How to get accepted by people

Proven strategies for gaining people’s acceptance

Summary – Power of acceptance

In this insightful video, Raam Anand, Chief Editor of Stardom Books shares a true story about a master chef in India who teaches inmates to cook in jail. The food, known as “Jail Ka Khana,” is sold in society, creating a connection for future-released inmates.

The core lesson is that when something you offer (your “blank”) is accepted, you are accepted. This profound strategy is applicable in various contexts, emphasizing the importance of power of acceptance in building connections, trust, and influence in society.

The message encourages viewers to recognize the power of their ideas and messages in gaining acceptance and social influence.

Your own book is considered the world’s #1 strategy for thought-leadership, influence, personal branding, authority, sales, marketing, and reputation. But, is this a good idea for you?
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Today, I want to share with you a quick story and, of course, an insight based on the story. It goes like this.
It’s actually based on the actual facts.

Case Study 1- Power Of Acceptance

One of the master chefs in India, he is running a coaching class.

He goes into jails, provides help, and teaches the interested inmates to cook and whatever is cooked there is taken out to the society and sold there.

They also have a name for that: Jail Ka Khana. In a way, it connects with the outer world for the inmates who will be released in the future.

They get to develop these connections with society, and deep inside, they also know that if their food is accepted, they are also accepted when they come out of these correctional facilities. That can be used as a strategy.

Winning Hearts and Minds: Proven strategies for gaining people’s acceptance

Power Of Acceptance

It goes like this: When you blank space here.

Let’s fill this up later. When your blank is accepted, you are accepted.

So, this conversation actually has profound meaning. This strategy can connect deeply with your audience because it has often popped up in our discussions with authors worldwide.

Case Study 2- Power Of Acceptance

Like, we work with authors from different industries and topics worldwide. So, most of them ask this question initially before they even think about writing a book.

They want to understand whether they would be accepted as authors and whether people would get their ideas.How do you get accepted by your fans and followers?

It could be your customers, vendors, let’s say people. So, in our case, when our author’s books are accepted, the people accept their ideas and messages. Then, they are accepted by the people as well. Now, they get a chance to talk with them, work with them, do business with them, develop relationships with them, and whatnot.

Anything that you want to do with people. It happens because you have earned their like and trust in the first place. Attention, trust, and like are in the first place.
So you can use this as a strategy to enter new markets, for example, or get yourself into the hearts and minds of people by putting yourself.

This could be anything:

  • When your food is accepted, you are accepted.
  • When your book is accepted, you are accepted.
  • When your services are accepted, you are accepted.

You know what I mean? So whatever your message is, if that is taken, you are accepted.

That’s the power of acceptance.

Social Influence

That is how you can increase your acceptance in society. That’s how you develop your social influence.
By the way, in today’s world, it is easy.

Unlike 20 years ago and 30 years ago today, getting social acceptance is easier and more efficient, especially for some of our authors. They write their books, and if they are accepted, they are accepted. That opens new doors and windows for them.


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Hiring a Ghost writer is the WORST way to write your book


Hiring a ghostwriter is the worst way to write your book.

Writing your book provides unique and lasting rewards!

Hiring a ghostwriter is a viable option for some people, but consider the opportunity of writing your own book and enjoy the personal growth, creative expression, and sense of accomplishment that comes with it.

 Look no further than Stardom Books for free help and support on your journey toward writing and publishing your own book.

 Get in touch today and get ready to reap the rewards!

Write Your Book - Hiring a Ghost Writer


Why is hiring a Ghostwriter the worst way to write your book?

This is a subjective perspective that may overlook the value of personal involvement and creative expression in the writing process first of all.

Hiring ghostwriters can be a viable option for some individuals, it’s essential to recognize that there are alternative “best practices” to writing a book that offers unique benefits.

Many successful authors have achieved their literary accomplishments by personally writing their books, allowing their authentic voice and unique perspective to shine through.

This personal touch can powerfully resonate with readers and create a stronger connection.

