Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book


In this video, Raam Anand, the chief editor at Stardom Books, explains why writing a book is a great way for entrepreneurs to establish themselves as thought leaders and build their brand.

He also highlights the financial benefits of writing and publishing a book, such as passive income generation and lucrative opportunities like speaking engagements and workshops.

Finally, he provides advice on how to get started with a book-writing project.

Write your book now : https://stardompublishing.com/


Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write a Book

“Hey, Friends, Raam Anand here again, and welcome back! I’m so glad you’re here. 

As the chief editor, I always get asked, ‘why should an entrepreneur write a book?’ And today, I’ll tell you exactly why.

So, here’s a little secret for you straight off the bat. 

Did you know that authorship is like a secret weapon for entrepreneurs?

No, I’m not talking about writing the next ‘Harry Potter’… but who knows, right?

Let’s get serious. 

When you write a book about your field, experiences, business, or profession, you do more than just put words on a page. You’re establishing yourself as a thought leader. 

You’re saying, ‘Hey world, I know my stuff!’ I mean, think about it. Who doesn’t respect a person who’s written a book? It’s an automatic badge of expertise.

Let’s remember some of the most successful entrepreneurs we admire.

Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Bill Gates, you know what they have in common? Yep, they’ve all published books. Now, that’s some good company to be in!

Example 1: Richard Branson

Think about this, when Richard Branson’s name comes up, what do you think?

Virgin Group is an adventurous billionaire, right? But here’s a fun fact: his book, Losing My Virginity: How I’ve Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My Way, has played a crucial role in shaping his image and brand.

Now, that’s the power of authorship!

Benefits of writing a book

  • Writing a book isn’t just about selling copies or making some extra cash on the side, though, of course, that’s always a nice bonus. 
  • It’s about positioning yourself in your industry, gaining respect, and standing out. 
  • You’re not just an entrepreneur. You’re an author, an expert, and a thought leader; that sounds good.

Don’t just take my word for it. Stick around, and right in this video, we’ll dive deeper into why every entrepreneur should write a book, including YOU! 

There’s so much more to explore in this strategy and trust me; you want to take advantage of it, okay!?

Brand Building

 Right now, let’s talk about brand building.

Do you know what’s interesting about brands? 

They’re not just about logos or catchy taglines. 

A brand, especially for entrepreneurs like us, is about

  • Trust
  • Credibility
  • Unique value proposition.

What better way to boost your brand than by writing a book?

 Think about it. 

When you’ve written a book, you’re no longer just ‘Joe or Jane Entrepreneur.’

 You become the ‘Author of That Awesome Book.’ It’s like an instant credibility upgrade.

 People take you more seriously because authors get much more respect than others.

Prospective clients are more likely to trust you. And that’s no small thing in today’s competitive marketplace.

Real-life example

Have you ever heard of Blake Mycoskie? 

He’s the guy who founded TOMS, the shoe company with a heart. 

When he wrote ‘Start Something That Matters,’ it wasn’t just about sharing his journey and reinforcing his brand’s core mission of giving back. 

It made a difference in how people saw TOMS and Mycoskie himself, elevating them from just another business to something more, a company with a purpose.

Here’s the thing in this digital age, anyone can Google your name.

When they do, do you want them to see just your LinkedIn profile and company website, or do you want them to see your book listed on Amazon, Google Books, or Apple iBooks, complete with rave reviews about your expertise?

I know which one I’d pick.

Imagine the potential business opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships that could arise when you’re not just seen as an entrepreneur but as an authoritative voice in your field. Your book becomes a powerful branding tool.

So, consider writing a book whether you’re building a start-up or scaling an existing business. 

It’s not just about the immediate sales but the lasting impact on your brand. 

You know what!? As an entrepreneur, you’re not just selling a product or a service. You’re selling yourself. And a book is a pretty compelling sales pitch.

Alright. Next, let’s discuss how writing a book allows you to share your expertise and story.

 As entrepreneurs, we all have a unique journey, don’t we? 

Of course, the sleepless nights, the nail-biting decisions, the exhilarating highs of success, and the learnings from the failures. It’s genuinely your story, and there’s power in sharing it with the world.

