Influence or Persuasion… What’s best for Thought-Leaders?

What’s best for Thought-Leaders? 


Raam Anand, the Chief Editor and Publisher at Stardom Books, talks about two important things: Influence and Persuasion.

Influence is the ability to shape someone’s character, development, or behaviour. It’s a slow, steady process, often built over time through trust, admiration, and respect.

Persuasion means convincing people to do something right away. In thought leadership, these work together.

Influence sets the stage by showing you know a lot, while persuasion gets people to act. Raam explains that both are needed, and he reminds us to use them responsibly.

He suggests writing a book to become a strong thought leader. The goal is to use influence and persuasion to make positive changes in the world.

Let’s help you create your own book!


Have you ever been caught in a heated debate over what’s more important: Influence or Persuasion? Or you may have wondered which tool is the sharpest arrow in a thought leader’s quiver.

Well, buckle up!

Because today, we’re diving deep into this debate. We will uncover some eye-opening insights, explore fascinating examples, and reveal what makes a thought leader truly effective.


Hi, I’m Raam Anand, the Chief Editor and Publisher at Stardom Books, both in the United States and India, and I’m honored to be your coach on this thrilling ride.

So, let’s go!

Well, this is our deep dive into influence and persuasion. So, before we wade into these waters, let’s first understand what we’re dealing with.

As our friend Robert Cialdini, the author of the book ‘Influence,’ explains, influence is the ability to shape someone’s character, development, or behavior.

 It’s a slow, steady process, often built over time through trust, admiration, and respect.

When you’re an influencer, people listen to you because they value your opinion; they trust your judgment.

On the other hand, persuasion is more about leading someone toward taking a specific action.

 It’s about crafting a compelling argument that drives people to do something — maybe sign a petition, buy a product, or even change a long-held belief.

Now, these definitions seem pretty straightforward. But things start getting foggy when we relate these terms to thought leadership.

You see, thought leadership is about more than just having innovative ideas.

 It’s about influencing others to see, think, and act differently based on those ideas. But it’s also about persuading people to take tangible action that aligns with those ideas.

So, where does that leave us?

Do thought leaders influence? Or Do they persuade?

More importantly, if YOU are a thought leader, which one should you do more of?

It’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation.

Let’s take a step-by-step approach and examine each concept more closely, starting with influence.

So, stick around, folks, as we dive deeper!


First, let’s explore the world of influence, starting with a critical thought leader you may have heard of, Simon Sinek.

Known for his simple yet powerful model for inspirational leadership, Sinek’s ‘Start With Why’ idea has influenced millions.

But how did he do it?

Well, it’s because he didn’t just share an idea; he consistently demonstrated it through his actions, like talks, books, and through his own leadership style.

He built trust, became a person of value, and, most importantly, shared a unique, authentic, credible perspective. And that’s what influence is all about.

Influence is a long game. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, consistency, and authenticity. And as a thought leader, this should be your bread and butter.

Influence is about becoming a go-to expert in your field, the person people turn to when they want insights, advice, or new ideas.

It’s about shaping opinions, starting discussions, and leading changes in thought and action over time.

It’s like that famous quote from the Spiderman comics, ‘With great power comes great responsibility.’

 As a thought leader, you have the power to influence, and with it comes the responsibility to use that influence wisely and ethically.

So, that’s influence in a nutshell. But where does persuasion fit into all this? Let’s find out now.


Persuasion, unlike influence, is more direct. It aims to change behavior or lead someone to take specific action.

To illustrate this, let’s bring back our friend, Robert Cialdini, who we mentioned earlier.

In his seminal book, ‘Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,’ he lays out six principles of persuasion – Reciprocity, Commitment and Consistency, Social Proof, Authority, Liking, and Scarcity.

Did you know these principles can be a potent tool in a thought leader’s arsenal?

For instance, let’s consider the ‘Commitment and Consistency’ principle. This principle is based on the idea that once we commit to something, we must act consistently.

Let’s say you’re a thought leader advocating for climate change. You could persuade your followers to commit to a simple action, like reusable shopping bags.

Once they commit, they’re likely to behave in ways consistent with this commitment, which could reduce plastic waste.

Persuasion isn’t just about convincing someone. It’s about creating a compelling argument that makes sense and resonates emotionally with your audience. And when used ethically, it can be a powerful catalyst for change.

But here’s the thing. While influence is about the long game, persuasion often focuses on shorter-term goals. It’s about creating immediate action, usually through targeted campaigns or quick initiatives.

So, if influence is the tortoise, slowly but surely making its way to the finish line, persuasion is the hare, zooming towards the goal. But who wins in the end?

Hold onto your hats, folks, because we will tackle that in the next segment.

So far, we’ve looked at influence. We’ve looked at persuasion. Now, let’s look at the intersection of the two.

 After all, as a thought leader, you’re not just working to shape people’s thoughts and actions but also to inspire action and drive real, tangible change.

So, who wins in the race between the tortoise and the hare, or in our case, influence versus persuasion?

Well, folks, here’s the twist – it’s not a competition!

In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret – the most influential thought leaders know that influence and persuasion are two sides of the same coin.

They understand that to create meaningful change; you need both.

Think of influence as the foundation upon which you build your thought leadership.

 It’s about demonstrating your knowledge, expertise, values, and credibility over time.

Then, once you’ve established this influence, you can use persuasion to mobilize your audience to get them to take specific actions that align with your ideas and beliefs.


So, let me give you an example.

Let’s say you’re a thought leader in the tech industry advocating for digital privacy.

You’ve spent years writing articles, giving talks, and sharing insights, gradually influencing your audience’s attitudes toward privacy.

Then, when a new piece of privacy legislation comes up for a vote, you use persuasion.

You call on your followers to take specific action, write to their representatives, or support a particular advocacy group.

You use the influence you’ve built over time to persuade your audience to take action.

In essence, influence sets the stage, and persuasion delivers the performance.

They’re like Batman, Robin, Sherlock, Watson, or ACP Pradyuman and Daya. They work best when they work together!

But how can you make these two forces work for you? Well, that’s what we will explore in our final segment, so don’t go anywhere now!

Influence or Persuasion

First, influence. To build influence, you must consistently share valuable, insightful content CONSISTENTLY!

Write articles, give talks, engage on social media, and write a book! Yes, a book!

Nothing says ‘I’m an expert’ like having your name on the cover of a published book.

But keep in mind building influence takes time. It’s about connecting with your audience, being authentic, and showing up consistently. It’s about becoming a trusted, go-to source of information and insight in your field.

Influence or Persuasion

Now, onto persuasion. Once you have that influence, persuasion becomes about turning that into action. Crafting compelling narratives, using evidence, and appealing to logical and emotional senses become essential.

You can use persuasion to launch campaigns, promote causes, or rally your audience around a specific action or idea.

Let’s think about our friend, the doctor who advocated for better patient care. Through their influence, they’ve built a following. When it comes time to launch a campaign to improve healthcare standards, they use persuasion.