Writing your own book allows you to have complete creative control, express your unique ideas and experiences, and develop your writing skills, which can be a fulfilling and empowering process in the long run.

 Hiring ghostwriters is like buying degrees to hang on the wall. You won’t feel connected and proud of it anyways.

It’s essential to consider the value of the journey and personal growth that comes from actively crafting your own book.

If you believe hiring ghostwriters is the only way to write your book, you may miss out on the opportunity to :

  • Develop your writing skills,
  • Express your authentic voice
  • Experience personal growth through the writing process.

 On the other hand, if you shift this belief and choose to write your book, you can enjoy the benefits of

  • Personal involvement
  • Creative expression
  • The sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a project that is uniquely yours.

Remember that writing your own book can be a fulfilling and empowering journey that allows you to leave a lasting impact on readers through your unique perspective.


Get help and support on this, do not hesitate to speak to one of our highly trained publishing advisors .

All you have to do is log on to and click the button to schedule your call.

It’s free, and you can discuss your book idea.

Find out if it’s the right choice for you or not.

Schedule your call today only at

Book Writing Workshop – Write Your Book Now !

Have you not written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Information:

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Why published authors are respected more than self-published authors? 


This video explores the reasons why published authors often receive more respect than self-published authors.

  • Validation and quality control from a rigorous selection process
  • Expertise and resources from publishers
  • Credibility and prestige from being published by a known house
  • Reach and distribution
  • Marketing and promotion

These are all factors that contribute to the higher recognition of published authors.

 Although self-publishing has opened up opportunities and is an achievable option for many, Stardom Books can support authors to explore their publishing options with the help of trained advisors.

 Log on to to schedule your free call and discuss your book idea.


Hello everyone!

Welcome to today’s video, where we’ll explore why published authors are often respected and held in high regard instead of self-published authors.

There’s an ongoing debate about the merits of traditional publishing versus self-publishing in the world of writing and publishing.

 Let’s explore critical points that shed light on why published authors often receive greater recognition.

No. 1: Validation and Quality Control

One of the reasons published authors are respected is the validation they receive from established publishing houses. This involves a rigorous selection process, with professional editors and literary agents reviewing manuscripts.

At Stardom Books, we go even deeper with a thorough book conceptualization process with first-time authors. This process ensures a certain level of quality control, as publishing houses invest in the author’s potential and their work.

No. 2: Access to Resources and Expertise

Published authors often benefit from the resources and expertise offered by publishing houses. These resources include publishing advisors, professional editors, cover designers, marketing teams, and distribution networks.

 Working with industry professionals can significantly enhance a book’s overall quality and marketability. It demonstrates that experienced professionals have recognized and supported the author’s work.

No. 3: Credibility and Prestige

Being published by a reputable publishing house lends credibility and prestige to an author’s work.

Readers, bookstores, and literary circles often regard authors published by a publisher as having undergone a selective process and having their work recognized by established industry gatekeepers.

This recognition can increase visibility, media coverage, and access to larger platforms, further enhancing the author’s reputation.

No. 4 : Is Reach and Distribution

Publishers offer authors broader reach and distribution channels. Established publishing houses have well-established distribution networks that can ensure wider availability of their books in physical stores and online platforms.

This broader reach allows published authors to connect with a larger audience, increase their readership, and potentially significantly impact their work.

Now, the most crucial point: Marketing and Promotion

Marketing and Promotion

Publishing houses have dedicated marketing and promotional teams that promote their authors and books. These teams employ various strategies, including book tours, media appearances, social media campaigns, and targeted advertising.

 Publishing houses’ additional support and resources can significantly enhance an author’s visibility and audience engagement.

You know,” While self-publishing has opened up opportunities for many authors and can lead to success stories, it’s essential to acknowledge the distinct advantages that published authors often enjoy.

Validation, access to resources and expertise, credibility, reach, and marketing support are among the reasons published authors are respected.

