Are you using the world’s no 1 influence strategy?

Are you using the worlds no 1 strategy


Do you know only top 1% will use world’s no 1 influence strategy?

In today’s competitive landscape, publishing your own book is pivotal for international success, establishing credibility, broadening reach, and enhancing visibility.

Stardom Books specializes in crafting nonfiction books tailored to your expertise, ensuring global publishing and effective marketing strategies.

A book serves as a universal business card, platform for thought leadership, and cultural bridge, offering enduring impact, versatility, and scalability.

Ready to explore this powerful strategy?

Schedule a call or request a video presentation from Stardom Books to embark on your journey to international influence and personal branding.


In a world where personal and business branding have become pivotal to success, leveraging every tool at your disposal is key.

Among these, one stands out for its ability to establish you as an authority and launch your brand on the international stage: writing and publishing your own book.

Why Your Own Book is a Potent Tool for International LaunchWorld’s no 1 Influence Strategy

Are you using the world's no 1 influence strategy
Influence Strategy

Establishes Credibility

Publishing a book instantly elevates your stature as an expert in your field. It’s a tangible testament to your knowledge, experience, and dedication.

Broadens Reach

With the global distribution of your book, particularly in markets like the US and India, your ideas, insights, and brand can reach a vast, diverse audience.

Enhances Visibility

Being an author provides opportunities for speaking engagements, interviews, and media appearances, especially in key markets that recognize the value of published experts.

Facilitates Networking

A book opens doors to new business relationships, partnerships, and collaborations. It’s a valuable tool for networking at international levels.

Drives Business Growth

A book can be a direct line to growth for entrepreneurs. It can attract clients, customers, and investors who view you as a leading voice in your industry.

Builds Personal Branding

Your book is a reflection of your personal brand. It tells your story, shares your philosophy, and connects with readers personally.

If you are wondering how to actually write a good book, don’t worry — we’ll write one “for” you. More on this later.

How Does a Book Help in Going Global?

A Universal Business Card

Your book acts as a business card with a global reach. It introduces you and your brand to new markets, setting the stage for expansion.

A Platform for Thought Leadership

Publishing internationally establishes you as a thought leader. It brings your ideas to a global audience, inviting international discourse and recognition

Cultural Bridge

A well-crafted book considers global sensibilities while staying true to your message, making it a bridge between your brand and different cultures.

And, before exploring this idea for your own book, let’s also understand.

Why Writing a Book is Considered One of the Best Tools for International Launch -World’s no 1 influence strategy

Long-term Impact

Unlike short-lived marketing campaigns, a book is enduring. It continues to impact readers, influence thinking, and promote your brand long after its publication, running into many years or even decades!


 A book can be adapted into various formats – digital, audio, and translated versions – making it a versatile tool in your marketing arsenal.


As your business or brand grows, your book scales. It can be updated, expanded, and republished, keeping pace with your evolving journey.

How Can We Help?

At Stardom Books, we understand the power of a well-written, strategically positioned nonfiction book. 

We specialize in helping leaders like you craft a book that resonates with your target audience, aligns with your goals, and positions you for international success.

What We Offer

Customized Writing Support

Tailored to your unique voice and message.

Global Publishing

Access to major English-speaking markets.

Marketing and PR Strategy

Ensuring your book gets the visibility it deserves.

Take the Next Step

Are you ready to explore how a nonfiction book can catapult your brand to international success?

Here are two ways we can explore this powerful idea (“Book as a Strategy”):-

A. Let’s schedule a Google/Zoom call. You can find a link on this page :


B. I can send you a video presentation, and THEN we can schedule a call (email us at if you prefer this).

Let’s turn your insights and experiences into a powerful tool for global market entry and personal branding.

Your journey to becoming an international influencer starts here.

For more details,

Is Book Writing A Good Strategy For Me Or Not?

Calling all visionary thought leaders, experts, entrepreneurs, CXOs, Doctors, Professionals, Consultants, Coaches & Specialists for immediate action.

Don’t miss a chance to revolutionize the way you express yourself to millions around the world.

Find out whether book writing strategy is a game changer or dud for you!

Act swiftly and propel your career to meteoric heights with the power of the written word.

Its free and it’s 20 minutes 🕐

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How To Get Anything Done Framework


Let’s discuss about how to get anything done framework.

Today, I want to share an exciting framework that I learned several years ago, decades ago, that has helped me greatly become more efficient and get more things done quickly and easily.

I am so excited to share this with you.

This, I call it how to get anything done framework.

How to Get Anything Done Framework
3 Step Framework

It’s a big climb to get anything done. But when you look at it, when you understand this concept, you’ll be able to get many more things done efficiently and quickly, and that can increase your productivity to a great extent.

So, how to get anything done framework. It’s a three-step framework.

1)Define the “What”

Number one is the what, which means you need to know what needs to be done or what needs to get done.

Here’s the critical part. It has to get on your calendar. It has to find a place on your calendar.


Let’s say things like writing a book, for example. I have seen many people who know they

want to write a book, but they keep postponing and procrastinating this to a someday project.

They think, okay, now I am going to get retired. I will write a book. Now, I’m going to in the future, when I reach a particular stage in my life then I will write a book, let children go out of school, go out of home for school or college. Then I will write a book. So, it keeps going on and on and on.

Unless your task is on your calendar, it gets a date and time, then it will never get done, most likely. Right.

So, the first step is to figure this out.

Put this in a statement.

What is it that you want to get done? Put it on your calendar. Give it a date, a deadline, and a time.

All right. It keeps you reminded even if it cannot be done within the deadline.

If you use Google Calendar, for example, it will be on your calendar, you will get reminders, and it will keep your focus on those upcoming days. Right.

2)Break It Down into Five Phases

The second thing, whatever the task, is significantly bigger things, dreams, goals, and achievements. Break it down into, let’s say, five significant steps or moves or phases. Break it down into five phases.

Why Five?

Because it is easier to remember. It is convenient. You can, for, in your case, it could be like three steps.

Why not more than five steps?

