Your Leadership Isn’t Broken, Your Strategy Is!

Discover the game-changing strategies you need.


The content emphasizes the critical connection between leadership and strategy, suggesting that if your leadership feels off track, it might be due to misaligned goals and direction.

The speaker, Raam Anand, recommends combining leadership qualities with a strong strategy and personal experiences to overcome this.

Three key strategies are outlined

💥Validating your vision

💥Seeking feedback

💥Staying adaptable

The goal is to create a legacy by uniting leadership and strategy, possibly through writing a book.

The content concludes by inviting readers to explore this idea through an interactive strategy session, aiming for success and leaving a lasting impact.

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Explore Three Key strategies


Hello, strategic superstars! Feeling like your leadership is a tad off track?

Maybe it’s not the arrows but where you’re aiming. And perhaps, what you’re writing?

First up! Leadership isn’t just about the title on your door.

It’s about vision, direction, and strategy. And maybe… a personal memoir?

Imagine you’re a top-tier chef, but your recipe? Let’s say it’s more ‘kitchen disaster’ than ‘MasterChef.

“Leadership and strategy? Think siblings. Both crucial, but oh, the drama if they aren’t aligned!”

Your leadership could be on point, but a misaligned strategy?

Like trying to write a book with a pen out of ink.

Recipe for Success

Mix your leadership qualities with a robust strategy. You can even sprinkle in a chapter or two about your journey!

Tips to Triumph!

“Three strategies to get you from ‘Uh-Oh’ to ‘CEO’ – and perhaps, ‘Bestselling Author’!”

a. Visionary Validation

“First, validate your vision. Got a 5-year plan?

 Align your strategy and document it. Ever considered authoring your leadership story?”

b. Feedback

Second, Feedback! It could inspire a chapter or two in your book!

c. Adapt and Overcome

 Lastly, stay adaptable. A rigid strategy? Like old gum. A dynamic leadership journey?

 Perfect for a page-turner!”

“Unifying leadership and strategy is epic. And documenting it? It’s Legacy.”

 Ready to immortalize your strategic leadership journey ?

 Time to think about a book. Take our interactive strategy session to determine if it’s your next best move!

“Aim for that bullseye, let your strategy lead the way, and perhaps, see your name on a book spine someday!”

Don’t miss a chance to revolutionize the way you express yourself to millions around the world.

Conclusion |Can A Book IN MY Name Make Me Influential?

👉Find out whether book writing strategy is a game changer or dud for you!

⚡️Act swiftly and propel your career to meteoric heights with the power of the written word. 

💥 Its free and it’s 20 minutes 🕐

Book Writing Workshop for Leaders, Entrepreneurs !

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp.”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Details :

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5 Books that are more important than a Harvard Degree


This blog provides an overview of 5 books that are more important than a Harvard Degree .These books can offer knowledge and skills comparable to a top-tier MBA program.

5 Books that are more important than a Harvard Degree include:

  • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
  • The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman
  • The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  • What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School by Mark H. McCormack.

These books and many others can provide invaluable lessons and insights that rival the knowledge.

It also provides experience gained through a Harvard program.

This blog also encourages readers to explore writing their own book and becoming the next bestselling author.


A Harvard degree holds prestige & value, but great books can provide valuable insights & lessons on business, and leadership.

Not everyone can get a degree from Harvard or any other Ivy League worldwide.

In today’s world, this will not be a limitation any more.

Here are five books that, when read and applied, can offer knowledge and skills comparable to a top-tier MBA program

5 Books that are more important than a Harvard Degree

1) “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries

This book introduces the concept of building businesses and launching products using the lean startup methodology, focusing on rapid experimentation, validated learning, and iterative product development. 

The book argues that startups should aim to build products or services that customers want rather than simply making what they think customers want.

It also provides practical advice for implementing lean startup principles in your own business.

2. “The Personal MBA” by Josh Kaufman 

In this book, Kaufman provides a comprehensive guide to the essential business principles, concepts, and skills that one would learn in an MBA program.

It is an excellent alternative for those looking to gain business knowledge without the time and expense of a formal degree. 

The book covers many topics, including marketing, finance, strategy, and human resources, and provides practical advice and resources for applying these concepts to your business.

Josh argues that a formal MBA is not necessary to understand and apply these business principles and provides a self-study curriculum for readers to follow.

3. “The Innovator’s Dilemma” by Clayton M. Christensen

This ground-breaking book discusses the concept of disruptive innovation and why market-leading companies often need to catch up to new entrants in their industries.

The book argues that successful companies can become too focused on their existing business models and fail to recognize or adapt to disruptive innovations, ultimately leading to their downfall. 

Christensen provides examples from various industries and offers insights into how companies can avoid this dilemma by adopting a more flexible and innovative approach to business.

