How to get accepted by people

Proven strategies for gaining people’s acceptance

Summary – Power of acceptance

In this insightful video, Raam Anand, Chief Editor of Stardom Books shares a true story about a master chef in India who teaches inmates to cook in jail. The food, known as “Jail Ka Khana,” is sold in society, creating a connection for future-released inmates.

The core lesson is that when something you offer (your “blank”) is accepted, you are accepted. This profound strategy is applicable in various contexts, emphasizing the importance of power of acceptance in building connections, trust, and influence in society.

The message encourages viewers to recognize the power of their ideas and messages in gaining acceptance and social influence.

Your own book is considered the world’s #1 strategy for thought-leadership, influence, personal branding, authority, sales, marketing, and reputation. But, is this a good idea for you?
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Today, I want to share with you a quick story and, of course, an insight based on the story. It goes like this.
It’s actually based on the actual facts.

Case Study 1- Power Of Acceptance

One of the master chefs in India, he is running a coaching class.

He goes into jails, provides help, and teaches the interested inmates to cook and whatever is cooked there is taken out to the society and sold there.

They also have a name for that: Jail Ka Khana. In a way, it connects with the outer world for the inmates who will be released in the future.

They get to develop these connections with society, and deep inside, they also know that if their food is accepted, they are also accepted when they come out of these correctional facilities. That can be used as a strategy.

Winning Hearts and Minds: Proven strategies for gaining people’s acceptance

Power Of Acceptance

It goes like this: When you blank space here.

Let’s fill this up later. When your blank is accepted, you are accepted.

So, this conversation actually has profound meaning. This strategy can connect deeply with your audience because it has often popped up in our discussions with authors worldwide.

Case Study 2- Power Of Acceptance

Like, we work with authors from different industries and topics worldwide. So, most of them ask this question initially before they even think about writing a book.

They want to understand whether they would be accepted as authors and whether people would get their ideas.How do you get accepted by your fans and followers?

It could be your customers, vendors, let’s say people. So, in our case, when our author’s books are accepted, the people accept their ideas and messages. Then, they are accepted by the people as well. Now, they get a chance to talk with them, work with them, do business with them, develop relationships with them, and whatnot.

Anything that you want to do with people. It happens because you have earned their like and trust in the first place. Attention, trust, and like are in the first place.
So you can use this as a strategy to enter new markets, for example, or get yourself into the hearts and minds of people by putting yourself.

This could be anything:

  • When your food is accepted, you are accepted.
  • When your book is accepted, you are accepted.
  • When your services are accepted, you are accepted.

You know what I mean? So whatever your message is, if that is taken, you are accepted.

That’s the power of acceptance.

Social Influence

That is how you can increase your acceptance in society. That’s how you develop your social influence.
By the way, in today’s world, it is easy.

Unlike 20 years ago and 30 years ago today, getting social acceptance is easier and more efficient, especially for some of our authors. They write their books, and if they are accepted, they are accepted. That opens new doors and windows for them.


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Leadership in 2024: Unexpected Tactics Top CEOs Swear By

Leadership Tactics In 2024

The realm of leadership is vast, filled with challenges and rewards.

While there are countless strategies that leaders employ to navigate this dynamic landscape, some practices have proven to be especially effective in driving results and establishing influence.

As a senior business leader, implementing these strategies can not only elevate your professional trajectory but also fortify the foundation of your organization.

Here are the top five leadership strategies, crafted specifically for the upcoming new year, 2024

1. Precision Delegation

Delegation is an age-old managerial technique, but the way it’s approached can make all the difference. Precision Delegation is all about aligning tasks with individual strengths and growth paths, rather than just assigning based on roles or hierarchy.

Leadership Tactics In 2024 – Precision Delegation

This approach ensures tasks are completed with optimal efficiency, and equally important, team members feel engaged and valued.

Indra Nooyi, former CEO of PepsiCo, was known for her hands-on leadership style, combined with her ability to delegate effectively. She often identified potential leaders within the company and delegated key initiatives to them based on their strengths and expertise, thereby fostering a culture of growth and responsibility.

Under her leadership, many of these individuals emerged as strong pillars, driving various segments of the business, showcasing the power of strategic delegation.

2. Data-Driven Decision Diary

Leadership Tactics In 2024 -Data-Driven Decision Diary

In the age of information, data-driven decisions are pivotal. But what’s equally crucial is understanding the ‘why’ behind every decision. By maintaining a Decision Diary, leaders can document the rationale behind their major decisions, based on the data or insights available at that time. This serves dual purposes: It’s a self-reflective tool and also a transparent record for stakeholders about the decision-making process.

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, is known for his six-page memos. Before any major decision or meeting, a memo is prepared and read in silence by everyone in the room. This ensures that decisions are well-documented, and the insights leading to them are clearly articulated.

3. Networking Outside the Box

Leadership Tactics In 2024 – Networking Outside the Box

Traditional networking, while beneficial, can sometimes become an echo chamber of similar ideas. When leaders make a conscious effort to network outside their immediate industry or domain, they are exposed to fresh perspectives and innovative solutions.

Elon Musk’s participation in various industries, from electric vehicles (Tesla) to space (SpaceX) and neurotech (Neuralink), offers a prime example. His engagement in diverse sectors provides him with a broadened perspective that he can then apply uniquely across his ventures.

4. Cultivating Thought Diversity

Leadership Tactics In 2024 – Cultivating Thought Diversity

Innovation stems from diversity, not just in team composition but in thought. Fostering an environment where diverse thought processes are valued can lead to breakthrough ideas and solutions. This might involve hiring from different industries, creating cross-functional teams, or even setting up internal “innovation labs.”

Google’s “20% time” policy, wherein employees were encouraged to spend 20% of their time on side projects of their interest, led to the birth of products like Gmail and AdSense. It showed the power of diverse thought and how it could lead to innovation.

5. Writing Your Own Book as a Leader – Leadership Tactics In 2024

Leadership Tactics In 2024 – Writing Your Own Book

Perhaps one of the most profound ways to cement your legacy, thoughts, and leadership journey is through authoring a book. Documenting your insights, challenges, and triumphs not only serves as a beacon for budding leaders but also positions you as a thought leader in your domain.

“The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries is a great example. Ries wasn’t just sharing a methodology; he was sharing years of his entrepreneurial journey, failures, learnings, and insights. The book has since become a bible for startup enthusiasts worldwide.

“The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries

Incorporating these leadership tactics in 2024 can substantially enhance your influence and effectiveness.

Curious about the power of writing your own book?

Discover if writing a book is the right strategic move for you by taking a free self-assessment today. It might just be the game-changer you’ve been searching for.

Interactive Strategy Session

Book Writing Workshop📕| Write A Non-Fiction Book Now

Have you not written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”.

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

➡️For More Information

Book Writing Workshop By Raam Anand

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