 Because it becomes more complicated. Of course, each of these steps or phases or stages can have multiple items.

But break down this entire process into five major moves.

I’ll give you an example. We help authors, aspiring authors, experts, entrepreneurs, and professionals write their books.

Take this as a book, as a project, book, as a strategy.

There are five steps involved in this.

Five Major Stages For Book Writing

Five major stages For Book Writing
Five major stages For Book Writing

Example for how to get anything done framework

First Stage – Planning

The first stage is the planning stage, where we help our authors plan their content, bring all the resources together, get all the insights together and order it, structure it, and also think about their goals and aspirations and the dream outcome.

What are the topics that we are going to talk about in the book, and who are we going to write the book for?

 So, all these things are in the planning stage.

Second Stage – Writing

 Writing involves many subtasks, like putting everything together, writing the content and getting it, and ordering the structure.

So, there are so many things bringing in other resources.

Third Stage – Finishing

The third stage is the finishing stage, where a book, project, or book gets finished, like proofreading, editing, refining, enhancing the content, and formatting into different output formats like digital paperback, hardcover, and audiobook format.

So, recording those audios. So, all these things go into the finishing stage.

Fourth Stage – Publishing

The next stage, the fourth stage, is the publishing stage, where the book gets published, listed, and made available worldwide, putting together the ISBN and distribution networks, printing networks, and launching the book.

So, all these things happen in the publishing phase.

Fifth Stage – Leveraging

Most importantly, the next phase is the leveraging phase, which means that now that you are a published author, how do you leverage that newfound identity, respect, and credibility?

How do you leverage that and bring it into your existing life, business, and profession, and multiply the influence you get out of this exercise?

So, these are some of the five significant moves of thinking about a book to publishing and beyond, like that divide. Or categorize your big task into five essential steps, then you can achieve this.

 The next big idea I want to share with you today is this idea of who and why?

Idea of who and why?|How To Get Anything Framework

Understand the "Who" and "Why"
·         Understand the “Who” and “Why”

Because initially, any big task, even things like writing your own book, requires a lot of focus, grit, determination, hard work, and resilience.

  • When do you know who you are doing this for?
  • Why are you doing this project in the first place?
  • Is it because it benefits you?
  • Is it just you?
  • Is it also going to help your family, your kids, your children, your company, your business,
  • Or the people in general or the world at large?
Who Knows?

You could be having these insights. Your project could impact a billion people. So, when you know the drive behind the task, the big thing you want to achieve, then the five steps are the tactical parts, the understanding of who you are doing this for, and why you like this to get done quickly.

Those two things, those two ideas, will give you tons of clarity.

Plus, most importantly, the fuel, the initial fuel, you need to push through the initial struggles. Once you hit that momentum, you start taking the steps when you start running.

You put things on the calendar. These are all tactical stuff. The strategy is the project and the who and why. When these are clear, that will give you the push you need. So that is how my friends, the top leaders, the top 1% in every industry, get so many things done.

You may have seen people in the top 1% or top 5% in any industry; they get to do so many things in your industry.


Not just delegation, I mean, even to delegate. You should know what needs to be delegated, right?

  • Those are all tools and resources. But overall, to get anything done, you need to know what it is and put it on the calendar – The first step.
  • The second step is to break it down into five major moves.
  • Then, the third one is to know your why and who is the beneficiary in this.

Conclusion – How to Get Anything Done Framework

So that’s how I get most of my things done. And that’s how I have seen many people get many things done. More prominent companies, especially because I deal with coaching, new authors, nonfiction, and business leaders.

They are very busy professionals, very busy leaders. They don’t have time.

That is why they have attempted to write a book when we meet. So, I make these things easier. It’s a big task. Writing a book is a big task. So, using these kinds of principles, we make it simpler.

I’m not saying easy. We make it simpler and easy to follow. Actually, it takes work to do. It is easy to follow. It makes life simpler. That’s how things get done. And I hope you found a lot of value in this.

If you did, please share the love by liking this video and sharing this video with at least one or two people you know of who you want or think should get more things done.

Let’s see again in another video seminar or a live session

Until then, keep smiling, believe in yourself, and get all the best things in life.

Find out whether book writing is a good strategy for you or not :

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Leadership in 2024: Unexpected Tactics Top CEOs Swear By

Leadership Tactics In 2024

The realm of leadership is vast, filled with challenges and rewards.

While there are countless strategies that leaders employ to navigate this dynamic landscape, some practices have proven to be especially effective in driving results and establishing influence.

As a senior business leader, implementing these strategies can not only elevate your professional trajectory but also fortify the foundation of your organization.

Here are the top five leadership strategies, crafted specifically for the upcoming new year, 2024

1. Precision Delegation

Delegation is an age-old managerial technique, but the way it’s approached can make all the difference. Precision Delegation is all about aligning tasks with individual strengths and growth paths, rather than just assigning based on roles or hierarchy.

Leadership Tactics In 2024 – Precision Delegation

This approach ensures tasks are completed with optimal efficiency, and equally important, team members feel engaged and valued.

Indra Nooyi, former CEO of PepsiCo, was known for her hands-on leadership style, combined with her ability to delegate effectively. She often identified potential leaders within the company and delegated key initiatives to them based on their strengths and expertise, thereby fostering a culture of growth and responsibility.

Under her leadership, many of these individuals emerged as strong pillars, driving various segments of the business, showcasing the power of strategic delegation.

2. Data-Driven Decision Diary

Leadership Tactics In 2024 -Data-Driven Decision Diary

In the age of information, data-driven decisions are pivotal. But what’s equally crucial is understanding the ‘why’ behind every decision. By maintaining a Decision Diary, leaders can document the rationale behind their major decisions, based on the data or insights available at that time. This serves dual purposes: It’s a self-reflective tool and also a transparent record for stakeholders about the decision-making process.

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, is known for his six-page memos. Before any major decision or meeting, a memo is prepared and read in silence by everyone in the room. This ensures that decisions are well-documented, and the insights leading to them are clearly articulated.