They lay out a compelling argument, appeal to their followers’ emotions and values, and call them to take specific action.

So, you see, influence and persuasion aren’t opposing forces. They’re complementary tools that, when used together, can make you a truly effective thought leader.

And on that note, we’re at the end of our time today. But before we go, I want you to remember one thing. Whether you choose to use the power of influence, persuasion, or both, remember to use them responsibly and ethically.

Because, as thought leaders, we have the power to shape ideas, actions, and the world.

To learn more about becoming a thought leader and leveraging the power of influence and persuasion, visit and check out our book writing and publishing programs.

Writing a book is an excellent and powerful way to become more influential and persuasive at the same time.

Go for it; we’ll help. It’s YOUR time.

Let’s help you create your own book!

Book Writing Workshop | Write a book now !

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp.”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Details :

Follow Stardom Books For More Updates

Live Limitless: Try F.D.B, Optimization, Creating Useful Posts, Scarcity, & Job Advice!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Try F.D.B, Optimization, Creating Useful Posts, Scarcity, & Job Advice!


In this week’s episode, we’re diving into a rich blend of insights and strategies designed to inspire and guide you. From redefining the path of self-development with the Feel -> Do -> Be method to exploring the fascinating shift from scarcity to abundance in our world, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re an entrepreneur seeking your next big idea or simply looking for ways to optimize your social media content and personal finances, there’s something here to spark your curiosity and fuel your growth. Join us as we explore these ideas and more, all tailored to empower you in your journey. Read on…


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Try F.D.B.
Instead of Be -> Do -> Have (rat race)… try Feel -> Do -> Be.
How do you want to feel? Start feeling that feeling (imagination)
What can you “do” in order to have that feeling in reality? (action/strategy)
Who are you going to “be”? (identity)

Source: A seminar from 2013.

2. Start now. Optimize later.
An imperfect start can always be improved, but obsessing over a perfect plan will never take you anywhere on its own.

Source: James Clear, Atomic Habits

3. One-week’s Social Posts in an hour.
Make a list of 15 questions that people usually ask on your topic (FAQs). Make another list of 15 “Should-Ask-Questions (SAQs)” as well. Answer all 30 questions in text, video or audio formats. Now you have 30 interesting and original social media posts to share instead of copy-pasting someone else’s content or blindly forward other peoples’ messages.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. Nothing is scarce!
Aluminium was once so scarce that in early 1800s Napoleon III threw a banquet for the King of Siam, where the guests were given aluminium utensils while the others had to make do with gold!

The same transformation from scarcity to abundance, from expensive to demonetised, is happening across a wide range of product and services:

  • Information has become abundant and free through Google
  • Knowledge has become abundant and free through Wikipedia
  • Energy is becoming abundant through wind and solar
  • Communications has become abundant through mobile networks
  • Entertainment has become abundant through YouTube (more than 1 billion hours of free videos were served in 2016)
  • Transportation is demonetizing 10x because of electric autonomous cars

This is an important lesson for entrepreneurs. What product or service will you create that can transform to abundance? That’s where the money is.

Source: BOLD by Peter Diamandis

2. Do Not Quit Your Job Until….
Your side income covers twice as much as your monthly expenses. Your emergency fund can cover at least six months of expenses. You are skilled enough to make your side hustle your main business. You are ready to work 12-16 hours a day. You don’t make any excuses. You are determined to work hard to succeed.

Source: Warren Buffet (reportedly)


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

Today’s episode explores rethinking personal development with an innovative approach, embracing imperfection to start now and optimize later, efficiently creating engaging social posts, recognizing the transformation from scarcity to abundance in various aspects of life, and essential steps to consider before quitting a job to pursue a side hustle. Ask yourself, “How can I apply these insights to create abundance and alignment in my personal and professional life?”

Did you like this week’s “Life-letter”? Then, don’t keep this to yourself. Share it with others.

Share this life-letter on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, WhatsApp or via email.

Or, copy and paste the link below:

Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Why every startup founder must write a book

Why Every Startup Founder MUST Write a Book | Ignite Your Startup’s Growth


In this training, Raam Anand, Chief Editor and Publishing Director at Stardom Books, presents compelling reasons why startup founders should write a book.

 He emphasizes that a book establishes them as thought leaders, enhances fundraising prospects, and serves as a powerful marketing tool.

Raam showcases successful entrepreneurs and their books as examples of how writing can boost personal branding, drive customer engagement, and elevate a startup’s reputation.

He addresses common concerns and highlights the support available at Stardom Books to help founders become published authors without compromising their primary focus on building their ventures.

The training encourages founders to take action now and explore the possibilities of becoming influential and well-known authors to spread their message to the world.

For More Details :

Ignite Your Startup’s Growth: Discover the Game-Changing Benefits of Writing a Book


If you’re a startup founder, I’m sure you’ve got a lot on your plate. Building a company, managing a team, and always staying one step ahead.

 But today, I want to talk about something you might not have considered in your roadmap to success. And that, my friends, is writing a book.

Now, you might be thinking, ‘What? Write a book? I barely have time to write emails!’ But hear me out; there’s a reason why successful entrepreneurs like Eric Ries and Blake Mycoskie penned down their thoughts.

 Writing a book, especially a non-fiction one, can establish you as an authority in your field.

Imagine your potential customers reading a book where you discuss your industry’s ins and outs, offer valuable insights, and share your startup journey, the highs, the lows, and how you navigated it all.

That’s a different level of connection right there.

Hi, my name is Raam Anand, and I’m the Chief Editor and Publishing Director at Stardom Books United States and India.

Well, it’s no secret that we trust experts.

We trust people who ‘wrote the book on it’— I mean, quite literally in this case.

Position yourself as an authority in your field| Write a book now

By writing a book, you’re not just telling people you know your stuff; you’re showing them. And that has a huge impact.

Take the case of Guy Kawasaki. His book, ‘The Art of the Start,’ didn’t just establish him as a thought leader in the startup world and helped countless entrepreneurs navigate their own startup journeys.

So, if you want to stand out, if you want to position yourself as an authority in your field, writing a book can be an incredibly powerful step.

Stick around because right in this training, we’ll see how a book can play a crucial role in fundraising and gaining publicity simultaneously.

Write a book now and gain fundraising and publicity

Now that we’ve discussed how writing a book can establish you as an authority, let’s explore another reason startup founders should consider becoming authors: fundraising and publicity. Ooohhh!

Well, you may already know that 90% of startups fail, and one of the primary reasons is the lack of funding.

Money is the fuel to innovate, grow and thrive.

Here’s where a book can make a big difference. When investors see you’ve written a book, it’s not just about seeing you as an authority.

They also perceive you as someone who is committed, resilient, and an expert who can deliver long-term projects; these are the exact traits they value in founders they fund.

Example: Ben Horowitz

Let’s take Ben Horowitz, the co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz, for example.

His book, ‘The Hard Thing About Hard Things,’ has established him as a thought leader and put his venture capital firm on the map, attracting potential investors and entrepreneurs.