However, it’s essential to remember that the publishing landscape is evolving, and self-publishing has merits and successes. The most important aspect is the quality of the writing, regardless of the chosen publishing route.


If you’d like to get help and support on writing your own book, speak to a trained publishing advisor from Stardom Books.

All you have to do is log on to http://www.stardombooks.comand click the button to schedule your call.

It’s free, and you can discuss your book idea. Find out if it’s the right choice for you or not. Schedule your call today only at

5 Rules To Create An Interesting Non-Fiction Book In 2023


Creating an interesting nonfiction book requires following 5 critical rules – Summary

This summary provides advice about how to create an interesting and engaging nonfiction book.

 It encourages authors to consider their goal for their book and their audience before beginning their project.

Furthermore, authors should focus on teaching rather than just telling, use professional language, plan and structure their book, set achievable targets throughout the process, and not be afraid to ask for help.

Additionally, authors should include interactive elements such as assessments, ask questions at the end of each chapter, and use communication tools, such as video, chat, newsletter, and messaging to interact with their readers.

Finally, authors should make their book stand out from the crowd by keeping it simple and updating their knowledge on the topic.

Following these five rules will ensure the success of an engaging and interesting nonfiction book.


Are you looking to create an interesting and engaging nonfiction book?

Then you need to follow these five rules to ensure it stands out from the crowd.

Creating an interesting nonfiction book requires following five critical rules.

Based on working with 200 authors worldwide, these rules are essential for writing books in the nonfiction categories of business and leadership.

The tone of voice should be kept professional, and these rules will not apply to fiction, poetry, textbooks, or academic books.

Writing a book is a great way to build a fanbase, but it’s essential to make sure you have an audience and purpose in mind before you begin.

When selecting a goal for your book, it’s vital to make sure it’s not just because someone else has done it or because someone asked you to do it – it should be because you want to help others and make it an interesting read.

To ensure you create a book that is meaningful and fulfilling, here are five rules to keep in mind:

Rules for creating an interesting nonfiction book !

Firstly, please focus on the goal of your book, not its topic; secondly, ensure your tone of voice is professional; thirdly, take time to plan and structure your book; fourthly, set achievable targets throughout the writing process; and fifth, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

With these tips in mind, you can confidently begin writing your book and achieving your goal.

First Rule for creating an interesting nonfiction book – Genuine Interest

The first rule for writing a successful book is to have a genuine interest in your audience. This means taking the time to get to know your readers and understanding their wants and needs.

It is not enough to simply write about what you are interested in; you must consider what your readers will find valuable or interesting.

By cultivating an interest in your readers, you can ensure that your book will be interesting and engaging for them.

This will be the first step to writing a book that will be widely read.

The recommendation was that people should read a book if they want to take action and become followers. If the book is not interesting, it will likely go back on the shelf, never to be opened again.

However, if it is interesting, readers will not only finish it but also take action to reach out to the author, becoming a follower and a fan.

Second Rule for creating an interesting nonfiction book -Write To Teach

Writing an interesting nonfiction book is the second thing people should do, as it is a perfect medium for teaching rather than simply telling.

Example 1 – Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

A classic example of a successful nonfiction book is Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The author should create an interesting book that teaches, rather than tells to create the attention of their readers.

Stephen Covey’s The Seven Habits is a book that provides a context, definition, training, examples, situations, other references, and a framework for each habit discussed.

It also asks questions and provides answers to drive the point. This book is written to teach, and authors can take their topic, break it down into teaching points, and teach one point per chapter or five points per chapter.

Example 2: Thriving Hacks

For example, Ravi Kumar’s book Thriving Hacks discusses hundreds of hacks in each chapter, subdivided into different areas of life such as career and finance.

Regardless, the authors we work with have the same goal: writing to teach well. We don’t simply accept a manuscript and start working on improving it; our approach is quite different.

Third Rule for creating an interesting nonfiction book – Interact

At our publishing house, we don’t just start working on a manuscript when it is submitted; instead, we start at the basic level.