3. Networking Outside the Box

Leadership Tactics In 2024 – Networking Outside the Box

Traditional networking, while beneficial, can sometimes become an echo chamber of similar ideas. When leaders make a conscious effort to network outside their immediate industry or domain, they are exposed to fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

Elon Musk’s participation in various industries, from electric vehicles (Tesla) to space (SpaceX) and neurotech (Neuralink), offers a prime example. His engagement in diverse sectors provides him with a broadened perspective that he can then apply uniquely across his ventures.

4. Cultivating Thought Diversity

Leadership Tactics In 2024 – Cultivating Thought Diversity

Innovation stems from diversity, not just in team composition but in thought. Fostering an environment where diverse thought processes are valued can lead to breakthrough ideas and solutions. This might involve hiring from different industries, creating cross-functional teams, or even setting up internal “innovation labs.”

Google’s “20% time” policy, wherein employees were encouraged to spend 20% of their time on side projects of their interest, led to the birth of products like Gmail and AdSense. It showed the power of diverse thought and how it could lead to innovation.

5. Writing Your Own Book as a Leader – Leadership Tactics In 2024

Leadership Tactics In 2024 – Writing Your Own Book

Perhaps one of the most profound ways to cement your legacy, thoughts, and leadership journey is through authoring a book. Documenting your insights, challenges, and triumphs not only serves as a beacon for budding leaders but also positions you as a thought leader in your domain.

“The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries is a great example. Ries wasn’t just sharing a methodology; he was sharing years of his entrepreneurial journey, failures, learnings, and insights. The book has since become a bible for startup enthusiasts worldwide.

“The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries

Incorporating these leadership tactics in 2024 can substantially enhance your influence and effectiveness.

Curious about the power of writing your own book?

Discover if writing a book is the right strategic move for you by taking a free self-assessment today. It might just be the game-changer you’ve been searching for.

Interactive Strategy Session

Book Writing Workshop📕| Write A Non-Fiction Book Now

Have you not written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”.

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

➡️For More Information

Book Writing Workshop By Raam Anand

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For Client Testimonials

How to Craft Your Core Message That Resonates With Your Audience

Secret’s To Craft Your Core Message That Resonates With Your Audience

Summary – Secret’s To Craft Your Core Message!

Do you often think how to craft your core message that resonates with your audience?

A clear, concise, compelling core message is crucial for thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and influencers.

It attracts the right audience, resonates with their needs and desires, and positions you as a trusted authority in your field.

However, conveying what you’re trying to tell can be tricky without a well-defined core message.

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of crafting a unique message that resonates.

It’s not just about your experiences, beliefs, and values but also what people hear, internalize, and remember.

To do this, spend time with your audience before crafting your message, dive deeper into their pain points and aspirations, and tap into their values, interests, and lifestyles.

The more specific you get, the more precise your message becomes.

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of crafting a unique core message. It’s not just about us but also about the ones listening.

You know where to head if you need assistance creating your message and writing your own book.

Go to, and together, let’s create something timeless! like your own book!


Have you ever listened to someone talk for an hour and then, at the end of it all, wondered, ‘Well, what was that all about?’ I know I have, and trust me, it’s a position no thought leader, entrepreneur, or influencer ever wants to be in.

“You see, at the heart of every memorable talk, every influential blog, every impactful video, there’s one thing in common – a clear, concise, and compelling core message.”

“So, what exactly is this ‘core message’? Think of it as your north star in the vast expanse of communication. It’s that one central idea, belief, or principle that you want your audience to grasp, to hold onto, and ideally, to act upon.”

But here’s where it gets tricky. Without a well-defined core message, you’re essentially sending your audience on a wild goose chase, making them decipher what you’re trying to convey. And in today’s fast-paced world, not many have the luxury of time or patience for that.

In fact, a confused mind often says no. And by ‘no’, I mean they’ll stop listening, stop engaging, and stop following. Not the best scenario for someone aiming to inspire, right?

But when done right, a clear core message acts like a magnet. It attracts the right audience, it resonates with their needs and desires, and it positions you as a trusted authority in your field.

Let me put it this way. Your core message is not just what you say; it’s what people hear, internalize, and remember. And that’s powerful!

“So, if you’re ready to dive deep into the art and science of crafting your unique core message, buckle up. This journey is going to be transformative! And by the end, I promise you’ll be miles ahead in the quest to resonate with your audience.”

Do you know what’s ironic?

We often think crafting a message is about our experiences, beliefs, and values. But here’s the plot twist: It’s not just about us. It’s about the ones listening — our audience.”

“Imagine throwing a grand party with your favorite jazz music, only to realize your guests are die-hard rock fans. Bit of a bummer, right?”

Now, this is precisely why understanding your audience is the cornerstone of crafting a core message that doesn’t just speak but resonates.

Get into their shoes

Who are they? And I’m not talking about general terms like ‘entrepreneurs’ or ‘millennials’.

Dive deeper. Maybe they’re ‘first-time entrepreneurs struggling with work-life balance’ or ‘millennials passionate about sustainable living’.

The more specific you get, the clearer your message becomes.

Know the pain points

Next, tap into their pain points, desires, and aspirations.

  • What keeps them up at night?
  • What do they dream of achieving?

For instance, if you’re speaking to startup founders, perhaps their biggest challenge is securing funding. Addressing that in your core message can be a game-changer.

Demographics and Psychographics

Here’s where it gets really interesting: demographics and psychographics.

While demographics like age, location, and profession give you a surface-level understanding, psychographics dive into their values, interests, and lifestyles. Think of it as the difference between knowing someone’s age and understanding their life philosophy.”

There’s a story of an influencer who launched a course for senior citizens on ‘Using Modern Technology’. Instead of resonating, it flopped!

Why? Well, it stereotyped all seniors as tech-illiterate, while many were already savvy with iPads and smartphones. A little audience research would’ve gone a long way.

So, spend time with your audience before writing your core message.

Listen to them, understand them.

It’s like preparing the soil before sowing the seed. It ensures that when you finally communicate, you hit the mark.