And then there’s the publicity, of course. A book opens doors to interviews, podcasts, speaking engagements, conference keynotes, tv shows, radio shows, and more.

It’s a publicity engine that keeps on giving. Your book becomes a unique pitch for your startup, a conversation starter, and a platform to share your vision on a global stage.

Think of it this way: Every bookshelf your book lands on, every Kindle it downloads to, is another opportunity for your startup to be discovered.


Now, let’s talk marketing. A book is a timeless marketing tool in a world where digital marketing strategies often come and go.

But how does it benefit your startup?

Let’s explore. A book is a lot like a startup. It’s a product that needs to be marketed, and when done right, it can bring incredible exposure not just to you as an author but to your startup as well.

It puts your brand’s name out there. It’s a 200-page ad that brings credibility, something that a typical ad campaign can need help to deliver, hands down.

Example: ‘Delivering Happiness’ by Tony Hsieh

Here’s an example, ‘Delivering Happiness’ by Tony Hsieh, the late CEO of Zappos. It’s more than just a book; it’s a manifesto on company culture and customer service.

It helped shape Zappos’s brand identity and boosted its customer base. The book also helped Tony recruit some of the best talent for his company.

But that’s not all!

Customer Engagement

 A book can also drive customer engagement. It helps your audience understand your vision, the problem you’re solving, and the values your startup stands for.

It can inspire your customers to become your brand advocates, leading to organic growth.


Let’s remember sales. Having a book gives you an extra product to sell or give away. It could be a free add-on to your existing product, an exclusive item for your loyal customers, or a tool to attract new leads.

Many of our authors have successfully used their books as a lead-generation strategy.

Personal branding and Reputation

Now that we’ve seen how a book can be an ultimate marketing and sales tool for your startup let’s talk about something just as crucial—personal branding and reputation.

Writing a book doesn’t just boost your startup’s brand but also enhances your brand.

 It sets you apart as an entrepreneur and positions you in a very unique way.

This reputation is not just valuable; it’s vital in today’s competitive startup ecosystem, right?

Example: Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn Co-founder

For example, consider Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn Co-founder. His book, ‘The Startup of You,’ reinforced his reputation as an entrepreneur who deeply understands networking and career development.

His personal brand became synonymous with professional networking, which elevated LinkedIn’s brand to a whole new level.

Reid Hoffman- The Startup of You

 A strong personal brand leads to extraordinary trust.

When people trust you, they’re more likely to trust your startup. Do business with you.

This can lead to better investor relations, more customer loyalty, and even attract top talent to your startup.

And it doesn’t stop there. Your personal brand and the reputation that comes along with being an author can make your startup stand out in a crowded market.

You become not just another startup founder but an author, a thought leader, and an influencer who runs a great startup.

Hope you like this training. And, as we wrap up our final segment, we’ll discuss overcoming obstacles and why becoming an author is essential now rather than later.


So far, we’ve talked about why as a startup founder, writing a book can do wonders for you and your venture and how this one powerful strategy and weaponize you. But I hear you say, ‘Raam, I’m not a writer,’ or ‘I don’t have the time.’

Well, you know what? You’re not alone, and there ARE solutions to these problems.

Consider working with a publishing house and mentors who specialize in helping entrepreneurs tell their stories.

Write your book now

At ‘Stardom Books’ we provide a team of writers and editors who collaborate with you to extract your insights and experiences and turn them into an engaging, compelling book.

You don’t have to be a wordsmith or carve out massive chunks of your already-packed schedule.

 With the proper support and dedicated and trained publishing experts, you can become a published author without compromising your primary focus – building and growing your startup.

And here’s the thing, there’s no better time than now. The business world moves at breakneck speed, and the story you can tell today may inspire, engage, and attract people to your startup in ways you can’t even predict.

So don’t wait for that day when you think you’ll have more time.

‘Someday’ has a terrible habit of turning into ‘never’.

Take the plunge now. Start your journey of becoming an internationally published author today. Let me help you.


To explore how you can use our resources and create a compelling book from scratch, head over to our website,

Check out our book writing and publishing programs. It’s your time to become even more influential, famous, and well-known and spread your message to the world in a big way.

Thank you for watching th­­­­­­is training. I hope it was useful for you, and I’ll see you on the other side!

Book Writing Workshop | Write a book now !

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp.”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Details :

Follow Stardom Books For More Updates

Live Limitless: Small Talk, Book Spotlight, Scarcity, Dare to Brave and Confirmation Bias!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Small Talk, Book Spotlight, Scarcity, Dare to Brave and Confirmation Bias!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   JULY 29, 2023 

In this insightful episode, we explore an array of compelling topics that range from learning about the art of small talk to embracing courage. Get the key takeaways from a recent bestselling book and learn about scarcity. Are you ready another thrilling ride? Read on…


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Art of Small Talk

Ever been in a room full of people and wondered, ‘What on earth do I talk about?’ Well, stress no more. Today, let’s decipher the mystery of ‘Small Talk’.”

1. Find common ground. It could be anything – weather, food, or even the event you’re at. Just like cheese, small talk is better with something to pair it with.

2. Second, ask open-ended questions. It encourages people to share more, and voila, the conversation flows! Remember, ‘How was your day?’ trumps ‘Good day?’ any time.

3. Finally, practice active listening. Engage, nod, show interest. Hey, nobody likes talking to a wall!

2. Book Spotlight

“The Future is Faster Than You Think” by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler. The book is a fascinating exploration of how technology is accelerating and converging, reshaping our lives and the world. It’s like a sneak peek into the future, and trust me, it’s faster and wilder than you think!

Key takeaways from the book include understanding exponential technologies like AI and robotics, exploring their potential, and envisioning a future where these technologies will redefine our society.

While the book is a whirlwind of insights, it might leave you a bit overwhelmed with the pace of tech evolution. But hey, even roller coasters have a couple of intense loops, right?

In conclusion, ‘The Future is Faster Than You Think’ is a thrilling, insightful journey into the future. It’s a must-read for anyone curious about where our world is heading and how rapidly technology is changing the landscape. And it even looks great on the bookshelf!

3. Scarcity

Yes, you read it right. Scarcity is the fundamental challenge that the field of economics addresses. It’s all about how we, as a society, manage our resources which are, unfortunately, limited.

Whether it’s money, time, natural resources, or that last slice of pizza, we always seem to want more than what’s available.

So why is scarcity so crucial? Well, it’s because of scarcity that we have to make choices. We have to decide how to use our limited resources to meet our infinite desires. And these decisions – big and small – shape our economy.

So next time you’re deciding between buying a new phone or saving for a rainy day, remember you’re actively participating in the grand economic ballet of scarcity and choice.

Bet you didn’t know you were a ballerina, huh? 😉


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. Dare to Brave

Here’s Your Guide to Embracing Courage

1. Let’s embrace fear. It’s natural, it’s human, and it’s okay. Remember, courage isn’t the absence of fear. It’s taking action despite it.