When you share your story, you bring a lot of hope and help to other people.

But you might wonder, ‘Why would anyone want to read my story?’ 

Well, here’s the thing. In a world where new businesses pop up daily, people are not just looking for products or services.

They want

  • Connection
  • To be part of a story.
  • To learn from real experiences, not just theoretical knowledge.

As an entrepreneur, do you want to connect with your audience at more profound and authentic levels?

Example 2 : Phil Knight

Take the example of Phil Knight, the co-founder of Nike. His memoir, ‘Shoe Dog,’ isn’t just a book about how to build a global empire. 

It’s a deeply personal, candid tale of his journey, filled with the raw reality of what it’s like to risk everything for a dream, and people love it! 

It’s not just about the business; it’s about the human behind the company.

 Your story can inspire others, teach them, and make them feel less alone in their entrepreneurial journey. And that kind of connection? It’s priceless. 

It can turn casual readers into loyal followers, potential clients, or even ambassadors for your brand.

Let’s remember to share your expertise. 

A book allows you to share your knowledge in a way that articles or blog posts can’t match. It positions you as a subject matter expert. 

So, when potential customers are looking for a solution, who do you think they’ll trust more?

The person who wrote a 500-word blog post or the person who wrote an entire 300-page book? 


One more thing people don’t even have to READ your book for you to gain respect and authority.

Just because you are a published author is enough to earn you a massive reputation, credibility, and influence over other people.

While thinking about your unique journey and your hard-earned expertise, imagine sharing it with the world in your own book. Exciting.

We’ve covered why every entrepreneur should consider writing a book. 

We’ve discussed establishing yourself as a thought leader, boosting your brand, and sharing your story and expertise. But another side to this coin might interest you: the financial benefits, of course!

Now listen, I’m not going to sugar-coat it. You’re probably not going to become the next J.K. Rowling or Seth Godin from book sales alone, but that’s not the point.

Writing a book can open up new revenue streams you may have yet to consider.

 Let’s talk about passive income first

 Once you’ve written and published a book, it’s out there, potentially earning for you long after the work has been done. It’s called royalties.

 We pay the author a big chunk of every book we sell from our publishing house as royalty. It’s like planting a tree that keeps bearing fruit year after year. That’s not too bad.

 Here’s where it gets even better. Your book can also lead to lucrative opportunities like speaking engagements, workshops, and consulting gigs.

 All because you have that ‘author’ tag attached to your name.

Example 3:Dave Ramsey

Let’s take an example. Ever heard of Dave Ramsey?

He’s a personal finance guru who has written bestselling books like ‘The Total Money Makeover.’ 

These books have not only sold millions of copies, but they’ve also served as the foundation for his radio show, courses, and live events. Now, that’s what I call financial smarts!

 A book can indirectly boost your core business. When people see you as an expert, they’re more likely to choose your products or services over others. It’s like having a credibility card you can play anytime.

 So, writing a book can offer significant financial benefits. It might not make you a millionaire overnight, but you’ll agree that it can help you diversify your income and add more zeroes to your bank balance over time.


Let’s wrap everything up and discuss how to start your book-writing project now. 

If it’s so exciting and fulfilling, why not learn how to start?

So far, We’ve covered a lot of ground. 

We’ve explored how a book can enrich your entrepreneurial journey, from thought leadership and personal branding to sharing your unique story and financial benefits.

But there’s one final piece to this puzzle: taking action. Because all the insights in the world will only mean much if you do something with them, right?

Write Your Own Book Now!

Are you ready to take the leap and write your book? 

Don’t worry; it’s more manageable than it sounds. You’ve already taken the first step by recognizing the potential benefits. And the good news is, you don’t have to do it alone.

 Whether you’ve got a clear idea for a book or you’re just starting to explore the possibilities, our team at www.stardombooks.com is here to help.

Book Writing Workshop

 We have programs that will guide you through book writing and publishing. No need to navigate this journey alone; we’ll be with you every step of the way and before we wrap up, let me share something with you.