You know, in this ocean of content and voices, what truly makes one stand out? It’s not just what you say, but how you say it.

Your unique voice. Your signature style – Plays an important role in crafting your core message

Did you know that there are about 130 million books in the world?

Yet, why do some authors become household names while others fade into obscurity?

  • The content? Partially.
  • The style and voice? Absolutely
Did You Know 🤔

“It’s like cooking. Two chefs can have the exact same ingredients, but their dishes taste entirely different. It’s the individual flair, the personal touch. That’s your unique voice in the realm of communication.”

But here’s the thing: your voice isn’t something you invent; it’s something you discover. It’s already there, within you. Your experiences, values, beliefs, passions – they all contribute to it.

So how do you uncover it? Start by reflecting on your passions and values.

Are you deeply committed to sustainability? Or maybe you’re passionate about innovation in tech?

These themes can be threads that run through your messages.


Next, think about your tone.

Are you humorous, serious, playful, formal?

Your tone can change based on your audience, but there will always be a foundational style that’s quintessentially you.”

Remember, authenticity is magnetic

Think of authors like Malcolm Gladwell or Brené Brown. Their voices are unmistakable. You can pick out their writings from a sea of articles.”

So, dive deep, introspect. Your unique voice, coupled with a resonating core message, is a combination few can resist. It’s like a singer hitting the perfect tone.

Once you find it, audiences will stop, listen, and remember.

“Ready to make your mark? Let’s keep the momentum going.”

Let’s play a quick game, shall we? Think of your favorite movie quote. Got it?

Now, why do you think it’s so memorable? Is it the words? The sentiment? Or… the clarity with which it conveyed a complex emotion?”

“Well, when it comes to crafting your core message, clarity and precision are your best friends.

It’s about distilling vast, expansive ideas into a digestible, concise form.”

You see, the human brain is wired for simplicity.

Complex jargon, long-winded explanations, they just don’t cut it. In our fast-paced world, you have a split second to capture attention. And nothing does that better than a clear, precise message.

Let’s break this down a bit.

4 Secrets to Craft Your Core Message That Resonates with Your Audience

Be Concise

It’s tempting to use fancy words, but it’s impactful to be straightforward. As Mark Twain said, ‘Don’t use a five-dollar word when a fifty-cent word will do.'”

Be Specific

Instead of saying ‘I help people get better at business,’ say ‘I mentor entrepreneurs in scaling their startups.’

See the difference?

Avoid Jargon

It might make you sound smart, but if your audience needs a dictionary to understand you, you’ve lost them.”


Repetition is a powerful tool in reinforcing a message.

Think of those catchy jingles or slogans. They stick because they’re repeated.

“I once read a piece from an expert in quantum physics. The topic? Complex. The writing? Crystal clear.

It felt like sipping a refreshing drink, not wading through a murky swamp.”

“So, when you craft your message, think of your audience. Offer them clarity. Serve them precision. They’ll not only appreciate it but remember you for it.”

“Got your pens and writing pads ready?

Let’s tie it all together in our final segment

“Alright! We’ve journeyed deep into the heart of message crafting, so what’s the next step?

You’ve got it; it’s showtime! It’s about taking that beautifully crafted core message and delivering it for the world to hear.”

“But before you unleash your message, remember it’s like sculpting a masterpiece. You don’t just slap on some clay and call it done.”

“Imagine you’re an artist, and you’ve got this raw block of marble – that’s your core idea. Now, every chisel, every scrape you make reveals a part of the masterpiece hidden within – that’s your voice and essence.”

Begin by chiseling down your message. Refine it, smoothen the rough edges, and perfect its form. Say it aloud.

  • Does it sound authentic?
  • Does it resonate?

Then, put it on display. Maybe in a small gallery first, like sharing with a friend, a colleague.

Gauge reactions. Get feedback. Soon, you’ll know if your sculpture – your message – is ready for the grand museum of the world.

Once you’re confident, showcase it everywhere. Write articles, give talks, host webinars, or even craft that book you’ve always had in mind! And remember, while your style or medium might change, the essence of your message remains the same.

“Your voice has the ability to inspire, change, and resonate. It’s a beacon in a noisy world.”

Like Michelangelo once said about his statue of David, ‘I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.’ Your core message is that angel, waiting to be freed and revealed.

Thinking Of Crafting Your Own Message ?

So, leaders, now’s your moment. If you need assistance creating your message and then writing your own book, you know where to head. Go to, and together, let’s create something timeless!–like your own book!”

“Until then, keep smiling, believe in yourself and get all the best things in life.”

If you need assistance creating your message and then writing your own book, you know where to head.

Go to, and together, let’s create something timeless! like your own book!

Book Writing Workshop | Craft Your Core Message Now !

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp.”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Details :

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Influence or Persuasion… What’s best for Thought-Leaders?

What’s best for Thought-Leaders? 


Raam Anand, the Chief Editor and Publisher at Stardom Books, talks about two important things: Influence and Persuasion.

Influence is the ability to shape someone’s character, development, or behaviour. It’s a slow, steady process, often built over time through trust, admiration, and respect.

Persuasion means convincing people to do something right away. In thought leadership, these work together.

Influence sets the stage by showing you know a lot, while persuasion gets people to act. Raam explains that both are needed, and he reminds us to use them responsibly.

He suggests writing a book to become a strong thought leader. The goal is to use influence and persuasion to make positive changes in the world.

Let’s help you create your own book!


Have you ever been caught in a heated debate over what’s more important: Influence or Persuasion? Or you may have wondered which tool is the sharpest arrow in a thought leader’s quiver.

Well, buckle up!

Because today, we’re diving deep into this debate. We will uncover some eye-opening insights, explore fascinating examples, and reveal what makes a thought leader truly effective.


Hi, I’m Raam Anand, the Chief Editor and Publisher at Stardom Books, both in the United States and India, and I’m honored to be your coach on this thrilling ride.

So, let’s go!

Well, this is our deep dive into influence and persuasion. So, before we wade into these waters, let’s first understand what we’re dealing with.