2. Set achievable goals. Small victories boost confidence and build courage. It’s like climbing a mountain step by step.

3. Affirm yourself positively. Feed your courage with words of strength and bravery. Say it with me, ‘I am brave. I am strong.’

2. Confirmation Bias

This is the tendency for people to seek out, interpret, and remember information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs, while simultaneously ignoring or devaluing information that contradicts their beliefs.

For example, imagine a person believes that their favorite sports team is the best in the league. They might watch games, read news articles, and analyze stats in a way that supports this belief, even if objective evidence suggests otherwise. They will recall the games their team won, emphasizing the strength and skill displayed, but downplay or forget the games they lost as flukes or due to external factors such as biased refereeing.

This bias can be particularly influential in how we make decisions, form attitudes, and perceive reality. It can hinder critical thinking, foster stereotyping, and lead to poor decision-making because we become less likely to fully consider all relevant information. Understanding and recognizing this bias can help us make more balanced and objective evaluations, and therefore, better decisions.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

From scarcity to overcoming fear and looking into the future through a book after covering the art of small talk, we have read thought-provoking snippets in this episode. These ideas raise the question: “Am I ready to embrace courage and get started with the very first step today!?”

Did you like this week’s “Life-letter”? Then, don’t keep this to yourself. Share it with others.

Share this life-letter on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, WhatsApp or via email.

Or, copy and paste the link below:

Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

I.C.E. Framework Applied to Book Writing

Book Writing Strategy using ICE Framework


The “I.C.E. Framework Applied to Book Writing” video introduces a tool from growth hacking adapted for aspiring authors.

Created by Sean Ellis, the I.C.E. Framework stands for Impact, Confidence, and Ease.

It helps authors prioritize and focus their efforts.

  • Impact refers to a book’s potential influence.
  • Confidence relates to the author’s belief in the idea and execution
  • Ease emphasizes making the process manageable.

By applying this framework, authors can create high-impact books that resonate with readers.

Stardom Books offers tailored writing and publishing programs to support authors on their journey.

The I.C.E. Framework empowers authors to share their stories effectively.

🚀10X Your Influence, Impact, and Income by Writing Your Own Book now:

Tips for new writers 


Are you an aspiring author with many great ideas but just wondering where to start or which one to pursue?

What if I told you we could borrow a tool from the world of growth hacking that could help you prioritize and focus your efforts?

Hi, my friends Raam Anand here, founder and chief editor of Stardom Books, United States and India.

I.C.E. Framework Applied to Book Writing |Book Writing Tips

Today, I want you to meet the I.C.E. Framework. Created by Sean Ellis, the founder of Growth Hackers, I.C.E. stands for Impact, Confidence, and Ease.

It’s a simple yet powerful tool to prioritize projects based on their potential Impact, our Confidence in their success, and the Ease of implementing them.

It’s been instrumental in helping businesses skyrocket their growth.

But you’re not here for business strategies, are you? No, you’re here to write a book. And you’re probably thinking, ‘What does a business growth tool have to do with writing a book?’

Let’s put on our creative hats and see how we can apply the I.C.E. Framework to the exciting world of book writing.

Today, in this video training segment, we’ll dive into each element of the I.C.E. Framework and see how it can provide a structured approach to your book writing journey.

We’ll discuss how to identify a book idea with the highest potential Impact, gain Confidence in your concept and execution, and find ways to make the process as Easy as possible.

So, grab your notebooks, or better yet, open up that dusty draft of your book idea. We’re about to get strategic with your storytelling. And by the end of this video, you’ll view your book project in a new light, okay!


First, let’s dive into the first component of the I.C.E. Framework – Impact.

When it comes to writing a book, Impact translates into the potential influence your book will have on its readers and the larger literary landscape.

The key to gauging impact is understanding your target audience. What needs, desires, or problems could your book address? For instance, if you’re writing a cookbook for busy professionals, the Impact could be helping them save time while enjoying homemade meals.

Another way to estimate Impact is by assessing the uniqueness of your message or story. J.K. Rowling, the renowned author of the Harry Potter series, brought something magical to the literary world. That’s Impact! Not to say we all need to create an entire wizarding world, but it certainly pays to bring something fresh to the table.

Consider market trends as well. If you’re writing about sustainability in an era increasingly concerned with climate change, your book could be positioned to make a significant impact.

So, ask yourself, ‘How can my book make a difference?’

High-impact book isn’t just read; it’s remembered, shared, and can sometimes even change lives.


Let’s tackle the ‘C’ in the I.C.E. framework – Confidence.

When applied to book writing, Confidence is about your belief in the book idea and your ability to bring it to life.

You might wonder, ‘How do I build confidence in my book idea?’ A great way to start is by doing a little market research.

Check out other books in your genre. See what’s working, what’s not, and how your book can bring something unique.

But Confidence doesn’t just stop at the idea; it extends to the execution too.

If you’re worried about your writing skills, remember that everyone starts somewhere. Embrace the learning process, and hire a publishing coach or a mentor.

But you know what the great thing is?

Confidence is infectious. If you believe in your book, that conviction will shine through, and your readers will feel it too.


Let’s tackle the final element in our I.C.E. Framework: Ease. This doesn’t mean looking for the easiest book to write but finding ways to make your book project more manageable and straightforward.

You see, writing a book can feel like climbing Everest. It’s a colossal task that can feel daunting, but like climbing Everest, the key is to break it down into achievable steps.

 An outline for your book can be the roadmap that guides you through the writing process, making the journey much simpler.

And let’s talk about time. We’re all busy, and finding time to write can seem impossible. But it’s all about making time. Set aside a specific time each day, even if it’s just 15 minutes.

You’ll be amazed at how those minutes can add to pages, chapters, and, eventually, a completed book.

However, the most significant ease factor?

You are getting help. No rule says you must do this alone. Working with a professional advisor or a mentor can give you valuable feedback, polish your writing, and help you navigate the publishing process.

Remember, every book you see on a shelf is written one word at a time. So, ease the process by breaking it down, making time, and seeking help when needed.

Okay, so far. We’ve explored the I.C.E. framework and how it applies to book writing. Now, let’s bring it all together.

Every book begins as an idea.

An idea that needs nurturing, direction, and a plan to transform into a tangible product – your published book. And this is where the I.C.E. framework can prove to be a game-changer.

By assessing the Impact, Building Confidence, and facilitating Ease in your book project, you’re setting yourself up for success.

Whether you’re a seasoned author or a first-timer, remember that the I.C.E. framework isn’t a one-time application.

It’s a cyclical process you can return to at any stage of your writing journey. Stuck at the drafting stage? Revisit your Impact. Need help with writer’s block? Boost your Confidence. Drowning in editing? Work on Ease and seek help.


The path to becoming an author doesn’t have to be walked alone.

Stardom Books offers book writing and publishing programs tailored to your situation. We help you identify high-impact book ideas, build Confidence in your writing, and make the writing process as easy as possible or even have our writers do all the writing FOR you. So, why wait?

