelling

In Yuval Noah Harari’s recent book, “21 Lessons for the 21st Century,” he discusses the concept of “storytelling” and its profound impact on human societies. Harari argues that humans rule the world because we are the only animal that can cooperate flexibly in large numbers, which we can do because we believe in shared myths – such as laws, money, or nations – that exist only in our collective imagination. This idea prompts us to consider the power of the stories we tell and believe in shaping our world.

3. Parkinson’s Law

“Parkinson’s Law” states that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” This adage, coined by Cyril Northcote Parkinson in a 1955 article for The Economist, encapsulates a common experience in both personal and professional life. It suggests that tasks will take as long as the time we allot to them. If we give ourselves a week to complete a two-hour task, then (psychologically speaking) the task will increase in complexity and become more daunting so as to fill that week.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. Saving Polar Ice

In recent news, a company called Ice911 has developed an innovative solution to the problem of melting polar ice caps due to global warming. They are using tiny, biodegradable, and reflective silica beads to make the ice more reflective, thereby reducing the rate at which it melts. Early results show promising signs, demonstrating that even complex global problems can have inventive and effective solutions. This example proves the old adage – necessity is indeed the mother of invention.

2. Chandrayaan 3

The Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) Chandrayaan-3 mission marks a critical step in India’s lunar exploration program. Launched in July 2023, the mission aims to land a rover on the moon, following the partial success of Chandrayaan-2. Notably, Chandrayaan-3’s design leverages the learnings from its predecessor, reflecting an iterative approach to complex problem-solving in space science – proving that even in setbacks, there is invaluable knowledge to be gained.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

From the resilience of India’s space program in Chandrayaan-3 to the inventive environmental solution by Ice911, we see the power of innovation and determination in overcoming challenges. Parkinson’s Law warns us of time’s malleability, and how we must be cautious of allowing tasks to inflate unnecessarily. These ideas raise the question: “Are we being as proactive and innovative as possible in our personal and professional lives, and how can we better manage our time to avoid falling prey to Parkinson’s Law?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

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