
Hi there, Raam Anand here once again. One of the biggest questions I always get, the most common questions that I always get, is, Raam, how do I put out unique content that nobody else has already shared or something that people already do not know?
I get this from all kinds of people, especially when someone is trying to write a book; they want to make sure that the content within their book is unique and something that nobody else has already shared.
Here are ten big ideas just for this purpose.
It could be in the form of a book. It could be a video, blog post, or your talks.
It could be anything. But how do you ensure you don’t share something already out there?
Or you don’t have to settle with sharing those same cat videos or forwarding something else that is not your own or something that you have created or you are proud of.
Here are ten significant ways to share your unique content with the world that nobody else can share. I’m 100% sure I can guarantee that people will not know that you can share big ideas on these things.
Let’s Explore Top 10 Ideas
1)Unique Life Lessons

Share the distinct lessons you have learned from the biggest challenges you face in your career, business, or life.
Of course, we all have faced challenges, right? We have come this far. You have come this far by facing and overcoming many difficulties.
You have come to this level with your grit, determination, and hard work.
I’m sure about that. You will also agree when you share your unique life lesson. I say unique because your life is nothing like anybody else’s life.
True. So, when you share your unique life lessons and what you have learned, what challenges have you overcome that will be unique?
Nobody else can share your life lessons better than you can, right?
So, this is idea number one. Share unique life lessons so that these lessons are as unique and fresh as you are.
2)Behind The Scenes | Top 10 Ideas

Behind-the-scenes offer a time-the-scenes look at how you operate in your profession or business, vastly different from the usual. You know what I mean?
Let’s say you are a professional. Let’s say you’re a doctor or a surgeon. You could share a few clips of what happens before, during, or after surgery.
Maybe you are an engineer. You set to do something that you do every day that is very normal for you to do that is very special for other people.
For example, consider me.
How do I coach people when we are working to help them create their own books? What do we do and say, and how do we work on that?
These are some ideas that I can share behind the scenes.
How do we create videos like this? For example, what kind of camera, gear, setup, lights, and software do I use?
This could be precious content. The behind-the-scenes content could be very unique.
They would have kept those kinds of ideas private from their audience, and I am saying all these things and giving you examples so that you can apply and see these ideas in your situation.
3)Mistakes and Missteps | Top 10 Ideas

Idea number three is essential. Most people miss these precious mistakes and missteps, mistakes and missteps, successes or along with success.
Talk about the times when you failed and the unexpected learnings that arose from those failures.
For example, I have failed many times to create videos like this.
In the early days, I didn’t know what gear to use, what kind of camera to use, or even how to present myself. I used to freeze in front of the camera.
That happens to everybody. So, when I share these mistakes and missteps like what happened, that will give a lot of hope and help to so many people because you are saving their time, you are saving them effort, and most importantly, you are saving people from the same frustrations that you faced when you took those missteps or made those mistakes.
Again, as you can see, this would be unique because your mistakes and missteps are very personal to you and specific to your condition. So, when you share them, it is guaranteed there will be unique and valuable content as well.
4)Personal Systems |Top 10 Ideas

Personal Systems is fantastic. I’m sure you all, we all together, have our systems and unique ways of doing things.
It’s like diving deep into the specifics of, let’s say, systems, tools, software, or the processes you have developed to enhance anything.
It could be to processes you have developed to enhance productivity, performance, creativity, or business efficiency.
It could be anything. I’m sure you have created your own set of rules, set of ideas, step by step processes.
Sharing those ideas could be unique and helpful; again, nobody else can share the systems you have developed.
It can be simple stuff. It could be simple things like three steps to shoot a good video.
You may have figured it out—five steps to do something or seven steps from point A to point B.
This could be your process, and you can share those processes. Those are very unique to you and very special to other people. These things will make people connect with you deeply at significantly deeper levels because you share all these ideas with them. And you don’t have to share all of these ideas. I’m giving you examples.
I’m giving you ten different ideas. You can use one or two ideas, maybe one or two, three ideas in your book, maybe one or two, three ideas in your videos, maybe in your blog post here and there.
So, write them down and use them in your content creation. All right?
I hope you like it so far.
5)Influences From Unrelated Fields | Top 10 Ideas

Influences from unrelated fields. What do I mean by that?
You are cross-pollinating your ideas by applying principles from different fields to your expertise—for instance, this idea of ecosystem.
People always think the word ecosystem comes from biology, right? And when you apply that word or idea to startups, we all talk about the startup ecosystem, right?
You could bring something like that from a different industry or a different concept and bring it to your industry or your topics.
You can coin phrases and stamp your words, which would be unique and special. And you will become known for these things, bringing different ideas, concepts, and influences from unrelated areas, such as biology and startup.
They could be related, but people are discussing startup ecosystems like that. You can create your own influences.
6)Why of Decisions