Visit http://www.stardombooks.comtoday and take the first step towards bringing your book to life.

It’s time to apply the I.C.E. framework to your book-writing journey. Because your words have power, your stories matter, and it’s time they are shared with the world.”

Book Writing Workshop

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp.”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

Book Writing Help :

🚀10X Your Influence, Impact, and Income by Writing Your Own Book now:

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Live Limitless: Kamikatsu, Storytelling, Parkinson’s Law, Saving Polar Ice and Chandrayaan-3!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Kamikatsu, Storytelling, Parkinson’s Law, Saving Polar Ice and Chandrayaan-3!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   JULY 22, 2023 

In this insightful episode, we explore an array of compelling topics that range from scientific breakthroughs to fundamental life principles. Learn how India’s space program is demonstrating resilience and determination with its Chandrayaan-3 mission. Dive into an innovative environmental solution by Ice911 that could alter the course of global warming. We’ll also look at Parkinson’s Law, a powerful concept about time management that could revolutionize your productivity. Join us on this journey as we uncover stories of ingenuity, learn from failures, and gain a new perspective on time. Are you ready to transform your thinking? Read on…


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Kamikatsu

In recent news, a small town in Japan named Kamikatsu has caught the world’s attention for its unique approach to sustainability. The town has no garbage trucks, instead, residents compost their kitchen scraps at home and sort other waste into 45 different categories for recycling at the local waste center. Remarkably, Kamikatsu is on track to become zero-waste by 2025, serving as a blueprint for other cities around the globe. This strategy showcases how collective action and community engagement can be a powerful driving force towards environmental sustainability.

2. Storytelling

In Yuval Noah Harari’s recent book, “21 Lessons for the 21st Century,” he discusses the concept of “storytelling” and its profound impact on human societies. Harari argues that humans rule the world because we are the only animal that can cooperate flexibly in large numbers, which we can do because we believe in shared myths – such as laws, money, or nations – that exist only in our collective imagination. This idea prompts us to consider the power of the stories we tell and believe in shaping our world.

3. Parkinson’s Law

“Parkinson’s Law” states that “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” This adage, coined by Cyril Northcote Parkinson in a 1955 article for The Economist, encapsulates a common experience in both personal and professional life. It suggests that tasks will take as long as the time we allot to them. If we give ourselves a week to complete a two-hour task, then (psychologically speaking) the task will increase in complexity and become more daunting so as to fill that week.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. Saving Polar Ice

In recent news, a company called Ice911 has developed an innovative solution to the problem of melting polar ice caps due to global warming. They are using tiny, biodegradable, and reflective silica beads to make the ice more reflective, thereby reducing the rate at which it melts. Early results show promising signs, demonstrating that even complex global problems can have inventive and effective solutions. This example proves the old adage – necessity is indeed the mother of invention.

2. Chandrayaan 3

The Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) Chandrayaan-3 mission marks a critical step in India’s lunar exploration program. Launched in July 2023, the mission aims to land a rover on the moon, following the partial success of Chandrayaan-2. Notably, Chandrayaan-3’s design leverages the learnings from its predecessor, reflecting an iterative approach to complex problem-solving in space science – proving that even in setbacks, there is invaluable knowledge to be gained.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

From the resilience of India’s space program in Chandrayaan-3 to the inventive environmental solution by Ice911, we see the power of innovation and determination in overcoming challenges. Parkinson’s Law warns us of time’s malleability, and how we must be cautious of allowing tasks to inflate unnecessarily. These ideas raise the question: “Are we being as proactive and innovative as possible in our personal and professional lives, and how can we better manage our time to avoid falling prey to Parkinson’s Law?”

Did you like this week’s “Life-letter”? Then, don’t keep this to yourself. Share it with others.

Share this life-letter on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, WhatsApp or via email.

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Why every doctor must write a book

Ready to take your medical career to the next level?


Write a Book as a Doctor and Witness Transformative Benefits.

In this video, Raam Anand, the chief editor at Stardom Books, explains why writing a book is an excellent way for doctors to establish themselves as thought leaders.

Writing a book can establish a doctor as a thought leader, a testament to their knowledge, expertise, and commitment to their field.

It allows them to share their perspective on medical practices, patient care, and the healthcare system, impacting a global scale.

This not only impacts their field but also moves their career and brand.

Finally, he provides advice on how to get started with a book-writing project.


Hello and welcome!

You’re here because you’re a doctor, a lifesaver, a person who has dedicated their life to healing and caring for others.

But today, have you ever considered writing a book?

Before you say, ‘Well, I’m not the next Michael Crichton,’ hear me out. I’m not talking about writing fiction but a non-fiction book about your field, experiences, and knowledge. And there are some compelling reasons why you should consider this.

Firstly, writing a book establishes you as a thought leader. It’s a testament to your knowledge, your expertise, and your commitment to your field. It says, ‘I’m not just practicing medicine; I’m contributing to its growth and evolution.’

Think about Dr. Atul Gawande. Not only is he a renowned surgeon, but he’s also known for his books like ‘Being Mortal’ and ‘The Checklist Manifesto.’

His books have been instrumental in sparking essential conversations about healthcare. In doing so, he’s established himself as a leading voice in the medical field, all thanks to the power of authorship.

Writing a book gives you a unique platform to share your perspective on medical practices, patient care, and the healthcare system. It allows you to move beyond the walls of your practice and make an impact on a global scale.

But it’s not just about impacting your field. It’s about moving your career, your brand.

Let’s dive into another compelling reason to consider authorship – enhancing your brand and reputation.

You see, writing a book does something incredible for your image. It positions you as a doctor and an authority in your field.

 People begin to recognize you as someone who’s practicing medicine and contributing to its body of knowledge. And that’s a big deal.

Example : Dr. Andrew Weil

Consider Dr. Andrew Weil, a pioneer in integrative medicine. His books, like ‘Spontaneous Healing’ and ‘Healthy Aging,’ have revolutionized how we think about health and wellness and established him as a trusted expert. And it’s not just patients who benefit. Other healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers start to see you in a new light.

And this reputation?

 Geographical boundaries do not confine it. As an author, you become a part of an international conversation. You share your ideas, work, and voice with the world.

But here’s the fun part. Reputation has a domino effect. It opens doors to speaking engagements, media interviews, and collaborative opportunities. It enhances your professional standing and helps you reach a wider audience. Sounds great.

So, we’ve already touched on how writing a book can establish you as a thought leader and boost your brand and reputation. But guess what? The perks continue beyond there.

A book can also be an incredibly powerful marketing tool.

In the medical field, it can be challenging to stand out. There are countless qualified, dedicated doctors, all striving to do their best for their patients. But, by becoming an author, you give yourself a distinguishing factor.

 Your book becomes an extended business card, a tangible showcase of your expertise that sets you apart.