As our friend Robert Cialdini, the author of the book ‘Influence,’ explains, influence is the ability to shape someone’s character, development, or behavior.

 It’s a slow, steady process, often built over time through trust, admiration, and respect.

When you’re an influencer, people listen to you because they value your opinion; they trust your judgment.

On the other hand, persuasion is more about leading someone toward taking a specific action.

 It’s about crafting a compelling argument that drives people to do something — maybe sign a petition, buy a product, or even change a long-held belief.

Now, these definitions seem pretty straightforward. But things start getting foggy when we relate these terms to thought leadership.

You see, thought leadership is about more than just having innovative ideas.

 It’s about influencing others to see, think, and act differently based on those ideas. But it’s also about persuading people to take tangible action that aligns with those ideas.

So, where does that leave us?

Do thought leaders influence? Or Do they persuade?

More importantly, if YOU are a thought leader, which one should you do more of?

It’s a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation.

Let’s take a step-by-step approach and examine each concept more closely, starting with influence.

So, stick around, folks, as we dive deeper!


First, let’s explore the world of influence, starting with a critical thought leader you may have heard of, Simon Sinek.

Known for his simple yet powerful model for inspirational leadership, Sinek’s ‘Start With Why’ idea has influenced millions.

But how did he do it?

Well, it’s because he didn’t just share an idea; he consistently demonstrated it through his actions, like talks, books, and through his own leadership style.

He built trust, became a person of value, and, most importantly, shared a unique, authentic, credible perspective. And that’s what influence is all about.

Influence is a long game. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, consistency, and authenticity. And as a thought leader, this should be your bread and butter.

Influence is about becoming a go-to expert in your field, the person people turn to when they want insights, advice, or new ideas.

It’s about shaping opinions, starting discussions, and leading changes in thought and action over time.

It’s like that famous quote from the Spiderman comics, ‘With great power comes great responsibility.’

 As a thought leader, you have the power to influence, and with it comes the responsibility to use that influence wisely and ethically.

So, that’s influence in a nutshell. But where does persuasion fit into all this? Let’s find out now.


Persuasion, unlike influence, is more direct. It aims to change behavior or lead someone to take specific action.

To illustrate this, let’s bring back our friend, Robert Cialdini, who we mentioned earlier.

In his seminal book, ‘Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion,’ he lays out six principles of persuasion – Reciprocity, Commitment and Consistency, Social Proof, Authority, Liking, and Scarcity.

Did you know these principles can be a potent tool in a thought leader’s arsenal?

For instance, let’s consider the ‘Commitment and Consistency’ principle. This principle is based on the idea that once we commit to something, we must act consistently.

Let’s say you’re a thought leader advocating for climate change. You could persuade your followers to commit to a simple action, like reusable shopping bags.

Once they commit, they’re likely to behave in ways consistent with this commitment, which could reduce plastic waste.

Persuasion isn’t just about convincing someone. It’s about creating a compelling argument that makes sense and resonates emotionally with your audience. And when used ethically, it can be a powerful catalyst for change.

But here’s the thing. While influence is about the long game, persuasion often focuses on shorter-term goals. It’s about creating immediate action, usually through targeted campaigns or quick initiatives.

So, if influence is the tortoise, slowly but surely making its way to the finish line, persuasion is the hare, zooming towards the goal. But who wins in the end?

Hold onto your hats, folks, because we will tackle that in the next segment.

So far, we’ve looked at influence. We’ve looked at persuasion. Now, let’s look at the intersection of the two.

 After all, as a thought leader, you’re not just working to shape people’s thoughts and actions but also to inspire action and drive real, tangible change.

So, who wins in the race between the tortoise and the hare, or in our case, influence versus persuasion?

Well, folks, here’s the twist – it’s not a competition!

In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret – the most influential thought leaders know that influence and persuasion are two sides of the same coin.

They understand that to create meaningful change; you need both.

Think of influence as the foundation upon which you build your thought leadership.

 It’s about demonstrating your knowledge, expertise, values, and credibility over time.

Then, once you’ve established this influence, you can use persuasion to mobilize your audience to get them to take specific actions that align with your ideas and beliefs.


So, let me give you an example.

Let’s say you’re a thought leader in the tech industry advocating for digital privacy.

You’ve spent years writing articles, giving talks, and sharing insights, gradually influencing your audience’s attitudes toward privacy.

Then, when a new piece of privacy legislation comes up for a vote, you use persuasion.

You call on your followers to take specific action, write to their representatives, or support a particular advocacy group.

You use the influence you’ve built over time to persuade your audience to take action.

In essence, influence sets the stage, and persuasion delivers the performance.

They’re like Batman, Robin, Sherlock, Watson, or ACP Pradyuman and Daya. They work best when they work together!

But how can you make these two forces work for you? Well, that’s what we will explore in our final segment, so don’t go anywhere now!

Influence or Persuasion

First, influence. To build influence, you must consistently share valuable, insightful content CONSISTENTLY!

Write articles, give talks, engage on social media, and write a book! Yes, a book!

Nothing says ‘I’m an expert’ like having your name on the cover of a published book.

But keep in mind building influence takes time. It’s about connecting with your audience, being authentic, and showing up consistently. It’s about becoming a trusted, go-to source of information and insight in your field.

Influence or Persuasion

Now, onto persuasion. Once you have that influence, persuasion becomes about turning that into action. Crafting compelling narratives, using evidence, and appealing to logical and emotional senses become essential.

You can use persuasion to launch campaigns, promote causes, or rally your audience around a specific action or idea.

Let’s think about our friend, the doctor who advocated for better patient care. Through their influence, they’ve built a following. When it comes time to launch a campaign to improve healthcare standards, they use persuasion.

They lay out a compelling argument, appeal to their followers’ emotions and values, and call them to take specific action.

So, you see, influence and persuasion aren’t opposing forces. They’re complementary tools that, when used together, can make you a truly effective thought leader.

