Are you using the world’s no 1 influence strategy?

Are you using the worlds no 1 strategy


Do you know only top 1% will use world’s no 1 influence strategy?

In today’s competitive landscape, publishing your own book is pivotal for international success, establishing credibility, broadening reach, and enhancing visibility.

Stardom Books specializes in crafting nonfiction books tailored to your expertise, ensuring global publishing and effective marketing strategies.

A book serves as a universal business card, platform for thought leadership, and cultural bridge, offering enduring impact, versatility, and scalability.

Ready to explore this powerful strategy?

Schedule a call or request a video presentation from Stardom Books to embark on your journey to international influence and personal branding.


In a world where personal and business branding have become pivotal to success, leveraging every tool at your disposal is key.

Among these, one stands out for its ability to establish you as an authority and launch your brand on the international stage: writing and publishing your own book.

Why Your Own Book is a Potent Tool for International LaunchWorld’s no 1 Influence Strategy

Are you using the world's no 1 influence strategy
Influence Strategy

Establishes Credibility

Publishing a book instantly elevates your stature as an expert in your field. It’s a tangible testament to your knowledge, experience, and dedication.

Broadens Reach

With the global distribution of your book, particularly in markets like the US and India, your ideas, insights, and brand can reach a vast, diverse audience.

Enhances Visibility

Being an author provides opportunities for speaking engagements, interviews, and media appearances, especially in key markets that recognize the value of published experts.

Facilitates Networking

A book opens doors to new business relationships, partnerships, and collaborations. It’s a valuable tool for networking at international levels.

Drives Business Growth

A book can be a direct line to growth for entrepreneurs. It can attract clients, customers, and investors who view you as a leading voice in your industry.

Builds Personal Branding

Your book is a reflection of your personal brand. It tells your story, shares your philosophy, and connects with readers personally.

If you are wondering how to actually write a good book, don’t worry — we’ll write one “for” you. More on this later.

How Does a Book Help in Going Global?

A Universal Business Card

Your book acts as a business card with a global reach. It introduces you and your brand to new markets, setting the stage for expansion.

A Platform for Thought Leadership

Publishing internationally establishes you as a thought leader. It brings your ideas to a global audience, inviting international discourse and recognition

Cultural Bridge

A well-crafted book considers global sensibilities while staying true to your message, making it a bridge between your brand and different cultures.

And, before exploring this idea for your own book, let’s also understand.

Why Writing a Book is Considered One of the Best Tools for International Launch -World’s no 1 influence strategy

Long-term Impact

Unlike short-lived marketing campaigns, a book is enduring. It continues to impact readers, influence thinking, and promote your brand long after its publication, running into many years or even decades!


 A book can be adapted into various formats – digital, audio, and translated versions – making it a versatile tool in your marketing arsenal.


As your business or brand grows, your book scales. It can be updated, expanded, and republished, keeping pace with your evolving journey.

How Can We Help?

At Stardom Books, we understand the power of a well-written, strategically positioned nonfiction book. 

We specialize in helping leaders like you craft a book that resonates with your target audience, aligns with your goals, and positions you for international success.

What We Offer

Customized Writing Support

Tailored to your unique voice and message.

Global Publishing

Access to major English-speaking markets.

Marketing and PR Strategy

Ensuring your book gets the visibility it deserves.

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to explore how a nonfiction book can catapult your brand to international success?

Here are two ways we can explore this powerful idea (“Book as a Strategy”):-

A. Let’s schedule a Google/Zoom call. You can find a link on this page :


B. I can send you a video presentation, and THEN we can schedule a call (email us at if you prefer this).

Let’s turn your insights and experiences into a powerful tool for global market entry and personal branding.

Your journey to becoming an international influencer starts here.

For more details,

Is Book Writing A Good Strategy For Me Or Not?

Calling all visionary thought leaders, experts, entrepreneurs, CXOs, Doctors, Professionals, Consultants, Coaches & Specialists for immediate action.

Don’t miss a chance to revolutionize the way you express yourself to millions around the world.

Find out whether book writing strategy is a game changer or dud for you!

Act swiftly and propel your career to meteoric heights with the power of the written word.

Its free and it’s 20 minutes 🕐

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Top 10 “USE-CASES” For Your Own Book

Top 10 “USE-CASES” For Your Own Book – YouTube Video


The content highlights the significant influence held by the top 1% in any industry and how writing a book can be a powerful strategy to join this exclusive group.

Raam Anand, a successful publisher, shares the top 10 ways to utilize a book as a strategic tool.