Example: Dr. Mehmet Oz

Let’s take Dr. Mehmet Oz, for example. Thanks to his bestselling books, including ‘You: The Owner’s Manual,’ he has reached a global audience, hosted his own TV show, and influenced health practices worldwide.

Think of your book as a silent PR agent, working round the clock. It’s out there, promoting you and your ideas, even when you’re busy with your patients. It’s spreading your name and brand to places and people you may have yet to reach otherwise.

But it doesn’t just attract attention; it can also attract new patients or clients. Providing valuable, easy-to-understand information can help potential patients feel more confident in their healthcare decisions. They already know your expertise and your approach even before they step into your office.

But you know what?

Writing a book is not just about marketing. It’s also about sharing your knowledge and educating others.

Being a doctor, you have a wealth of specialized knowledge. But sometimes, that knowledge can feel locked away, accessible only during appointments or conferences. Writing a book can change that. It allows you to share your insights with a much broader audience.

Example 2: Dr. Paul Kalanithi

Take Dr. Paul Kalanithi, for instance. His book ‘When Breath Becomes Air’ gives us an extraordinary glimpse into life, death, and what makes life worth living from the unique perspective of a neurosurgeon and a patient. It educated countless readers and sparked meaningful conversations about mortality and the meaning of life.

By writing a book, you can help demystify complex medical information. With knowledge and understanding, you can empower your readers, be they patients, caregivers, or even fellow medical professionals.

But it’s not just about the readers. By putting your knowledge into words, you also cement your understanding. It’s an opportunity for introspection, to reflect on your experiences, practice, and lessons learned.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: ‘But I don’t have the time or the writing skills to publish a book!’ Well, don’t worry. Let’s now tackle those concerns head-on because your journey to authorship is closer than you think!

So far, we’ve covered a lot of ground in this journey to authorship. We’ve explored how writing a book can elevate you as a thought leader, boost your brand, act as a powerful marketing tool, and allow you to share your valuable knowledge. But there’s a question lingering in the air, isn’t there? ‘How do I find the time or develop the writing skills to write a book?’

Well, first, you need to know that you’re not alone in this journey. Some resources and professionals specialize in helping busy individuals, just like you, write their books.

Example : Dr. Henry Marsh

Let’s take Dr. Henry Marsh as an example. As a renowned neurosurgeon, he led a busy life. Yet, he managed to write his bestselling book, ‘Do No Harm,’ with the help of professional writers and editors. His book provides a stunningly honest account of his experiences and has been a beacon of knowledge for readers.

Becoming an author doesn’t mean you have to be glued to your laptop for hours, wrestling with words. Professional writers and editors can help bring your ideas to life. They work with you, understanding your voice and vision and crafting a book that truly represents you.

You’re not just a doctor but a fountain of unique experiences and insights that can make a difference. And the world needs to hear your voice.

So, if you’re ready to take the next step on this exciting journey, head to

Explore our book writing and publishing programs to guide you from ‘doctor’ to ‘doctor and author.’ Let’s show the world what you’ve got to offer.

At Stardom Books, you can get the help and support of our highly trained and professional publishing team to plan your book correctly, find the right topic, create it, edit it, put a stunning cover together, and publish your book internationally.

Of course, we also take care of marketing and distribution. And yes, you CAN become an internationally published author, EVEN if you have never written a book before or don’t have time, because you can leverage our publishing team and resources.

 So, go ahead and log on to, get some background information, and schedule a free call with our publishing advisor to discuss your book idea today.

Book Writing Workshop – Write Your Book Now!

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp.”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

Follow Stardom Books For More Updates

Live Limitless: Peter Principle, Time Crystals, AI in News, Roger Federer and Alien Cells!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Peter Principle, Time Crystals, AI in News, Roger Federer and Alien Cells!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   JULY 15, 2023 

In this episode: Welcome to this enlightening episode where we delve into some of the most intriguing mysteries and recent discoveries in science. We’ll explore the fascinating world inside our cells as we uncover the enigmatic life of mitochondria, and then catapult you into the frontier of quantum physics, introducing the newly discovered state of matter, the Time Crystals. We’ll also touch upon the power of AI and its transformative potential in industries like journalism. Prepare to have your understanding of the world challenged and reshaped as we journey through these captivating scientific revelations.


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

  1. The Peter Principle

Developed by Laurence J. Peter, this is about how, in a hierarchical organization, employees tend to rise to their level of incompetence. Essentially, people are promoted based on their performance in their current role, not based on their potential to excel in the next one. This can lead to individuals reaching a point where they no longer perform effectively, as their new role may require different skills than the ones that led to their promotion.

This principle suggests the importance of considering an individual’s potential in their new role before promoting them, rather than basing decisions solely on their current performance.

  1. Time Crystals

The recent discovery of a new state of matter, known as ‘Time Crystals,’ has left the scientific community buzzing with excitement. These Time Crystals, first theorized by Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek in 2012, exhibit a phenomenon called ‘time-translation symmetry breaking,’ where they oscillate between different states without using any energy, defying the laws of physics as we know them.

In a typical crystal – like a diamond or quartz – the atoms are arranged in repeating patterns that extend throughout space, exhibiting a spatial symmetry. However, in Time Crystals, the pattern repeats over time instead of space. These enigmatic crystals could open up a completely new world of ‘non-equilibrium’ phases that are active and evolving over time, and hold immense potential for advancements in technology, particularly in quantum computing.

  1. AI in news reports

Recently, a fascinating development in the field of AI has been the deployment of advanced language models in news agencies for generating reports. For instance, a sports analytics company used AI to cover lower-league football matches that weren’t cost-effective for human journalists to attend. The AI model was trained to convert raw data from the games into compelling match reports, catering to fans who crave coverage of their local teams.

This showcases how technology can be leveraged to fill gaps in industries and offer services that were previously unattainable due to resource constraints, pointing to a future where AI will play a bigger role in content creation and journalism.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

  1. Roger Federer

In the book “Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World” by David Epstein, there’s an interesting examination of how broad experiences and varied skills often lead to success. The story of Roger Federer is used as an illustration. Unlike his peers who specialized in tennis from a young age, Federer dabbled in various sports like basketball, wrestling, and swimming before he focused on tennis in his late teens. This diverse range of experiences contributed to his unique playing style and ability to adapt to different game situations, and ultimately to his tremendous success.

This challenges the notion that early specialization is the only path to greatness, highlighting the value of a broad range of experiences and adaptability.

  1. Alien Cells?

Mitochondria, often referred to as the “powerhouses of the cell,” have long intrigued scientists due to their unique characteristics and essential roles. Unlike other parts of the cell, mitochondria have their own DNA, separate from the DNA stored in the cell’s nucleus. This has led to the popular endosymbiotic theory, which suggests that mitochondria were once free-living bacteria that were engulfed by another cell, resulting in a symbiotic relationship that became permanent over time.