And on that note, we’re at the end of our time today. But before we go, I want you to remember one thing. Whether you choose to use the power of influence, persuasion, or both, remember to use them responsibly and ethically.

Because, as thought leaders, we have the power to shape ideas, actions, and the world.

To learn more about becoming a thought leader and leveraging the power of influence and persuasion, visit and check out our book writing and publishing programs.

Writing a book is an excellent and powerful way to become more influential and persuasive at the same time.

Go for it; we’ll help. It’s YOUR time.

Let’s help you create your own book!

Book Writing Workshop | Write a book now !

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp.”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Details :

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Hiring a Ghost writer is the WORST way to write your book


Hiring a ghostwriter is the worst way to write your book.

Writing your book provides unique and lasting rewards!

Hiring a ghostwriter is a viable option for some people, but consider the opportunity of writing your own book and enjoy the personal growth, creative expression, and sense of accomplishment that comes with it.

 Look no further than Stardom Books for free help and support on your journey toward writing and publishing your own book.

 Get in touch today and get ready to reap the rewards!

Write Your Book - Hiring a Ghost Writer


Why is hiring a Ghostwriter the worst way to write your book?

This is a subjective perspective that may overlook the value of personal involvement and creative expression in the writing process first of all.

Hiring ghostwriters can be a viable option for some individuals, it’s essential to recognize that there are alternative “best practices” to writing a book that offers unique benefits.

Many successful authors have achieved their literary accomplishments by personally writing their books, allowing their authentic voice and unique perspective to shine through.

This personal touch can powerfully resonate with readers and create a stronger connection.

Writing your own book allows you to have complete creative control, express your unique ideas and experiences, and develop your writing skills, which can be a fulfilling and empowering process in the long run.

 Hiring ghostwriters is like buying degrees to hang on the wall. You won’t feel connected and proud of it anyways.

It’s essential to consider the value of the journey and personal growth that comes from actively crafting your own book.

If you believe hiring ghostwriters is the only way to write your book, you may miss out on the opportunity to :

  • Develop your writing skills,
  • Express your authentic voice
  • Experience personal growth through the writing process.

 On the other hand, if you shift this belief and choose to write your book, you can enjoy the benefits of

  • Personal involvement
  • Creative expression
  • The sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a project that is uniquely yours.

Remember that writing your own book can be a fulfilling and empowering journey that allows you to leave a lasting impact on readers through your unique perspective.


Get help and support on this, do not hesitate to speak to one of our highly trained publishing advisors .

All you have to do is log on to and click the button to schedule your call.

It’s free, and you can discuss your book idea.

Find out if it’s the right choice for you or not.

Schedule your call today only at

Book Writing Workshop – Write Your Book Now !

Have you not written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Information:

Follow Stardom Books For More Updates






Why published authors are respected more than self-published authors? 


This video explores the reasons why published authors often receive more respect than self-published authors.

  • Validation and quality control from a rigorous selection process
  • Expertise and resources from publishers
  • Credibility and prestige from being published by a known house
  • Reach and distribution
  • Marketing and promotion

These are all factors that contribute to the higher recognition of published authors.

 Although self-publishing has opened up opportunities and is an achievable option for many, Stardom Books can support authors to explore their publishing options with the help of trained advisors.

 Log on to to schedule your free call and discuss your book idea.


Hello everyone!

Welcome to today’s video, where we’ll explore why published authors are often respected and held in high regard instead of self-published authors.

There’s an ongoing debate about the merits of traditional publishing versus self-publishing in the world of writing and publishing.

 Let’s explore critical points that shed light on why published authors often receive greater recognition.

No. 1: Validation and Quality Control

One of the reasons published authors are respected is the validation they receive from established publishing houses. This involves a rigorous selection process, with professional editors and literary agents reviewing manuscripts.

At Stardom Books, we go even deeper with a thorough book conceptualization process with first-time authors. This process ensures a certain level of quality control, as publishing houses invest in the author’s potential and their work.

No. 2: Access to Resources and Expertise

Published authors often benefit from the resources and expertise offered by publishing houses. These resources include publishing advisors, professional editors, cover designers, marketing teams, and distribution networks.

 Working with industry professionals can significantly enhance a book’s overall quality and marketability. It demonstrates that experienced professionals have recognized and supported the author’s work.

No. 3: Credibility and Prestige

Being published by a reputable publishing house lends credibility and prestige to an author’s work.

Readers, bookstores, and literary circles often regard authors published by a publisher as having undergone a selective process and having their work recognized by established industry gatekeepers.

This recognition can increase visibility, media coverage, and access to larger platforms, further enhancing the author’s reputation.

No. 4 : Is Reach and Distribution

Publishers offer authors broader reach and distribution channels. Established publishing houses have well-established distribution networks that can ensure wider availability of their books in physical stores and online platforms.

This broader reach allows published authors to connect with a larger audience, increase their readership, and potentially significantly impact their work.

Now, the most crucial point: Marketing and Promotion

Marketing and Promotion

Publishing houses have dedicated marketing and promotional teams that promote their authors and books. These teams employ various strategies, including book tours, media appearances, social media campaigns, and targeted advertising.

 Publishing houses’ additional support and resources can significantly enhance an author’s visibility and audience engagement.

You know,” While self-publishing has opened up opportunities for many authors and can lead to success stories, it’s essential to acknowledge the distinct advantages that published authors often enjoy.

Validation, access to resources and expertise, credibility, reach, and marketing support are among the reasons published authors are respected.

However, it’s essential to remember that the publishing landscape is evolving, and self-publishing has merits and successes. The most important aspect is the quality of the writing, regardless of the chosen publishing route.


If you’d like to get help and support on writing your own book, speak to a trained publishing advisor from Stardom Books.

All you have to do is log on to http://www.stardombooks.comand click the button to schedule your call.

It’s free, and you can discuss your book idea. Find out if it’s the right choice for you or not. Schedule your call today only at

How to become a role-model for others to follow?

Summary – Become a role model for others

Becoming a role model is an important process to positively inspire, motivate, and guide the people in our lives. It is possible with some great ideas and strategies.

