Raam Anand presents the E.N.P.O.P framework in his video, a tool for evaluating the potential success of projects like writing a book or starting a business.
The framework comprises five elements: Enjoyment, Need/Want by the world, Pay Willingly (market’s willingness to pay), Operational Efficiency, and Profitability to Sustain.
Viewers are encouraged to rate each aspect on a scale of 1 to 10.
A total score of 35 or above indicates a viable project. Raam emphasizes the importance of this methodology in decision-making and encourages engagement through likes, comments, and sharing.
He concludes by motivating viewers to use E.N.P.O.P for achieving success.
Transcript – Decision Making Framework

Today, I have some exciting and big ideas to share with you.
This is about choosing what you are doing right now or what you want to do.
There is a framework. I’m a framework person. I bring different types of frameworks to get things done. Frameworks are like formulas, like a chemistry formula, like, you know, like these two, three, four things put together in these conditions produce these results.
It is certain. The results are inevitable. Not to ensure results in this volatile world, I use frameworks for most of my things.
Today, I want to share the E.N.P.O.P framework with you. E.N.P.O.P. is an acronym.
Let me walk you through that.
What is First E In E.N.P.O.P Decision Making Framework :
The first E is about choosing the work you are doing or want to do so that it makes so much sense.
Let’s say you want to write a book, for example, how to know whether this will work for you or you want to start a new business.
How do you know in advance that you can succeed in this? Or you want to develop a new skill.
How do you know the time and resources you spend will be worthwhile for you, and how do you measure this? So, I have this framework for you.

The first E stands for Enjoyment
I want you to score yourself on a scale of one to ten. I will give you all these questions or ask you five questions. All right.
How much do you enjoy putting effort into doing this work? On a scale of one to ten?
One is no. I would not say I like it, but it’s necessary. I have to do it. I must do it. The joy part is not there.
This is grunting work. If you feel it that way, it’s 1,10.
I want to get started as quickly as possible. That is ten. So, score yourself one to ten.
No number is the right or wrong answer. Just go with your intuition and see what comes out.
N stands for the need of or needed by the market
The second thing I would score myself on is how much the world needs or wants this, whatever you are creating.
For example, let’s say imagine you’re writing a book. So, how much do you enjoy doing this project?
The second question is, how much does the world need this or want this like you’re putting together?
Maybe. Let’s say you want to write about your journey.
Does the world want it? Or you want to write about a book, about your insights.
So how much does the world want it. So, that is a question on a scale of one to ten.
I don’t think anybody needs this, wants this. Maybe just me and my family on the other side.
Ten means the world needs this. Millions of people may want this insight, product, or service, whatever you are trying to do. Your project, the output of your project, is one to ten. Score yourself on that.
P stands for pay willingly
Now, P stands for pay willingly, which means, are people willing to pay for this product, service, or book you are trying to create?
Are people willing to pay?
That’s the P: pay for risk. Again, score from one to ten. One is nobody wants to pay for this willingly, but I don’t care
This is something that people need and want, and it solves a problem. People are willing to pay. “They are eager for a solution and willing to invest in it. They are already facing challenges and will readily embrace the valuable information, insights, products, or services I am about to offer.
It is scored on a scale of one to ten.
“O” operates efficiently
Can this be operated, used, or fulfilled efficiently?
On a scale of one to ten?
One -No, it’s very, very difficult to fulfill this. It’s an excellent service, for example, but it takes work. Or it’s a great product, challenging to fulfill. It’s a fantastic offer but can only be done with all these limitations. On the other side ,this is something that can be efficiently fulfilled.
If it is a product, it can be efficiently sold and purchased. Or if it is a service, it can be efficiently fulfilled and serviced.
So, that is a scale from one to ten. Score yourself on that.
The final P: Profitability to Sustain
The last p is profitability to sustain.
Very, very important. So, is this profitable enough to sustain? That is a question.
On a scale of one to ten, score whether you think it is profitable to continue doing this. The one stands for no, it’s not at all worthwhile.
I don’t know. It is too risky. On the scale, a score of ten indicates that, yes, this looks profitable, and it can be sustained.
There is enough buffer or margin involved to sell this over time sustainably.
There are five questions. On a scale of one to ten each, the maximum score is 50.
The minimum score is zero. Or even if you give one, it is five. So, your score could be anywhere between five or zero to 50. If you scored 50, go ahead, start doing it. But what you consider as doable is my experience using this framework myself.
Also, I have taught this to many people, especially authors and aspiring authors, who have used this in their business and during this book writing project.
When we used this framework, we figured out that any number above 35, 35, and above.
If your score is 35 and above, this project will work for you. If it is anything below 35, then you need to look. Take a look at the options once again.
You may need to work on the project. Move these needles here and there and push the dials up and down.
Ensure that you achieve at least 35 on this scale to complete, fulfill, and complete your project.
Conclusion – Decision Making Framework
I hope you like this blog. If you did, let me know by liking this blog, commenting, and sharing it with two other people.
Keep smiling, believe in yourself, and then E.N.P.O.P your way to success.
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