 Remember how we talked about Phil Knight and ‘Shoe Dog’? There’s this line in the book that I love. He says, ‘The cowards never started, and the weak died. That leaves us.’

 Well, my fellow entrepreneurs, that leaves us indeed. 

The ones brave enough to start. The ones strong enough to keep going. And now, the ones ready to write our books, share our stories and knowledge, and claim our spots as thought leaders.

 Writing a book isn’t just an opportunity; it’s an adventure. One that could open new doors, create deeper connections, and leave a lasting impact long after the last page has been turned.

Now, my question is, are you ready to embark on this adventure? 

If yes, head over to www.stardombooks.com, get some background information, and click on the green button to schedule a call with our publishing advisors to explore the idea further.

 That’s it from me for today.

 I hope you found this video insightful and inspiring.

 Remember, the world needs your unique voice, story, and perspectives. 

Are you ready to share it? 

Write a book now !

Visit www.stardombooks.com, and let’s get started on your book-writing journey.

Until next time, keep dreaming, daring, and above all, spreading your message far and wide!

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Book De-Construction | Blue Ocean Strategy | Business Books


Best Business Book to read – Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne is a comprehensive book on breaking away from the competition and creating new uncontested market space.

Blue Ocean Strategy is the best business book to read for entrepreneurs.

 It provides an in-depth overview of the concept of the “blue ocean” and introduces the analytical tools and frameworks needed to implement the strategy.

 It shows the reader how to find new markets across industries and how to expand their customer base.

Furthermore, it discusses the organizational hurdles to implementation and provides strategies and tactics to overcome them.


Best business books of all time – Blue Ocean Strategy

Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant” by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne is a ground-breaking book that challenges everything you thought you knew about strategic success and provides a systematic approach to making the competition irrelevant.

The authors argue that successful businesses can succeed not by battling competitors but by creating “blue oceans” of untapped new market spaces ripe for growth.

Let’s look at the Structure and Outline:

The book starts with the Introduction, which sets the stage and explains the concept of the “blue ocean” as a new, uncontested market space.

Part One: Blue Ocean Strategy

Presents key concepts and tools of the blue ocean strategy. This part is divided into chapters exploring different aspects of the blue ocean strategy.

A. Creating Blue Oceans

Introduces creating new market spaces, not fighting in crowded marketplaces.

B. Analytical Tools and Frameworks

Discusses the strategy canvas, the four actions framework, and the eliminate-reduce-raise-create grid as practical tools to create a blue ocean strategy.

Part Two: Formulating Blue Ocean Strategy

Provides detailed guidance on how to implement a blue ocean strategy. This part is broken down into chapters, each discussing a step of the implementation process.

A. Reconstruct Market Boundaries

– Describes finding new market spaces across alternative industries and strategic groups.

B. Reach Beyond Existing Demand

– Discusses expanding the customer base to reach non-customers.

C. Get the Strategic Sequence Right

– Addresses the correct sequence of actions to ensure business viability.

Part Three: Executing Blue Ocean Strategy

Discusses organizational hurdles and how to overcome them.

A. Overcome Key Organizational Hurdles

– Presents tactics to manage the cognitive, resource, motivational, and political hurdles that hinder execution.

B. Build Execution into Strategy

– Emphasizes the importance of execution as a part of strategy development.


It wraps up the key concepts and calls the reader to action to create their own blue oceans.

Techniques, Strategies, and Tactics Used in Blue Ocean Strategy

Real-World Examples: Kim and Mauborgne use a plethora of real-world examples from various industries to illustrate their points, helping to ground the theory in practical reality.

Clear Frameworks: The authors present clear, actionable frameworks and models, such as the strategy canvas and four actions framework, which readers can use to apply the blue ocean strategy in their own contexts.

Engaging Narratives: The authors use storytelling to make complex strategic concepts engaging and easy to understand.

Research-Based Content: The book is based on a decade-long study of 150 strategic moves spanning 30 industries over 100 years, lending credibility and substance to the author’s arguments.

In writing this book from scratch, it’s clear that the authors began with extensive research to back up their claims.