Leading by example, practicing effective communication, demonstrating empathy and compassion, continuously learning and growing, and being authentic and genuine are just a few of the ways we can become role models.

Writing a book is another great way to reach a larger audience and positively impact those around us. is the perfect place to help first-time authors get their message out and become role models through the power of publishing.

With commitment and dedication, it is possible to become a role model and inspire others to greatness.


We all have the power to inspire and positively impact those around us, so let’s dive into some great ideas and strategies that can help us become the role model we aspire to be.”

Become a role model – Ideas & Strategies

Idea Number 1 – leading by example

 It is crucial. Your actions speak louder than words. Show integrity, honesty, and a strong work ethic in everything you do. Whether it’s your personal life or professional endeavors, strive to set a high standard that others can look up to and emulate.”

 Idea Number 2: Practice Effective Communication

“This is key to being a great role model. Listen attentively, express your thoughts clearly, and engage in open and respectful dialogue. Encourage others to share their ideas and opinions, fostering an environment of inclusivity and collaboration. Remember, communication is a two-way street.”

Idea Number 3: Demonstrate Empathy and Compassion

“To become a better role model, it’s important to cultivate empathy and compassion. Put yourself in others’ shoes, understand their perspectives, and offer support when needed. Show kindness, empathy, and a genuine interest in the well-being of those around you. Small acts of compassion can have a lasting impact.”

 Idea Number 4 – Becoming a role model: Continuously Learn and Grow

“A great role model never stops learning and growing. Commit yourself to lifelong learning and personal development. Stay curious, explore new ideas, and expand your knowledge and skills. Share your learning journey with others, inspiring them to embrace growth and improvement in their own lives.”

Idea Number 5: Be Authentic and Genuine

“Authenticity is a powerful quality in a role model. Be true to yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and let your genuine self shine through. People are drawn to authenticity, and when you’re true to who you are, you inspire others to do the same. Embrace your strengths and weaknesses, and don’t be afraid to show vulnerability.”

“Becoming a better role model is an ongoing journey. It requires self-reflection, commitment, and a genuine desire to positively impact others.

By leading by example, practicing effective communication, demonstrating empathy, continuously learning, and being authentic, you can become the role model others look up to and aspire to be.”

I had saved the best idea for today for the last. It is also a great strategy. This is writing your own book.

Become a role model in 2023

The best way to inspire people by becoming role model is to publish your thoughts, teaching, insights, and perspective in the form of a book. It reaches a large audience and continues to spread your message EVEN when you are not around.

It’s easy, it’s structured, and you can even have it written by a writer — only at

 That’s the place for first-time authors who want to become great role models using the power of publishing.

Talk to a publishing advisor today and discuss your idea in confidence.

Book Writing Workshop

Are you an aspiring author or an experienced leader looking to write a bestseller?

Look no further! has just launched its Bestseller Bootcamp, the world’s greatest book-writing program for first-time authors, growth-oriented experts.

With this program, you can create and publish your bestseller from scratch, even if you have never written before.

With Bestseller Bootcamp, you can learn the strategies and techniques to write, publish and market a successful book.

Get the recognition you deserve and become an author today!

Don’t miss this once-in opportunity to write your own bestseller and take your career to the next level!

Visit for more details.

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Does writing a book mean sharing my personal story or journey!?


Writing a book does not have to be based purely on personal experiences.

Instead of relying solely on personal stories, writers can focus on teaching, educating, or empowering others by sharing their knowledge and insights on a topic.

Stardom Books encourages authors to think outside the box when writing a book and use research, analysis, and their unique perspective to create engaging stories.

Writers seeking help and support can go to to speak to a trained publishing advisor about their book idea.


Many people think about their personal journey when asked about writing a book. There are other ways to write a book, you know?

 It’s natural to think that a book must be based on personal experience, but there are many ways to approach writing a book and share knowledge or insights on a topic.

 While personal stories can be powerful and engaging, a book can also be based on research, analysis, or insights.

 It could be about what you want to teach others or providing expert opinions on specific topics.

Writing a book is like painting a picture; just as a painter has many different colors to work with, a writer has many different approaches to writing a book.

 This is how we approach book-writing for first-time authors at Stardom Books.

It’s not only about personal stories but also about sharing knowledge, insights, or analysis on a topic. It’s also about teaching, educating, or empowering others.

Instead of focusing solely on personal stories, think about what unique insights or knowledge you can bring to the conversation.

  • How can you add value to your readers?
  • What research or analysis can you share on a topic?

Reflecting on these questions can help you identify opportunities to approach writing a book from a different perspective.

 These strategies lift a lot of pressure on first-time authors who think about making their books interesting for the readers.

If you continue to believe that writing a book requires sharing your personal story or journey, you may miss out on the opportunity to share your knowledge or insights on a topic.

On the other hand, if you focus on sharing your unique perspective and insights, you’ll open yourself up to new opportunities and the possibility of making a real impact.

 Start thinking about what you want to teach, coach, or educate in your book.

This can be as simple as starting to research and gather information or developing a new angle or perspective on a topic.

Writing a book is about sharing valuable information or insights, so be creative and think outside the box.  


If you’d like to get help and support, do not hesitate to speak to one of our highly trained publishing advisors from Stardom Books.

All you have to do is log on to and click the button to schedule your call.

It’s free, and you can discuss your book idea.

Writing a book Workshop

Have you not written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers. You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Information:

Follow Stardom Books For More Updates






How to create and build your own circle of influence


In this video, Raam Anand explains the process of identifying and building one’s circle of influence.

He outlines three action steps: studying one’s audience, understanding their questions and the potential solutions available, and resonating with their problems and frustrations.

He encourages viewers to focus on their core message and to answer the questions posed by their audience.

Furthermore, he advises viewers to investigate competitors, watch out for opportunities, and conduct surveys.

Lastly, Raam provides the website, , for viewers to download a one-page roadmap and get access to free training on how to become an expert and top influencer in their chosen field.


Hi there. Welcome back. Raam Anand here once again from Stardom Books and an Authority influencer.

