Why do some people find it difficult to write a book ?


Writing a book can be a daunting task for many people.

It can seem intimidating, as one may worry about what to write, who will read it, and whether they will succeed.

Additionally, many limiting beliefs can prevent someone from starting the process, such as believing that writing a book is challenging, takes years to complete, and requires special skills and resources.

To combat these fears, it is essential to become emotionally connected to the dream of writing a book so that it can motivate you to continue working towards it.

One way to do this is to think about the outcome of writing and publishing a book –

  • Will their children be proud?
  • Will their peers be impressed?
  • How will they feel knowing that they have achieved this great accomplishment?

It is also important to remember that everyone is unique and has insights that others may not have and that it is possible to write and publish a book even if one does not have the necessary skills or resources.

With the right motivation, anyone can write and publish a book and be proud of their accomplishments.


So why do some people find it very difficult to write a book?

The thought of writing a book sends shivers down the spine of many people.

Real experts are the domain experts; they have been in the industry for some time: five years, ten years, 15 years of experience, and maybe more.

Even those people who are confident of, you know, their knowledge, insights, experience, and expertise, when you ask them whether they want to write a book someday, they say, yes, they want to write a book someday.

But when it comes to the point where they want to decide to write a book.

They are sometimes taken aback by this idea, like, what can I write about?

Who is going to read my book? And I will become a laughing stock, ridiculed by people, peer pressure, all these, you know, limiting beliefs will start setting in.

Is writing a book difficult ?

Many people will think that writing a book is difficult, and they don’t want to admit that they are not courageous to write a book.

People don’t like to admit that. So what they think is said is writing a book is difficult.

Writing a book takes years & writing your book needs special skills. Which I don’t have, or it takes a lot of resources or money. So they try to come up with all different kinds of excuses.

So that they can postpone this idea, procrastinate this idea of writing a book

Dream of writing a book

The dream is absolute, but the actions are not. And one big reason that people feel that way is because they are not emotionally connected to that dream.

That is why they are not motivated. See, if you want to be motivated, of course. Why do people say motivation is momentary?

Because people get motivated, it rises big and then falls off like peaks and valleys. So how do you sustain that motivation?

One way is to become emotionally connected with this motivation that it gets you up every day in the morning.

You have a reason to get up and get started.

Writing a book is one such aspiration that needs to be connected emotionally with you so that you can continue to work every day towards goal.

And one way to do that is to think about what can happen after you become a published author.

We don’t worry about how we are going to create and how we are going to write the book, how we are going to fund it, how we are going to sell it, or whether we can find a publisher, forget about all these nitty-gritty the how-to biography falls in place when you decide.

But what you need to think about and feel inside is what would happen when I become a published author.

  • Will my children be proud?
  • Whether my peers will be impressed?
  • How will they feel knowing that they have achieved this great accomplishment?

Two years, five years, ten years down the line.

For example if people find me online and they look me up, and they see that I’m the author of this book, that is how you connect emotionally with this aspirational goal.That’s what makes this process of how to get things done super easy, doable, and manageable.

I hope you’ll find this interesting.


If you’d like to write your book, there’s no other place better than stardombooks.com

Or, if you want a course on how to write and publish your book, go to stardompublishing.com and access my course.

 My students call it the world’s best or the most excellent book writing course available.

This is only for non-fiction business, leadership, how-to categories of books.Of course, you can also write your personal journey books.

You can write about your insights; You can share your message and the course is also about how to find your message to share.

That is the most important.

It’s not a book-writing how-to kind of course; it is a course on finding your message so that the message can come out in various forms, such as a book, a video, a podcast, or even a movie.

Who knows?

You could Your story could become a movie someday.

All right.

Please know that you are bigger than you think and have great insights that other people may not have.

You’re unique. You are as unique as your fingerprint, my friend. So go ahead figure out what your message is and write and publish your book.

Someday you will be happy that you watched this video, and I’ll be happy if this excites you so much that you write and become a published author one day.

All the best!

Book Writing Workshop

Have you not written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers. You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Information: www.stardompublishing.com

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5 Mistakes Of First-Time Authors


Raam Anand, Chief Editor and Publishing Director of Stardom Publishing, has outlined five common mistakes that first-time authors make.