4. “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman

 Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman explores the two systems that drive our thinking, offering insights into decision-making, problem-solving and risk management in business. 

The book offers examples, case studies and insights on how systems work and how to recognize and avoid common thinking errors.

 Overall, the book offers a fascinating exploration of the psychology of decision-making and how our thought processes influence our behavior.

5. “What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School” by Mark H. McCormack

This is a business book that provides practical advice and insights into the world of business and entrepreneurship.

The book is based on McCormack’s own experiences as a successful businessman and entrepreneur .

It covers a wide range of topics, including leadership, negotiation, marketing, and sales. 

The author emphasizes the importance of building relationships and networking in business and provides practical tips and strategies. 

Overall, the book offers a valuable perspective on the practical skills and knowledge that are essential for success in the business world.


These books and many others can offer invaluable lessons and insights that rival the knowledge and experience gained through a Harvard program.

 You can order these books from your local store or any online bookseller. 

But wait, there’s more! 

Are you thinking of writing your own book?

If you are pumped up and thinking of writing your own book someday, I have some great news for you at

Yes, my new book helps you write your own book. 

Buy the book, available in digital, paperback, and hardcover editions, and download the incredible bonuses that come along with the book.

Website Details

Go to and explore this idea of writing your own book, and who knows?

 You could be the next big bestselling author in your family, niche, industry, country, or even an international bestseller!

Book Writing Workshop

Have you written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”

The  world’s greatest book writing program  for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level .

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers. You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Information:

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How to generate ‘hot’ leads with your own book? 


Do you know how to generate leads with your book ?

This Video explains how businesses and professionals can use writing a book as a lead generation tool.

Identifying your target audience, offering valuable information, using a call-to-action, leveraging the book for PR, and hosting or organizing events related to the book can help to generate leads.

Authors can gain respect, credibility, and influence by writing a book. offers a roadmap for those who want to create a nonfiction book, even if they have never written before.

How to generate ‘hot’ leads with your own book – Transcript

Businesses and professionals need a regular flow of leads into their business or profession to ensure a steady stream of potential, ‘cash-in-hand,’ willing-to-pay customers or clients.

Without a consistent flow of leads, a business may struggle to generate enough revenue to sustain its operations.

Regular lead generation also helps to keep a business top-of-mind for potential customers or clients, which can be especially important in competitive industries.

It also allows businesses and professionals to expand their network, build relationships with potential customers or clients, and gain valuable insights into their target market.

Writing a book can be a powerful lead-generation tool for businesses and professionals.

Let me share some strategies on how to generate a constant supply of ‘white-hot’ leads to your business or profession with your own book

Strategy Number One – Identify Your Target Audience

Before writing your book, identify your target audience and their pain points.

This will help you tailor your book’s message to their specific needs.

 Your messaging in the book must resonate with your audience, persuading them to seek you and your services or products.

Strategy Number Two – Offer Valuable Information

Your book should offer helpful information to your audience, positioning you as an expert in your field.

 When there’s a problem to fix, who will seek it? The obvious expert, of course.

Strategy Number Three – Use a Call-To-Action

Most nonfiction authors need to remember this.

Throughout your book, use a call-to-action to encourage readers to take the next step with your business or profession.

 This could be an invitation to schedule a consultation, join your email list, or download a free resource from your website.


Strategy Number Four – Leverage your book for PR!

Use your book as a tool to generate free press coverage for your business or profession.

 Pitch yourself to media outlets as an expert in your field and offer your book as a resource.

 Media loves authors. Why?

Because they are the experts who wrote all those books!

Strategy Number Five Host or organize events related to your book

Organize events related to your book, such as book launches, book signings, or author talks, to connect with potential customers and generate leads.

The people who seek you out AFTER they become aware of your book are most often your best prospects because they already know you, like you, and trust you.

Authors automatically enjoy a lot of respect and credibility.

And let me tell you an important secret here: listen to this carefully — people don’t even have to buy your book or read it for you to gain their attention and trust.

They have to KNOW that you are a published author, and that’s enough to create a great impression.

Of course, when they read your book, it will be a double-whammy on this, right?

Authority, reputation, credibility, and influence are all the by-products of writing a book.


If you are wondering whether it’s the right choice for you and if it is, then how to go about it, look no further than

Discover the secrets to becoming a bestselling author with the 1-page Authority Influencer blueprint from

Unlock the roadmap used by the world’s top authors and learn how to write a nonfiction book, even if you’ve never done it before.

Get your free copy today and start on your journey to becoming an authority influencer.

Drop everything you are doing right now and head over to to create your own, bestselling book.

See you soon!

Book Writing Workshop

Have you written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisherStardom Books has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level stuff (not some cheap online course or a shortcut brought directly to you by the publishing house.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers go to create and publish their own bestsellers. You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

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