This video is about identifying and creating your circle of influence.

There are three action steps that I want to teach you in this video.

First of all, let’s define what is a circle of influence

Every person has a circle of influence. Based on their interaction with people, they were based on what they do, their life work, their profession, and their idea about getting other people involved in their business or professional work.

Everybody needs influence, and influence is not obtained overnight. You will have to work for this, work towards gaining more influence and trust.

When you have influence, you gain people’s trust; with faith, you can do business with people. You can interact with people. You can not only do business; you can also build relationships.

Relationships are built on trust. And so now, how do you think about creating this circle of influence?

What three steps are involved that I teach my first-time authors because we work with first-time authors when we think about writing and publishing that book, for example?

So, we need to know what is their circle of influence and how to expand the circle of influence so that they can reach more people, drive more book sales perhaps, or have something as a back end to the book that they need more attention.

So, when you seek attention, you are seeking influence because when you don’t have obvious, you don’t get attention in the first place.

All right.

I have a few ideas here and a few action steps here that I want to share with you today.

1)The first thing about your circle of influence

How to identify a circle of influence is doing this exercise, which is about your audience. When you think about your audience, please think about their problems and frustrations.

What do I mean by that?

When our writers work with our authors, they ask these questions: what is the book’s topic?

What is your core message? And one way, and one of the best ways, to arrive at that is by understanding your audience.

It’s not just the psychographics and demographics of, you know,

  • Where do they live and what is their age group.
  • What is that gender?
  • What is that mix and all these things?
It is also essential to understand:
  • What are their problems?
  • What keeps them awake at 3 AM?
  • What issues are they trying to handle right now?
  • What are their biggest concerns right now?
  • What causes frustration for them?

What are they struggling with in their life, in their profession?

It could be in their business. It could be what they’re trying to solve and going through that.

The pain point if you want to call it that way, make a list of all these pain points so that you have a better and deeper understanding of your audience.

2) Think about what are the questions they are asking right now

What do I mean by that?

Very simple.

When you go to Google or your favorite search engine, you start typing, how to do. And suddenly, Google will start giving you how to do something based on your previous search based on your track record that they have.

So it could be your customers.

What are they asking? Maybe they’re a prospect; perhaps they’re not even your customers.

They’re asking a lot of questions. So how do you find out what questions they’re asking?

Very simple.

  • One way is to conduct a survey.
  • One way is to connect with your best customers.

What are the issues? What are the problems?

What are the concerns?

What are the questions they’re asking?

Research topics and questions that your target audience is looking for :

Another way, if you still need to get customers, is to go online and find out a lot of questions people are asking about specific topics at Q-U-O-R-A.COM or

There used to be a website called,

These are some websites where people go and ask questions and other people can answer those questions by going and researching your topic there then, you can list all the common questions that people are asking and all the hot questions that people are asking.

That may be a challenging question for you to answer.

No, but these are the questions people ask, and that’s what they want to know.

So, to expand your influence, you must answer the questions people ask.

And how do you know this question?

You’re going to find out all you’re going to ask. Or you can also ask other experts what are the in your topic and what are the questions that they commonly get asked, like frequently asked questions about a topic.

So, there are multiple ways.

There are no excuses for this. You can find at least 20 to 50 top questions that anyone asks about your topic. It need not be you. It could be anyone; they could be asking questions to anyone.

3)The third step is to understand what solutions are available and what the problems are.

  • What are the questions people are asking?
  • What solutions are already available?

Little research. This means it could also be your competitors, like finding out who is offering solutions. Who is handling these problems that your audience might have? or your group of people you want to influence?

What are their problems, what questions they’re asking, what solutions are already available, and what solutions still need to be known?
  • There may be three problems for which solutions are available. Maybe people don’t know.
  • Perhaps there are a few problems that solutions are partly available.
  • Some issues don’t have any answers yet.
  • Those are your opportunities.

But don’t ignore the other two categories as well, because these are, for example, if you know a solution to a simple problem. You could provide a solution and then what happens.

You influence these people.

 Who do you call as an expert? Someone who knows the classic one and knows what used to work before?

  • How did it start?
  • Someone who knows the present?
  • What’s going on right now?
  • Who has updated information,and someone can also predict the future.

Do a little bit to some extent. So that is what you call an expert.


To become an expert on any topic, you must understand the classic. You need to know about the present. You also learn about the future, and that’s how you provide solutions, gain more influence, and bring us to this last one in this video.

How can you have hope and see when you understand how you can help?

  • It could be in the form of writing a book.
  • It could be answering questions or doing videos, blog posts, podcasts, and courses.
  • You can create and offer courses either for free or for a fee.

There are many different ways you can help people. So now you have an excellent understanding of what other questions, what are their problems? What are their frustrations? What are the questions and what solutions are available, and how can you help them go from point A to point B,

And when you do this, the keyword is listed to this.

Become An Influencer In 2023 !

You will become an influencer on this topic when you do this consistently. You will become an authority on this topic. And then, you can also think about writing your book, coming out with your podcast, and going on the TEDx stage.

Ted Talks, you can do all sorts of things. When you start resonating with the audience, that’s when your circle of influence,

First of all, you nurture it, identify it, promote it, and then start growing and get bigger and bigger and then come to a different or adjacent audience, for example.

So, that’s how celebrities, that’s how top leaders, that’s how the top 1% in any industry, that is how they grow their influence because they are consistent.

They take steps to understand their audience more deeply, start resonating with their problems, frustrations, issues, and questions, and provide them with answers and solutions.

That is the reason why they become the top influencers in the face. And you can do my friend, and you would like to have more information on this, a step-by-step plan.

How To Gain Circle Of Influence – Authority Influencer Roadmap – Download Now!

There’s a roadmap I’ve created for people like you who want to become more influential or authoritative in your topic, head over to and download the one-page pdf roadmap that will walk you through. Of course, there’s also free training.

When you download the PDF, go through the roadmap and the training, and you will soon be on your way to becoming the top influencer or authority in your topic.

All the best!

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