The ‘blue ocean’ idea is introduced early on, with each subsequent chapter building upon this concept and providing more detail and practical application.

 This systematic, layered approach, combined with engaging writing and actionable advice, is likely how the book was conceived and written.

Book Writing Workshop – Write Your Book Now !

Have you not written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Information: www.stardompublishing.com

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►YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/infoyogis?sub_confirmation=1

5 Books that are more important than a Harvard Degree


This blog provides an overview of 5 books that are more important than a Harvard Degree .These books can offer knowledge and skills comparable to a top-tier MBA program.

5 Books that are more important than a Harvard Degree include:

  • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
  • The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman
  • The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  • What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School by Mark H. McCormack.

These books and many others can provide invaluable lessons and insights that rival the knowledge.

It also provides experience gained through a Harvard program.

This blog also encourages readers to explore writing their own book and becoming the next bestselling author.


A Harvard degree holds prestige & value, but great books can provide valuable insights & lessons on business, and leadership.

Not everyone can get a degree from Harvard or any other Ivy League worldwide.

In today’s world, this will not be a limitation any more.

Here are five books that, when read and applied, can offer knowledge and skills comparable to a top-tier MBA program

5 Books that are more important than a Harvard Degree

1) “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries

This book introduces the concept of building businesses and launching products using the lean startup methodology, focusing on rapid experimentation, validated learning, and iterative product development. 

The book argues that startups should aim to build products or services that customers want rather than simply making what they think customers want.

It also provides practical advice for implementing lean startup principles in your own business.

2. “The Personal MBA” by Josh Kaufman 

In this book, Kaufman provides a comprehensive guide to the essential business principles, concepts, and skills that one would learn in an MBA program.

It is an excellent alternative for those looking to gain business knowledge without the time and expense of a formal degree. 

The book covers many topics, including marketing, finance, strategy, and human resources, and provides practical advice and resources for applying these concepts to your business.

Josh argues that a formal MBA is not necessary to understand and apply these business principles and provides a self-study curriculum for readers to follow.

3. “The Innovator’s Dilemma” by Clayton M. Christensen

This ground-breaking book discusses the concept of disruptive innovation and why market-leading companies often need to catch up to new entrants in their industries.

The book argues that successful companies can become too focused on their existing business models and fail to recognize or adapt to disruptive innovations, ultimately leading to their downfall. 

Christensen provides examples from various industries and offers insights into how companies can avoid this dilemma by adopting a more flexible and innovative approach to business.

4. “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman

 Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman explores the two systems that drive our thinking, offering insights into decision-making, problem-solving and risk management in business. 

The book offers examples, case studies and insights on how systems work and how to recognize and avoid common thinking errors.

 Overall, the book offers a fascinating exploration of the psychology of decision-making and how our thought processes influence our behavior.

5. “What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School” by Mark H. McCormack

This is a business book that provides practical advice and insights into the world of business and entrepreneurship.

The book is based on McCormack’s own experiences as a successful businessman and entrepreneur .

It covers a wide range of topics, including leadership, negotiation, marketing, and sales. 

The author emphasizes the importance of building relationships and networking in business and provides practical tips and strategies. 

Overall, the book offers a valuable perspective on the practical skills and knowledge that are essential for success in the business world.


These books and many others can offer invaluable lessons and insights that rival the knowledge and experience gained through a Harvard program.

 You can order these books from your local store or any online bookseller. 

But wait, there’s more! 

Are you thinking of writing your own book?

If you are pumped up and thinking of writing your own book someday, I have some great news for you at www.writenowbook.com

Yes, my new book helps you write your own book. 

Buy the book, available in digital, paperback, and hardcover editions, and download the incredible bonuses that come along with the book.

Website Details

Go to www.writenowbook.com and explore this idea of writing your own book, and who knows?

 You could be the next big bestselling author in your family, niche, industry, country, or even an international bestseller!

Book Writing Workshop

Have you written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”

The  world’s greatest book writing program  for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level .

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers. You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Information: www.stardompublishing.com

Follow Stardom Books For More Updates

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