These 5 mistakes of first time authors include:

  • Overthinking
  • Starting With a Personal Story
  • No Author Goals
  • No Takeaways For Readers
  • No Call To Action

He advises authors to set goals for their books, provide takeaways for readers to help them summarize the content, and include a call to action at the end of each chapter.

To help authors with the process, Stardom Publishing provides resources to give them a better understanding of author goals, as well as strategies and techniques to help make the writing process easier.

For more information, visit: https://stardompublishing.com/


Welcome back once again, Raam Anand here. Chief editor and publishing director to hundreds and even thousands of bestselling authors worldwide.

In this video, I want to teach you about or tell you about the five big mistakes that first-time authors make.

Sometimes it happens like this, people put their effort, time, investment, lot of things goes into creating a perfect book.

When the book is released, it doesn’t perform, or it doesn’t sell, or it doesn’t get the kind of reaction that the author initially wanted from people.

The reasons could be one of these.

Let’s explore all these five big mistakes of first time authors

1)Overthinking – Mistakes of first time authors

Usually, first-time authors try to think about their book; they want it to be the best.

So, what goes into this is you start thinking and then thinking and then over-thinking on that feeling upon thinking;

It so happens that most times, it gets huge, it gets messy, and then it becomes a big hot soup that is not fun anymore, which is why so many people quit writing their books.

They have tried they started to think about it.

Then the overthinking kicked in, over-information kicked in, they get into and into like finding all there is to see about writing a book, how to do this, how to do that, how to sell it, how to edit it, how to proofread, they start thinking about the cover.

Then they start feeling overwhelmed, leading to either procrastination or entirely dropping the project.

Many people believe I am not fit to become an author, and they give up on their dreams, which is unfortunate, but it is not like that. We start blocking this at Stardom Publishing one step at a time.

We hand-hold our authors like we help them think about the first step how do you take your journey?


How do you start your journey of 200 miles? You can’t jump 200 miles, can you?

You first start with your first step and then another step by step, and that’s that way you reach your destination, and some ideas, strategies, and techniques can make the journey faster.

For example, you had a plan. You will know exactly where you will stop on the way, where you will have your refills, and where you will eat if you need to.

So, like that, the entire project of writing a book can be broken down into manageable chunks so that you can take this one step at a time and still complete the task without feeling overwhelmed.

2)Starting with only a personal story -Mistakes of first time authors

This is another big mistake people sometimes make when writing a book about their journey, biography, challenges and obstacles, and how they want to write about all this.

It’s okay if you want to express your journey and share about your journey, that’s fine, but if you try to fill that up and fill your book with your journey, that’s not a good way to write a book.

Especially if you are going to write your first book unless you already have a big fan following, maybe you are a celebrity, perhaps you are an actor, maybe you are a musician, maybe you are someone who has got a million followers on your social media handles.

Yes, because your fans and followers want to know what’s happening in your personal life. They are curious, and you can satisfy their curiosity by writing about your personal stories.

Non – Fiction Books

Otherwise, in the non-fiction category, which we are dealing with, the leadership books, non-fiction books, how-to books, business books, and your professional books.

These books shouldn’t be only about you on your journey.

Instead, they should also be about your customer’s journey or the reader’s journey and their problems, issues, and challenges so that they can resonate better with and connect with the content inside your book and thereby connect with the author.

So, sharing your stories is good. It’s okay if that’s not the only thing you plan to write in your book.

3)No Author Goals – Mistakes of first time authors

All right, many people want to write books and do write a book, even though the number of people who write books is minimal.

But, out of all these books, let’s say 100 books written by first-time authors, 95 are written without goals. That is a reason why 95 of them fail in the marketplace.

The first reason is they still need to set the author’s goal. And what do I mean by that?

Every book should start with a goal for the author, and that’s what we teach at Stardom Publishing.

When people think about writing a book, the first thing that pops into their mind is, what will be my book’s topic? That’s all right, but we must also figure out two other steps before that.

Step one is the author’s goals

  • What is the goal of this book?
  • Why am I writing this book?
  • What is the reason behind reading this book
  • what do I want the reader to do for me or my professional or personal life?

That is the number one thing you should know.

Along with that, we also need to understand the reasons or the goals; like

  • If you want to get into the media, that’s a good goal.
  • If you want to establish your credibility in a specific marketplace, that’s very good.
  • If you want to leave a legacy behind, that’s a valid goal, too
  • lead generation – a valid goal.