These include:

  • Elevating One’s Brand
  • Building A Lasting Legacy
  • Creating Passive Income Streams
  • Establishing Thought Leadership
  • Leveraging Networking Opportunities
  • Boosting Credibility
  • Positioning Oneself as an Expert
  • Marketing Tool
  • Experiencing Personal Growth
  • Attracting New Opportunities


The conclusion encourages individuals to embrace their expertise and not let self-doubt or procrastination hinder their path to publishing. It also promotes an interactive strategy session available at to help individuals gain clarity on the viability of their book idea.


Top 10 “USE-CASES” For Your Own Book

Importance Of TOP 1% In Any Industry

Have you noticed that the top 1% in any industry are the most powerful, well-known, and most followed?

They get all the attention, get invited to speak, and get featured in the news all the time.

When the media wants to consult experts on any topic, who do they contact? The top 1%.

When people want to do business with the best in the industry! The top 1% again.

Awards, attention, and trust always go to the top 1%.

Well, why do you think this happens? What’s the reason behind all this? It is INFLUENCE, my friend. The top 1% have tremendous influence over the remaining 99% in any industry, field, or niche.

Did You Know

Writing your book is one of the best and most powerful strategies to get into this top 1% club!


I am Raam Anand, and I have published over 250 people. Before I tell you how to publish your own book, let me share the top 10 ways to use it as a strategy in the first place.

Top 10 Use Cases for Your Own Book

Brand Elevation

If you’ve ever wanted to stand out in your industry, writing a book is like having an elevated platform. It’s like shouting, “Hey, I’m here, and I know my stuff!” And it’s not just about getting noticed—it’s about establishing a rock-solid reputation in your field.

Legacy Building

Think about this for a moment. Wouldn’t you love to leave a mark on this world that outlives you? A book is like leaving footprints in wet cement. Years from now, it will still show the world your thoughts, passion, and expertise.

Passive Income Streams

Let’s be honest about the money part. Who doesn’t want an extra stream of passive income?

By having a book, every sale chips into that. It’s like planting a tree and then enjoying its fruits year after year.

Thought Leadership

Remember those industry leaders we look up to and admire? What sets them apart?

More often than not, they’ve shared their unique perspective or methodology in a book.

This is your chance to share your breakthroughs and ideas with the world.

Networking Powerhouse

You’d be surprised by the doors a book can open. Want to meet industry leaders, attend top conferences, or be on popular shows?

 A book is like that VIP pass that lets you skip the line.

Credibility Boost

Picture this: two professionals are pitching their services, but one has a book to their name. Often, the scales tip in Favor of the author because a book instantly establishes authority.

Expert Positioning

Everyone wants to work with the best. And writing a book? It’s like getting a badge that says, “Certified Expert!”

It’s a clear signal to clients and peers alike that you’re top-tier in your field.

Marketing & Promotion

Imagine the possibilities! Your book can be that centrepiece in marketing campaigns. Whether it’s book signings, seminars, or workshops, it gives you an array of opportunities to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Personal Growth

Here’s something personal. Writing a book is not just about the readers; it’s also a journey for you. The research and the introspection push you to grow, refine your ideas, and even see things in a new light.

Attracting Opportunities

New opportunities have a way of finding authors. From business partnerships to speaking gigs, a book is like a magnet pulling all these chances towards you.


Well. These are some ways to use your own book as a strategy. Your book is a beacon of commitment, expertise, and authority in this digital age.

If you’ve ever thought of writing one, now is the moment. Don’t let self-doubt or procrastination hold you back.

The benefits are manifold, and the world is waiting for your voice. Embrace your expertise, and let’s work together to help you publish your book internationally. We’ll even write it for you, with you.

Interactive Strategy Session

Check out our 20-min. Self-assessment (Interactive Strategy Session) at

 It’s free fun, and you will gain complete clarity on whether this idea is good for you.

Book Writing Workshop📕| Write A Non-Fiction Book Now

Have you not written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”.

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

➡️For More Information

Is Book Writing A Good Strategy For Me Or Not?

📢Calling all visionary thought leaders, experts, entrepreneurs, CXOs, Doctors, Professionals, Consultants, Coaches & Specialists for immediate action.

👉Don’t miss a chance to revolutionize the way you express yourself to millions around the world.

👉Find out whether book writing strategy is a game changer or dud for you!

⚡️Act swiftly and propel your career to meteoric heights with the power of the written word.

💥 Its free and it’s 20 minutes 🕐

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