What adds to their mystery is their crucial role in cellular energy production and involvement in various cellular processes, including cell growth, cell death, and signaling. Despite extensive study, we’re still unveiling the full extent of their functions and their impact on health and disease. This “powerhouse” continues to be a captivating puzzle box at the heart of our cells.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

From the mysteries of cellular energy factories, the mitochondria, to the newfound state of matter in time crystals, we’re constantly unraveling the complexities of life and the universe, pushing boundaries in our understanding. These discoveries, intriguing as they are, raise the question: Are we prepared to adapt and evolve our mindset as science continues to challenge and reshape our perception of the world?

Did you like this week’s “Life-letter”? Then, don’t keep this to yourself. Share it with others.

Share this life-letter on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, WhatsApp or via email.

Or, copy and paste the link below:

Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now

Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book


In this video, Raam Anand, the chief editor at Stardom Books, explains why writing a book is a great way for entrepreneurs to establish themselves as thought leaders and build their brand.

He also highlights the financial benefits of writing and publishing a book, such as passive income generation and lucrative opportunities like speaking engagements and workshops.

Finally, he provides advice on how to get started with a book-writing project.

Write your book now :


Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book

“Hey, Friends, Raam Anand here again, and welcome back! I’m so glad you’re here. 

As the chief editor, I always get asked, ‘why should an entrepreneur write a book?’ And today, I’ll tell you exactly why.

So, here’s a little secret for you straight off the bat. 

Did you know that authorship is like a secret weapon for entrepreneurs?

No, I’m not talking about writing the next ‘Harry Potter’… but who knows, right?

Let’s get serious. 

When you write a book about your field, experiences, business, or profession, you do more than just put words on a page. You’re establishing yourself as a thought leader. 

You’re saying, ‘Hey world, I know my stuff!’ I mean, think about it. Who doesn’t respect a person who’s written a book? It’s an automatic badge of expertise.

Let’s remember some of the most successful entrepreneurs we admire.

Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Bill Gates, you know what they have in common? Yep, they’ve all published books. Now, that’s some good company to be in!

Example 1: Richard Branson

Think about this, when Richard Branson’s name comes up, what do you think?

Virgin Group is an adventurous billionaire, right? But here’s a fun fact: his book, Losing My Virginity: How I’ve Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way, has played a crucial role in shaping his image and brand.

Now, that’s the power of authorship!

Benefits of writing a book

  • Writing a book isn’t just about selling copies or making some extra cash on the side, though, of course, that’s always a nice bonus. 
  • It’s about positioning yourself in your industry, gaining respect, and standing out. 
  • You’re not just an entrepreneur. You’re an author, an expert, and a thought leader; that sounds good.

Don’t just take my word for it. Stick around, and right in this video, we’ll dive deeper into why every entrepreneur should write a book, including YOU! 

There’s so much more to explore in this strategy and trust me; you want to take advantage of it, okay!?

Brand Building

 Right now, let’s talk about brand building.

Do you know what’s interesting about brands? 

They’re not just about logos or catchy taglines. 

A brand, especially for entrepreneurs like us, is about

  • Trust
  • Credibility
  • Unique value proposition.

What better way to boost your brand than by writing a book?

 Think about it. 

When you’ve written a book, you’re no longer just ‘Joe or Jane Entrepreneur.’

 You become the ‘Author of That Awesome Book.’ It’s like an instant credibility upgrade.

 People take you more seriously because authors get much more respect than others.

Prospective clients are more likely to trust you. And that’s no small thing in today’s competitive marketplace.

Real-life example

Have you ever heard of Blake Mycoskie? 

He’s the guy who founded TOMS, the shoe company with a heart. 

When he wrote ‘Start Something That Matters,’ it wasn’t just about sharing his journey and reinforcing his brand’s core mission of giving back. 

It made a difference in how people saw TOMS and Mycoskie himself, elevating them from just another business to something more, a company with a purpose.

Here’s the thing in this digital age, anyone can Google your name.

When they do, do you want them to see just your LinkedIn profile and company website, or do you want them to see your book listed on Amazon, Google Books, or Apple iBooks, complete with rave reviews about your expertise?

I know which one I’d pick.

Imagine the potential business opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships that could arise when you’re not just seen as an entrepreneur but as an authoritative voice in your field. Your book becomes a powerful branding tool.

So, consider writing a book whether you’re building a start-up or scaling an existing business. 

It’s not just about the immediate sales but the lasting impact on your brand. 

You know what!? As an entrepreneur, you’re not just selling a product or a service. You’re selling yourself. And a book is a pretty compelling sales pitch.

Alright. Next, let’s discuss how writing a book allows you to share your expertise and story.

 As entrepreneurs, we all have a unique journey, don’t we? 

Of course, the sleepless nights, the nail-biting decisions, the exhilarating highs of success, and the learnings from the failures. It’s genuinely your story, and there’s power in sharing it with the world.

When you share your story, you bring a lot of hope and help to other people.

But you might wonder, ‘Why would anyone want to read my story?’ 

Well, here’s the thing. In a world where new businesses pop up daily, people are not just looking for products or services.

They want

  • Connection
  • To be part of a story.
  • To learn from real experiences, not just theoretical knowledge.

As an entrepreneur, do you want to connect with your audience at more profound and authentic levels?

Example 2 : Phil Knight

Take the example of Phil Knight, the co-founder of Nike. His memoir, ‘Shoe Dog,’ isn’t just a book about how to build a global empire. 

It’s a deeply personal, candid tale of his journey, filled with the raw reality of what it’s like to risk everything for a dream, and people love it! 

It’s not just about the business; it’s about the human behind the company.

 Your story can inspire others, teach them, and make them feel less alone in their entrepreneurial journey. And that kind of connection? It’s priceless. 

It can turn casual readers into loyal followers, potential clients, or even ambassadors for your brand.

Let’s remember to share your expertise. 

A book allows you to share your knowledge in a way that articles or blog posts can’t match. It positions you as a subject matter expert. 

So, when potential customers are looking for a solution, who do you think they’ll trust more?

The person who wrote a 500-word blog post or the person who wrote an entire 300-page book? 


One more thing people don’t even have to READ your book for you to gain respect and authority.

Just because you are a published author is enough to earn you a massive reputation, credibility, and influence over other people.

While thinking about your unique journey and your hard-earned expertise, imagine sharing it with the world in your own book. Exciting.

We’ve covered why every entrepreneur should consider writing a book. 

We’ve discussed establishing yourself as a thought leader, boosting your brand, and sharing your story and expertise. But another side to this coin might interest you: the financial benefits, of course!

Now listen, I’m not going to sugar-coat it. You’re probably not going to become the next J.K. Rowling or Seth Godin from book sales alone, but that’s not the point.

Writing a book can open up new revenue streams you may have yet to consider.

 Let’s talk about passive income first

 Once you’ve written and published a book, it’s out there, potentially earning for you long after the work has been done. It’s called royalties.

 We pay the author a big chunk of every book we sell from our publishing house as royalty. It’s like planting a tree that keeps bearing fruit year after year. That’s not too bad.

 Here’s where it gets even better. Your book can also lead to lucrative opportunities like speaking engagements, workshops, and consulting gigs.