Authors only need an idea for a book and don’t even need to know the topic.

We will help them figure out the book’s details, and make it more interesting to engage with the audience.

How can you engage in a book?

I mean, you cannot interact in a video now, but how can you interact in a book if you are chatting with someone if you are messaging if you are on WhatsApp, you can interact, right?

But how do you interact in a book?

That is precisely why you should do this.

Importance Of Communication:

Gone are the days when books were a one-way communication with the author simply telling and teaching something to the reader.

Today, communication is much more interactive, and the author is available in many different forms, both online and offline, making it easier to communicate with readers.

To make nonfiction books more interesting, authors should include interactive elements such as asking questions at the end of each chapter and adding assessments for readers to rate themselves.

This will not only be engaging, but it will also allow readers to ask questions, answer them and rate themselves.

This two-way communication benefits both authors and readers and will help create a more enjoyable reading experience.

In a way, it can become like a workbook at the end of the chapter, providing readers with a unique opportunity to interact with the author, watch videos, join a mailing list, or send messages.

This presents an opportunity to take advantage of the interconnectedness of the Internet, connecting readers to the author and the author to the readers, creating a list of fans and followers.

In this way, publishing a book is no longer an independent strategy but one deeply interconnected with the rest of the world.

Fourth Rule for creating an interesting nonfiction book – K.I.S.S – Keep it simple , stupid

To make a book more interesting and to engage readers, authors must use strategies that bestselling authors employ.

This includes keeping the content simple and avoiding the temptation of trying to put everything they know into the book.

Additionally, authors should be bold in expressing their love or appreciation to their family members, whether through words or gestures.

Using these strategies, authors can create a book that is both interesting and engaging for their readers.

Fifth Rule for creating an interesting nonfiction book – Good, Better Or Best

The importance of shifting your mindset when confronting difficulties and the best someone can do in any given task.

When facing difficulties, it is best to recognize that you have done your best and that the same should be expected of others.

It encourages us to challenge ourselves to do better in our tasks, which better means being more informed and updating our knowledge on the topic.

With a professional tone, it encourages us to strive for the best and not accept mediocrity.


With the ever-evolving world, it is natural to want to improve things.

As a professional, CEO, or expert, you have the unique knowledge and insights that could make your version of a book even better.

If you decide to do this, it is important to make it enjoyable and better than what others have taught, thus making it stand out from the crowd.

Professionally speaking, what are you teaching? Those same teachings can be found in a book, video, documentary, course, or seminar.

When authors work with us, we coach them to choose their topic, as strategy is essential.

To ensure everyone gets the best, you need to be aware of the problems your audience is facing and know more about them to teach how to solve their problems and why you are teaching them.

In order to be successful as an author, it is important to keep your writing simple and interactive.

This allows readers to comprehend the information being shared easily and to absorb your knowledge, insights, and perspective.

Furthermore, if done well, it can lead to international fame and success.

Most successful authors were not well-known before writing their book, but achieved their fame through the use of effective strategies.

Therefore, taking the time to master the art of writing and stimulating your audience will prove to be invaluable in becoming an international bestselling author.

If you’re looking to create an interesting nonfiction book then follow these five rules:
  • Think freely about creating your book.
  • Go ahead and believe in yourself to become an international bestselling author.
  • Watch out for the next video.
  • Keep smiling.
  • Get all the best things in life.

Doing so will lead to success, so take the initiative and strive to achieve your goals. With a professional attitude, you can do it.

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Book Writing Workshop – Write Your Book Now !

Have you not written a book yet?

Well, now you can because USA publisher “Stardom Books” has just launched its “Bestseller Bootcamp”

The world’s greatest book writing program for first-time aspiring authors, growth-oriented experts, and serious leaders.

This is advanced, high-level.

Bestseller Bootcamp is where the world’s top achievers create and publish their own bestsellers.

You can do it too from scratch even if you have never written before.

For More Information:

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