So, like that, there are several goals you can attach your book to so that it becomes purposefully written, which resonates with people and gives it direction.

It’s not just like, you know, throwing your net randomly and expecting to catch a large school of fish. So that’s what happens. Having a goal is a significant impediment.

If you want to browse the different kinds of goals and choose one of those goals which could be valid for your next book, go to stardompublishing.com, scroll down, and you’ll see several goals.

 If your goal is to generate leads, and this is the kind of book you must create, that’s what happens. Along with plans, there is also something called an aspirational level.

You don’t want to write a book to fulfill a goal; you also want to reach a higher level of aspiration for yourself.

We can combine these two things to the goal, add that aspirational value to it, and then think about what topics can help you resonate with the audience with those topics as well as these aspirational values and your goals.

4)No Takeaways – Mistakes of first time authors

Next one, No Takeaways; that’s for the readers I am talking about.

Every book should have some takeaways; every chapter should have a takeaway. You should provide a bullet list of takeaways at the end of the chapter for several reasons.

One is it will help you summarize the entire chapter for people who are, you know, fast readers. You can summarize the whole chapter in 4,5 points.

The second thing is it looks good when people read this as a book.

Third, the most crucial point is that it will help you market and sell more books; how?

Because people, when they read your books, want to talk about it. And if you give them their takeaways for every chapter, So that’s why I recommend takeaways;

You decide and provide them in the form of a bullet list at the end of not just the book but at the end of every chapter.

If you can do that, that’ll be wonderful.

If you do not, the readers are left mid-way, like when you finish chapter one, when somebody reads your book, they read through chapter one, and now we can give them the bullet points.

You can add the last point to the next chapter, where we’ll learn about A, B, and C—that way, you bring them back into your book.

It would help if you let your readers close the book, put it back on the shelf, and perhaps never return to it again.

You are giving them a reason to segue into the next chapter. That’s how you design books.

5)No CTA – Mistakes of first time authors

Number 5 – the fifth one is a really, really a killer No CTA . What do I mean by that? No CTA

CTA is short for call to action. What is a call to action? What do you want your reader to do after they read your book?

  • Do you want them to come to your website?
  • Do you want them to give you their name, email address, and phone number?
  • Do you want them to come and visit you?
  • Do you want them to go to, you know, opt-in to buy your stuff?
  • Do you want them to go and watch your videos?

You must have something more to give your readers, don’t you? And this CTA… most authors miss this.

Tips For Writing Non -Fiction Book

Especially in the non-fiction category, I highly recommend marking this with a star, underlining this, writing it down, putting a highlighter on this.

Make sure there is always a call to action, not just at the end of the book give a call to action at the end of every chapter.Just like the previous step takeaways.

What if your book contains ten chapters? At the end of every chapter, you have a call to action.

At the end of the first chapter, you give a call to action to go to a website. In the second chapter, you provide a call to action to download a PDF.

At the end of chapter 3, maybe you give them a chart or an image or an assessment that they can come and access somewhere on your website.

Perhaps chapter four CTA could go, and signup for you or subscribe to your YouTube channel or join your newsletter on LinkedIn or join your group on Facebook.

The vital idea the takeaway for you here is that we have to try and integrate people from consuming your information differently.

Books are one way they consume information, but you can also share your information on other platforms where you can interact with your readers.

So, you also want to build your fan following; you want to make your tribe and your network, so giving a call to action inside every chapter will help you do that as well. And hope this was useful for you.

If you need more information or more such strategies more such tactics, and if you want to access my brand-new course that will help you write and create your best-selling book manuscript.

Website Details:

Visit StardomPublishing.com and go there get all the resources.

There are some free resources available there as well.

Check out the course and if you think it is good for you, subscribe to it as well; let’s see you let’s see each other in another video; until then, keep smiling, believe in yourself, and get all the best things in life.

Book Writing Workshop

Have you written a book yet? Well, now you can… because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched it’s “Bestseller Bootcamp”…

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level stuff (not some cheap online course or a shortcut) — and brought to you directly by the publishing house.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers go to create and publish their own bestsellers. You can do it too… from scratch… even if you have never written before.

For More Details: https://stardompublishing.com/


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