 All because you have that ‘author’ tag attached to your name.

Example 3:Dave Ramsey

Let’s take an example. Ever heard of Dave Ramsey?

He’s a personal finance guru who has written bestselling books like ‘The Total Money Makeover.’ 

These books have not only sold millions of copies, but they’ve also served as the foundation for his radio show, courses, and live events. Now, that’s what I call financial smarts!

 A book can indirectly boost your core business. When people see you as an expert, they’re more likely to choose your products or services over others. It’s like having a credibility card you can play anytime.

 So, writing a book can offer significant financial benefits. It might not make you a millionaire overnight, but you’ll agree that it can help you diversify your income and add more zeroes to your bank balance over time.


Let’s wrap everything up and discuss how to start your book-writing project now. 

If it’s so exciting and fulfilling, why not learn how to start?

So far, We’ve covered a lot of ground. 

We’ve explored how a book can enrich your entrepreneurial journey, from thought leadership and personal branding to sharing your unique story and financial benefits.

But there’s one final piece to this puzzle: taking action. Because all the insights in the world will only mean much if you do something with them, right?

Write Your Own Book Now!

Are you ready to take the leap and write your book? 

Don’t worry; it’s more manageable than it sounds. You’ve already taken the first step by recognizing the potential benefits. And the good news is, you don’t have to do it alone.

 Whether you’ve got a clear idea for a book or you’re just starting to explore the possibilities, our team at is here to help.

Book Writing Workshop

 We have programs that will guide you through book writing and publishing. No need to navigate this journey alone; we’ll be with you every step of the way and before we wrap up, let me share something with you.

 Remember how we talked about Phil Knight and ‘Shoe Dog’? There’s this line in the book that I love. He says, ‘The cowards never started, and the weak died. That leaves us.’

 Well, my fellow entrepreneurs, that leaves us indeed. 

The ones brave enough to start. The ones strong enough to keep going. And now, the ones ready to write our books, share our stories and knowledge, and claim our spots as thought leaders.

 Writing a book isn’t just an opportunity; it’s an adventure. One that could open new doors, create deeper connections, and leave a lasting impact long after the last page has been turned.

Now, my question is, are you ready to embark on this adventure? 

If yes, head over to, get some background information, and click on the green button to schedule a call with our publishing advisors to explore the idea further.

 That’s it from me for today.

 I hope you found this video insightful and inspiring.

 Remember, the world needs your unique voice, story, and perspectives. 

Are you ready to share it? 

Write a book now !

Visit, and let’s get started on your book-writing journey.

Until next time, keep dreaming, daring, and above all, spreading your message far and wide!

Follow Stardom Books For More Updates






Live Limitless: Rule of Thumb, Decision Fatigue, Recency Bias, United Airlines Story and Tara’s Determination!

Live Limitless with Raam

The World’s Most Value-packed Newsletter Life-letter to WIN at Work, Life, and Home” with:

3 big ideas, tips or strategies
2 stories, quotes or case-studies
1 critical question to ask yourself

Live Limitless: Rule of Thumb, Decision Fatigue, Recency Bias, United Airlines Story and Tara’s Determination!

read on LIFELETTER.RAAMANAND.COM   |   JULY 8, 2023 


3 Big Ideas, Tips or Strategies for this week

1. Rule of Thumb (Origin)

The phrase “rule of thumb” is believed to have originated from a practice in which craftsmen, particularly those in construction or agriculture, used their thumbs as a rough measurement tool. The width of the thumb, which is approximately an inch, provided a quick, convenient unit of measure for rough estimations when more precise tools were not at hand.

However, the phrase has come to symbolize any broadly accurate guide or principle that is based on experience or common sense rather than precise measurement.

2. Decision Fatigue

Hick’s Law, named after British psychologist William Edmund Hick, proposes that the time it takes for a person to make a decision increases logarithmically with the number of options.

In simple terms, the more choices you present to someone, the longer it takes them to make a decision. This is a crucial concept in fields like UX design and marketing where reducing choice overload can greatly improve user experience and decision-making efficiency.

3. The Recency Bias

This is a cognitive bias that favors recent events over historic ones. This bias can often cause people to think that trends or patterns they observe in the recent past will continue into the future, even if the long-term data suggests otherwise.

For instance, if an investor sees that a certain stock has been doing well over the past few months, they might be inclined to believe that this stock will continue to perform well in the future, even if the overall history of the stock suggests that it might not.

The recency bias reminds us that our perception of events can be significantly influenced by their timing, and we should make efforts to consider all relevant information, not just what is most recent or salient.


2 Stories, Quotes, or Case-Studies for this week

1. United Airlines Story

In 2017, United Airlines faced immense backlash after a video went viral of a passenger being forcibly removed from an overbooked flight. The passenger, Dr. David Dao, had refused to give up his seat when requested due to overbooking and was injured in the process of being removed.

The incident triggered global outrage and led to a PR disaster for United Airlines. The company’s initial response was seen as inadequate and insensitive, which further fueled the public’s anger.

After a considerable public relations fallout, United Airlines took several steps to improve its customer service policies, including increased compensation for bumped passengers and reduced overbooking.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the power of social media and the importance of treating customers with respect and dignity. It underlines that in the age of digital connectivity, companies are always under scrutiny and that public opinion can have a profound impact on a brand’s image. It teaches us the critical importance of having strong customer service policies and handling crises effectively.

2. Tara’s Determination

In the book “Educated” by Tara Westover, there’s a fascinating account of Tara’s journey from being homeschooled in rural Idaho with little formal education, to earning a PhD from Cambridge University.

One particular incident stands out. Tara, despite her limited schooling, decides to teach herself enough mathematics and grammar to pass the ACT. This act of self-determination is remarkable in itself, but even more so when she succeeds and earns herself a place at Brigham Young University.

However, her lack of formal education becomes evident in one of her first lectures when she raises her hand and asks what the Holocaust was, having never learned about it. The incident highlights the gaps in her early home education but also showcases her eagerness to learn and her courage to admit what she doesn’t know.

This anecdote serves as a powerful reminder that formal education isn’t the only pathway to knowledge, and it underscores the transformative power of self-education and determination.


1 Critical Question to Ask Yourself

From the courageous pursuit of knowledge demonstrated by Tara Westover in “Educated,” to the principles of decision-making illustrated by Hick’s Law, life continually reveals that determination and smart strategies can facilitate extraordinary outcomes. Even the simple “rule of thumb” teaches us that practical wisdom and experience can serve as valuable guides. Reflecting on these insights, it’s important to ask yourself: “How can I apply these lessons and principles to make smarter choices and take bolder steps in my own life?”

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Let’s meet again. Until then, Keep Smiling… Believe in Yourself… and Get all the Best Things in Life,

Raam Anand

Publishing Coach to hundreds of first-time authors around the world

Publisher & Chief Editor at Stardom Books (USA/India)

Author of the International Bestseller, Write Now