Instead of just discussing the good or bad decisions you may have made, why don’t you dissect the thought process that led you to make those decisions?
Sometimes, the why can be more enlightening than the what. You know what I mean?
Talking about why you made those decisions and what led you to make those decisions could be a unique experience for you to share with your audience. And when I say audience, it could be your group, spouse, children, entire audience, customers or fan followings, social media followers, or people who read your books.
All these ideas come from my idea of coaching first-time authors, usually at the leadership level, telling them what kind of content they need to bring out when they want to write their own books.
All right, next one.
It is something unique you can put out there, which is also helpful.
7)Adapting to Change | Top 10 Ideas

We all have adapted to change, right? I’m sure you have adjusted to change as well.
Share stories about the circumstances that led you to adapt and how you evolved your thinking.
Your process, you’re thinking. How did it all change? You are not the same person you were in high school, right? Or when you were in college, or when you just came out of college, or when you got married.
Today, you may be different. So, what led you to those changes?
How did you adapt to the situation?
Changing the surroundings changes the environment, and the market conditions also change. So how did you adapt?
Those are very, very unique to you. And those are also valuable information that can inspire many people, help many people, and be especially useful for many people and more exciting and valuable than sharing someone else’s content.
You will feel proud of your accomplishments or growth and it will also help you connect with your audience at deeper levels.
By sharing your ideas, you are helping other people or inspiring them. That’s why you become an even better thought leader than you had already thought, than you think that you are.
8)Global and Local Interplay | Top 10 Ideas

It is exciting because of today’s environment, the extensive global landscape we are all familiar with, and the idea of global and local interplay.
How are they interplaying with each other in an increasingly globalized world?
How do the local nuances play out globally in your field?
Talk about those things. Share your on-the-ground experiences, and share what you think is what we call thinking global and doing local, maybe, or in some other context, from local to international.
How do these two ideas interplay? We are thinking about competing globally with giants, and locally, we are creating a big difference. How do you combine these two?
What is your idea, or what are your thought processes? What are your concepts, and what do you want to discuss these two big ideas? How do they interplay that could be unique to you, your industry, and your experiences?
9)Blind Spots

Explore areas in your field that you feel are what you call blind spots or taboos, something that needs an open discussion, something that people are afraid to do or hesitant to do.
What are those things, and how do we bring those ideas and these concepts into the open discussion?
- Talk about those ideas.
- Talk about those blind spots.
- Talk about all these critical elements that people may not be doing but are doing, or they should be doing but are not doing.
All right?
So, when I work with experts, we ask them two different kinds of questions. One is the Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ). These are questions that people are already asking.
The other set should ask questions. These are SAQS should ask questions.
When you list questions that people should be asking you, they are not. People should be talking about this, but they are not.
They may always ask the wrong questions, but they should instead be asking these questions. So, these are the blind spots, and these are the taboos.
These are the controversial things that nobody wants to talk about. So, talk about those things, talk about these areas, and then your content will be unique, memorable, and valuable at the same time.
10)Future Predictions

You are an expert. You have earned your expertise in some field, in some topic. You have spent your life working on this topic. In this industry, in this profession, your life work is behind you. And when you are an expert, who is known as an expert in the first place, someone who knows the classic, the things that used to work previously, someone who knows what’s going on, the present situation, the contemporary ideas, and someone who can also make a fair prediction into the future.
The outlook, the future outlook. Those are the experts; you may have seen them on TV. They get invited all the time. Someone, let’s say the TV show, wants to ask an astrology expert, so they bring an expert.
How do they know that someone is an expert?
Because they see the past, they know they have the present and a good handle on the present. At the same time, they also know that they can predict the future accurately. So, based on your experience, what do you foresee for the future in your industry, field, or topic?
Those are the future predictions.
For example:
- How simple would your specific industry be?
- What do you think will happen next year, in the next twelve months, in the next two or five years?
- What do you think based on your experience? You’ve been in this industry for some time now.
- You know what’s going on. How might the situation change?
What can come? Technology, for example.
What new technology can come? And how do you think people should handle those recent changes? What is the evolution, and what are the revolutions that will happen in your industry, in your topic?
Talk about those things.
I hope you enjoyed this video and that it gives you different angles from which to look at creativity.
Content is the king and the queen, and the entire council of ministers in this new era of the next 10-20 years will be the era of experts, the age of content. Content continues to become unique, especially after the generative AI comes in; people’s content will become even more special.
Google can give you some content. Some chat GPT can give you some content.
Some other generative AI can give content. But people want something else. People wish to see your unique perspectives. They want your ideas. They want your experiences because they are unique to you.
How did you handle all these things?
These ten ideas give you different angles to share your content with the world. Share your message with the world in a unique and valuable way.
Thank you for watching.
Let’s meet again in another video, a seminar, or an event where we can bump into each other.
Until then, keep smiling, believe in yourself, and get all the best things in life.
Planning To Write A Book In 2024?
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