In this video, Raam Anand explains the process of identifying and building one’s circle of influence.
He outlines three action steps: studying one’s audience, understanding their questions and the potential solutions available, and resonating with their problems and frustrations.
He encourages viewers to focus on their core message and to answer the questions posed by their audience.
Furthermore, he advises viewers to investigate competitors, watch out for opportunities, and conduct surveys.
Lastly, Raam provides the website, , for viewers to download a one-page roadmap and get access to free training on how to become an expert and top influencer in their chosen field.

Hi there. Welcome back. Raam Anand here once again from Stardom Books and an Authority influencer.
This video is about identifying and creating your circle of influence.
There are three action steps that I want to teach you in this video.
First of all, let’s define what is a circle of influence
Every person has a circle of influence. Based on their interaction with people, they were based on what they do, their life work, their profession, and their idea about getting other people involved in their business or professional work.
Everybody needs influence, and influence is not obtained overnight. You will have to work for this, work towards gaining more influence and trust.
When you have influence, you gain people’s trust; with faith, you can do business with people. You can interact with people. You can not only do business; you can also build relationships.
Relationships are built on trust. And so now, how do you think about creating this circle of influence?
What three steps are involved that I teach my first-time authors because we work with first-time authors when we think about writing and publishing that book, for example?
So, we need to know what is their circle of influence and how to expand the circle of influence so that they can reach more people, drive more book sales perhaps, or have something as a back end to the book that they need more attention.
So, when you seek attention, you are seeking influence because when you don’t have obvious, you don’t get attention in the first place.
All right.
I have a few ideas here and a few action steps here that I want to share with you today.
1)The first thing about your circle of influence
How to identify a circle of influence is doing this exercise, which is about your audience. When you think about your audience, please think about their problems and frustrations.
What do I mean by that?
When our writers work with our authors, they ask these questions: what is the book’s topic?
What is your core message? And one way, and one of the best ways, to arrive at that is by understanding your audience.
It’s not just the psychographics and demographics of, you know,
- Where do they live and what is their age group.
- What is that gender?
- What is that mix and all these things?
It is also essential to understand:
- What are their problems?
- What keeps them awake at 3 AM?
- What issues are they trying to handle right now?
- What are their biggest concerns right now?
- What causes frustration for them?
What are they struggling with in their life, in their profession?
It could be in their business. It could be what they’re trying to solve and going through that.
The pain point if you want to call it that way, make a list of all these pain points so that you have a better and deeper understanding of your audience.
2) Think about what are the questions they are asking right now
What do I mean by that?
Very simple.
When you go to Google or your favorite search engine, you start typing, how to do. And suddenly, Google will start giving you how to do something based on your previous search based on your track record that they have.
So it could be your customers.
What are they asking? Maybe they’re a prospect; perhaps they’re not even your customers.
They’re asking a lot of questions. So how do you find out what questions they’re asking?
Very simple.
- One way is to conduct a survey.
- One way is to connect with your best customers.
What are the issues? What are the problems?
What are the concerns?
What are the questions they’re asking?
Research topics and questions that your target audience is looking for :
Another way, if you still need to get customers, is to go online and find out a lot of questions people are asking about specific topics at Q-U-O-R-A.COM or
There used to be a website called,
These are some websites where people go and ask questions and other people can answer those questions by going and researching your topic there then, you can list all the common questions that people are asking and all the hot questions that people are asking.
That may be a challenging question for you to answer.
No, but these are the questions people ask, and that’s what they want to know.
So, to expand your influence, you must answer the questions people ask.
And how do you know this question?
You’re going to find out all you’re going to ask. Or you can also ask other experts what are the in your topic and what are the questions that they commonly get asked, like frequently asked questions about a topic.
So, there are multiple ways.
There are no excuses for this. You can find at least 20 to 50 top questions that anyone asks about your topic. It need not be you. It could be anyone; they could be asking questions to anyone.
3)The third step is to understand what solutions are available and what the problems are.
- What are the questions people are asking?
- What solutions are already available?
Little research. This means it could also be your competitors, like finding out who is offering solutions. Who is handling these problems that your audience might have? or your group of people you want to influence?
What are their problems, what questions they’re asking, what solutions are already available, and what solutions still need to be known?
- There may be three problems for which solutions are available. Maybe people don’t know.
- Perhaps there are a few problems that solutions are partly available.
- Some issues don’t have any answers yet.
- Those are your opportunities.
But don’t ignore the other two categories as well, because these are, for example, if you know a solution to a simple problem. You could provide a solution and then what happens.
You influence these people.
Who do you call as an expert? Someone who knows the classic one and knows what used to work before?
- How did it start?
- Someone who knows the present?
- What’s going on right now?
- Who has updated information,and someone can also predict the future.
Do a little bit to some extent. So that is what you call an expert.
To become an expert on any topic, you must understand the classic. You need to know about the present. You also learn about the future, and that’s how you provide solutions, gain more influence, and bring us to this last one in this video.
How can you have hope and see when you understand how you can help?
- It could be in the form of writing a book.
- It could be answering questions or doing videos, blog posts, podcasts, and courses.
- You can create and offer courses either for free or for a fee.
There are many different ways you can help people. So now you have an excellent understanding of what other questions, what are their problems? What are their frustrations? What are the questions and what solutions are available, and how can you help them go from point A to point B,
And when you do this, the keyword is listed to this.
Become An Influencer In 2023 !
You will become an influencer on this topic when you do this consistently. You will become an authority on this topic. And then, you can also think about writing your book, coming out with your podcast, and going on the TEDx stage.
Ted Talks, you can do all sorts of things. When you start resonating with the audience, that’s when your circle of influence,
First of all, you nurture it, identify it, promote it, and then start growing and get bigger and bigger and then come to a different or adjacent audience, for example.
So, that’s how celebrities, that’s how top leaders, that’s how the top 1% in any industry, that is how they grow their influence because they are consistent.
They take steps to understand their audience more deeply, start resonating with their problems, frustrations, issues, and questions, and provide them with answers and solutions.
That is the reason why they become the top influencers in the face. And you can do my friend, and you would like to have more information on this, a step-by-step plan.
How To Gain Circle Of Influence – Authority Influencer Roadmap – Download Now!
There’s a roadmap I’ve created for people like you who want to become more influential or authoritative in your topic, head over to and download the one-page pdf roadmap that will walk you through. Of course, there’s also free training.
When you download the PDF, go through the roadmap and the training, and you will soon be on your way to becoming the top influencer or authority in your topic.
All the best!
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