Will Trademark or IP Registration Protect My Interests?



Registering your trademark or intellectual property DOES NOT guarantee success. It will only entitle you to take a legal recourse if someone copies your idea without your permission.

Look, it may sound contrary to what many people are saying, but let me ask you…

Does every patent, trademark or IP registration become successful or even profitable? Obviously, not. Isn’t it? It is like applying for your drivers license and believing that you will get it without a test.

It’s not just the registration… it’s the process that’s behind the registration. It’s your leadership, your vision and your personal magic that drives your success, right?

If you are a growing leader, the captain of your business or profession, it’s easy to get entangled in the web of such important but non-productive activities. So, leave the legal stuff to your legal advisor, and focus on creating a BOOK around your expertise, experience, or knowledge, which is considered to be the #1 strategy today to build personal branding and increase your influence.

Well, your own book also doubles up as a protection tool because as soon as it is published by a publisher, you get automatic copyrights on everything you share in your book. How cool is that?

It’s like protection on steroids — when you publish a book you get your copyrights automatically registered and it also becomes a powerful branding and persuasion tool for you as well.

Your book can replace your business card and brochure… and you can give your book to everyone you come across or ask them to buy. Can you do this with your trademark registration?

You can continue to struggle with copyrights, patents, and IPRs or outsource that to someone else and shift your energies on writing your own book. It’s fast and simple. You can do it even if you have never written anything before. Let me teach you how at www.raamanand.com.

Join me and thousands of other experts, entrepreneurs, and professionals at Stardom Publishing and win at work, life, and career.

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